Session of 2000
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5076
By Committee on Appropriations
10 A
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION memorializing the Congress of the
11 United States to
expeditiously reauthorize the Ryan White Compre-
12 hensive AIDS Resources
Emergency (CARE) Act in order to ensure
13 that the expanding
medical care and support services needs of individ-
14 uals living with HIV
disease are met.
State of Kansas created an HIV/AIDS Section within
17 the Department of Health and Environment to
proactively address issues
18 relating to HIV/AIDS, and which office now
directly administers the ex-
19 penditure of Federal and State funds to
combat the disease; and
20 WHEREAS, It is
estimated by the Kansas HIV/AIDS Surveillance and
21 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
that more than 3,000 resi-
22 dents of Kansas are currently living with
HIV disease and it is estimated
23 that approximately 1/3 of Kansans with HIV
disease are unaware of their
24 diagnosis, and hundreds of individuals know
that they are HIV-positive
25 but are not receiving care regularly;
26 WHEREAS, Due to
advancements in increasingly expensive phar-
27 maceutical therapies and an increasing
focus on early intervention and
28 treatment, the number of individuals living
with HIV disease has grown
29 significantly; the progression from HIV to
an AIDS diagnosis for many
30 has slowed considerably as a result of
these therapies and the reduction
31 in the number of deaths from HIV disease
have declined dramatically;
32 and
33 WHEREAS, It is
estimated by the Centers for Disease Control and
34 Prevention that there are 40,000 new HIV
infections in the United States
35 each year; and
HIV/AIDS in Kansas disproportionately impacts com-
37 munities of color, gay and bisexual men and
women, as well as econom-
38 ically-depressed and other underserved
communities; and
39 WHEREAS, Kansas
looks to the Federal Government to assist the
40 State in meeting the expanding health care
and social services needs of
41 people living with HIV disease; and
Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources
43 Emergency (CARE) Act was first adopted by
Congress in 1990; and
The Ryan White CARE Act expires on September 30,
2 2000; and
Since its inception, the Ryan White CARE Act has en-
4 sured the delivery of vital medical
care and treatment and essential sup-
5 port services to thousands of people,
including medical examinations, lab-
6 oratory procedures and evaluations,
pharmaceuticals, dental care, case
7 management, transportation, housing,
legal assistance, benefits education
8 and assistance, treatment education
and adherence, and mental health
9 counseling; and
10 WHEREAS, Under
Federal law, the Ryan White CARE Act is des-
11 ignated as the provider of last resort;
therefore, it is recognized as the
12 critical safety net program for low-income
uninsured or underinsured
13 individuals; and
14 WHEREAS, Funding
under Title II of the Ryan White CARE Act
15 pays for care, treatment and social
services; and
16 WHEREAS, Over
70% of this funding pays for life-extending and life-
17 saving pharmaceuticals under Kansas's AIDS
Drug Assistance Program
18 (ADAP); and
19 WHEREAS, Title
III of the Ryan White CARE Act provides funding
20 to public and private nonprofit entities in
Kansas for outpatient early
21 intervention and primary care services:
Now, therefore,
22 Be it resolved by
the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
23 the Senate concurring therein:
24 That the Kansas
Legislature hereby affirms its support of the Ryan
25 White CARE Act, and urges the Congress of
the United States to expe-
26 ditiously reauthorize and adequately fund
the Act in order to ensure that
27 the expanding medical care and support
services needs of individuals
28 living with HIV disease are met;
29 That the Kansas
Legislature hereby urges that Congress as it reau-
30 thorizes the act and establishes the
formulas for allocation of funding
31 ensures that states with large rural areas
and with lower morbidity are
32 not forgotten and are provided with
adequate funding as the provision of
33 care in these areas is more difficult and
often more expensive per capita
34 than urban and suburban areas;
35 That the Kansas
Legislature hereby urges Congress to take note of
36 pharmaceutical costs which have increased
at rates in excess of 10% per
37 year and continue to have a dramatic impact
on the Ryan White Care Act
38 and other programs, and explores ways to
reduce the impact of this issue
39 on health care costs; and
40 Be it further
resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to
41 transmit a copy of this resolution to the
President and Vice President of
42 the United States, the Senate Majority and
Minority Leaders, the Speaker
43 of the House of Representatives and the
House Minority Leader, the
1 Chairpersons and Ranking Minority
Members of the Senate Health, Ed-
2 ucation, Labor and Pensions,
Appropriations, and Budget Committees,
3 and to the Chairpersons and Ranking
Minority Members of the House
4 Commerce, Appropriations, and Budget
Committees, and to each Sen-
5 ator and Representative from Kansas
in the Congress of the United
6 States.