As Amended by House Committee
Session of 2000
By Committee on Utilities
requesting the State Corporation Commission to iden-
11 tify areas of the
state where advanced telecommunications services
12 have not been deployed
and where there are not plans for deployment
13 of such services by
January 1, 2002, and to assemble a task force to
14 study deployment of
such services in such areas.
16 Be it resolved by
the House of Representatives of the State of Kan-
17 sas: That the State Corporation
Commission be requested to identify
18 those areas of the state where
telecommunications services providing end
19 user service with a minimum speed of 128
kilobits per second (``advanced
20 telecommunications services'') have not
been deployed and where there
21 are not plans for deployment of such
services before January 1, 2002; and
22 Be it further
resolved: That the Commission be requested to identify
23 those areas by requesting information
regarding advanced telecommu-
24 nications services deployment from all
providers of such services regard-
25 less of the technology used by such
providers and regardless of whether
26 they are subject to the jurisdiction of the
Commission; and
27 Be it further
resolved: That the Commission is requested to
28 tify local exchanges that are nearing
capacity because of increased
29 data transmission and in which services
will likely be impaired be-
30 fore July 1, 2002, if the exchanges are
not upgraded; and
31 Be it further
resolved: That the Commission be requested to assem-
32 ble an Advanced Telecommunications Services
Task Force to study and
33 make recommendations regarding the
deployment of advanced telecom-
34 munications services in the areas so
identified and to include as members:
35 One member of the Commission staff,
who shall serve as chairperson;
36 one representative each of Southwestern
Bell Telephone of Kansas, ASI
37 and Sprint; two representatives of rural
local exchange carriers; two rep-
38 resentatives of competitive local exchange
carriers; one representative of
39 wireless carriers; one representative of
interexchange carriers; and one
40 representative of cable service providers;
41 Be it further
resolved: That the Task Force be requested to study
42 identify the locations and types of
advanced telecommunications services
43 that have been deployed or will be deployed
in the state before January
1 1, 2002; study and assess areas where
advanced telecommunications serv-
2 ices will not be deployed before
January 1, 2002; identify scheduled de-
3 ployment of such services in such
areas; study and recommend mecha-
4 nisms to provide incentives to deploy
such services in such areas; study
5 and recommend procedures and
alternatives for obtaining advanced tel-
6 ecommunications services if the
certificated provider fails to provide such
7 services, including allowing
noncertificated providers to provide such
8 services; and study and make
recommendations on other matters related
9 to advanced telecommunications
services; and
10 Be it further
resolved: That the Task Force be requested to submit
11 to the House Standing Committee on
Utilities and the Senate Committee
12 on Commerce, on or before the first day of
the 2001 regular legislative
13 session, a report of the study and
recommendations of the Task Force.