As Amended by House Committee
Session of 2000
By Committee on Utilities
requesting the State Corporation Commission assem-
11 ble the Kansas Energy
Task Force to conduct a study and evaluation
12 regarding energy and
energy policy and submit a report and recom-
13 mendations to the
Legislature and Governor.
16 Be it resolved by
the House of Representatives of the State of Kan-
17 sas: That the State Corporation
Commission be requested to assemble
18 the Kansas Energy Task Force to conduct a
study regarding energy and
19 energy policy, which task force would be
staffed by the Commission staff
20 and would include the following members:
One member of the commis-
21 sion staff, who shall serve as chairperson
of the task force; one member
22 representing investor-owned electric
utilities; one member representing
23 distribution electric cooperatives; one
member representing gen-
24 eration and transmission electric
cooperatives; one member repre-
25 senting municipal electric utilities that
generate electricity; one member
26 representing oil producers; one member
representing gas producers; one
27 member representing oil refiners and
pipelines; one member represent-
28 ing gas pipelines and compressor operators;
one member representing
29 motor vehicle fuel dealers; one member
representing motor ve-
30 hicle fuel distributors; one member
representing generators of elec-
31 tricity from renewable energy; one member
representing the citizens'
32 utility ratepayer board (CURB); four
members representing the general
33 public; one member who is an economist from
an institution under the
34 State Board of Regents; one member
representing the Kansas Geological
35 Survey; and one member representing Kansas,
Inc.; and
36 Be it further
resolved: That the Kansas Energy Task Force be re-
37 quested to study, evaluate and make
recommendations regarding the
38 following:
39 (a) The price of
retail petroleum products as it relates to: Differences
40 across the state in supply and price; the
relationship of the retail price of
41 petroleum products to the wholesale crude
oil price; the impact of fluc-
42 tuations in crude oil prices on Kansas
production and on Kansas and
43 federal petroleum policies; the impact of
Kansas petroleum industry on
44 the Kansas economy; and the effect that a
rise in motor fuel prices has
1 on overall prices of consumer goods;
2 (b) the
price of natural gas and natural gas products, including
3 regulation of wellhead prices, as it
relates to: The Kansas economy; long-
4 term prospects for Kansas production;
the impact on Kansas of federal
5 natural gas policy encouraging
electric generation from natural gas; dif-
6 ferences in federal policies
regarding pass-through of state taxes on nat-
7 ural gas and coal; and means by which
Kansas consumers may secure
8 access to a greater percentage of
Kansas natural gas;
(c) impediments to construction of electric generation and
10 sion facilities; the impact of electricity
prices on consumption and con-
11 servation practices; and statewide
differences in electric prices;
12 (d) the role of
renewable energy sources and producers in meeting
13 Kansas' energy needs and helping meet the
objectives of the federal Clean
14 Air Act;
15 (e) forecasting
of state energy consumption needs and production
16 prospects for the years 2001 through
17 (f) the role of
energy conservation in relation to anticipated Kansas
18 production and prospective consumption;
19 (g) the need for
a state energy resource database tracking Kansas
20 energy production and consumption;
21 (h) the need for
and development of a coordinated energy policy for
22 the state; and
23 (i) such other
related issues as the task force identifies; and
24 Be it further
resolved: That the Kansas Energy Task Force be re-
25 quested to submit a report of its study,
evaluation and recommendations
26 to the Legislature and Governor on or
before January 8, 2001.