Session of 2000
By Representative Carmody
9 A
RESOLUTION amending the permanent rules of the House of Rep-
10 resentatives for the
1999-2000 biennium relating to amendments to
11 appropriation
13 Be it resolved by
the House of Representatives of the State of Kan-
14 sas: That the permanent rules
of the House of Representatives for the
15 1999-2000 biennium be amended by the
addition of a new rule to read
16 as follows:
17 ``Rule 2108.
Amendments to Appropriation Bills. Upon motion
18 approved by an affirmative vote of 63
members of the House of Repre-
19 sentatives, the consideration of any bill
specified in such motion which
20 contains one or more items of appropriation
of money shall be subject to
21 the following: An amendment that adds or
increases an item of appro-
22 priation of money shall not be in order
unless the amendment contains
23 an equal or greater reduction in one or
more other items of appropriation
24 of money in such bill. Such motion shall be
in order only after it has been
25 announced that the next order of business
is such bill, a member has been
26 recognized to carry the bill and no
amendment that adds or increases an
27 item of appropriation of money has yet been
offered to the bill. The
28 provisions of this motion shall not apply
to an amendment that makes an
29 adjustment in an item of appropriation of
money solely to correct a tech-
30 nical clerical error.''