Session of 2000
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5077
By Committee on Environment
10 A
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION encouraging the United States
11 Congress to authorize
the use of ethanol in reformulated gasoline.
federal Clean Air Act requires the use of an oxy-
14 genate in reformulated gasoline used in
nonattainment areas; and
15 WHEREAS, This
requirement has resulted in important air quality
16 benefits to our nation; and
decision of petroleum refiners to use methyl terti-
18 ary-butyl ether (MTBE) rather than clean,
renewable ethanol has resulted
19 in serious degradation of groundwater in
some regions; and
Eliminating the oxygenate requirement is not necessary
21 to allow states to ban MTBE, and would harm
efforts to achieve the air
22 quality goals of the Clean Air Act; and
United States Department of Agriculture has de-
24 termined that ethanol can replace MTBE in
reformulated gasoline na-
25 tionwide within three years, without
increases in price or supply disrup-
26 tion; and
27 WHEREAS, The use
of ethanol not only reduces toxins and improves
28 air quality, it reduces America's
dependence on imported petroleum and
29 thereby reduces our nation's trade deficit
by some $12 billion over the
30 next 10 years, increases farm income by an
estimated $1 billion annually
31 and reduces farm program costs by creating
important new markets for
32 grain: Now, therefore,
33 Be it resolved by
the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
34 the Senate concurring
therein: That the Legislature encourages the
35 United States Congress to maintain its
commitment to the federal Clean
36 Air Act by retaining the oxygenate
requirement of the reformulated gas-
37 oline program and by implementing standards
that ensure the opportu-
38 nity for the use of ethanol blended
gasoline in any reformulated gasoline
39 program, thereby preserving the natural
environment, protecting the
40 public health and reducing the nation's
dependence upon foreign petro-
41 leum; and
42 Be it further
resolved: That the Secretary of State is directed to
43 provide an enrolled copy of this resolution
to the President of the United
1 States, the President of the United
States Senate, the Speaker of the
2 United States House of
Representatives and each member of the Kansas
3 Congressional Delegation.