Session of 2000
Effective: April 7, 2000
A Concurrent Resolution supporting the establishment of a center for the
scientific study of medicinal plants.
� � � WHEREAS,� Great potential benefit exists in the use of medicinal
plants; and
� � � WHEREAS,� There are 103 medicinal plants known to be native to
Kansas and an unknown number are yet to be identified; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Consumer use of medicinal plants is rapidly increasing;
� � � WHEREAS,� Kansas has the ideal resources to develop and standard-
ize medicinal plants and supply the world with the highest quality phy-
tomedicines in the future; and
� � � WHEREAS,� The establishment of the Great Plains Comprehensive
Agricultural and Medical Institute for the study of Medicinal Plants
(Great Plains CAMI) is an essential element of realizing potential benefits
from the use of medicinal plants; and
� � � WHEREAS,� Great Plains CAMI would be a center composed of re-
search scientists, advisers and resources provided by the University of
Kansas, Kansas State University, the University of Kansas Medical Center,
Wichita State University and Washburn University; and
� � � WHEREAS,� The center will research production models for medici-
nal plants as alternative agricultural crops, develop bio-assay techniques
to identify and standardize essential components, evaluate the medical
efficacy of potential phytomedicinal products and determine effective
means of educating the medical community and general public as to the
use of phytomedicinal products: Now, therefore,
� � � Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
the Senate concurring therein:�That we support the establishment in
Kansas of a center for the scientific study of medicinal plants; and
� � � Be it further resolved:�That we support the efforts of the research
institutions of the State of Kansas to secure funding from the National
Institutes of Health and the United States Department of Agriculture for
establishment and development of the center in Kansas; and
� � � Be it further resolved:�That the Secretary of State be directed to send
enrolled copies of this resolution to the Secretary of the United States
Department of Agriculture, the United States Secretary of Health and
each member of the Kansas Congressional Delegation.