Session of 2000
By Representative Alldritt
9 A
RESOLUTION relating to the rules of the House of
10 for the 1999-2000
biennium; amending Rule 1301, relating to com-
11 mittee meetings.
14 Be it resolved by
the House of Representatives of the State of Kan-
15 sas: That Rule 1301 be amended
to read as follows:
16 Rule 1301.
Committee Meetings; Time and Place. (a) When the
17 Legislature is in session, standing
committees shall meet at the times and
18 place assigned by the Speaker on the call
of the chairperson.
19 (b) Also, when
the Legislature is in session, a standing committee
20 shall meet upon written request of three
members of the committee.
21 Such a request shall be submitted to the
Speaker and the chairperson at
22 least one legislative day before the
requested time of meeting. The time
23 and place of a meeting under this
subsection (b) shall be set by the chair-
24 person with the approval of the
25 (c) Also, when
the Legislature is in session, a standing committee shall
26 meet upon written request of a majority
of all the members of the com-
27 mittee to hold a hearing on a bill or
resolution specified in the written
28 request. The request shall be submitted
to the Speaker and the chairperson
29 at least one legislative day before the
requested time of meeting to hold
30 the hearing. The time and place of a
meeting under this subsection (c)
31 shall be set by the chairperson with the
approval of the Speaker. At that
32 time and place the committee shall meet
and shall hold a hearing on the
33 bill or resolution specified in the
written request. If a bill specified in the
34 written request is subject to a bill
consideration deadline under subsection
35 (e) or (f) of joint rule 4 of the joint
rules of the Senate and House of
36 Representatives and the request for a
committee meeting and hearing on
37 the bill is made before such deadline
but the date for the committee meet-
38 ing is set for after the deadline, the
bill specified in the written request
39 shall be referred by the Speaker to a
standing committee of the House
40 which is exempt from bill consideration
deadlines under subsection (e) or
41 (f) of joint rule 4 of the joint rules
of the Senate and House of Represen-
42 tatives and then rereferred to the
committee of the House which is making
43 the request under this subsection (c)
for the hearing.