Session of 2000
House Concurrent Resolution No. 5053
By Committee on Environment
10 A
CONCURRENT RESOLUTION urging the Kansas Department of
11 Transportation to
develop and implement a system for the inventory-
12 ing and replanting of
trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses as a part of all
13 highway projects.
Kansas Department of Transportation during high-
16 way projects routinely and without
accountability destroys Kansas native
17 hardwood trees, deciduous trees, shrubs,
flowers and grasses; and
18 WHEREAS, Such
destruction has taken place and is taking place in
19 the eastern half of Kansas on United States
highway 24 east of Tonga-
20 noxie, United States highway 75 north of
Topeka to Holton, United States
21 highway 24 west of Wamego, the Oakland
Expressway just northeast of
22 Topeka with additional destruction planned
for a linkup with the Kansas
23 Turnpike, Interstate highway 435 on Kansas
City's west side, United
24 States highway 50 west of Emporia all the
way to Newton, United States
25 highway 75 north of Independence, Kansas
highway 92 west of Oskaloosa,
26 and such destruction may yet occur on
Kansas wetlands on the Kansas
27 highway 10 bypass around Lawrence, and
United States highway 59 be-
28 tween Lawrence and Ottawa; and
game and nongame species of Kansas including birds,
30 furbearers, rabbits, squirrels, deer and
turkey are totally dependent on
31 these trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses
for survival; and
numbers of neotropical birds in eastern Kansas and
33 quail are declining dramatically; and
34 WHEREAS, Trees
bind the soil against water and wind erosion, pro-
35 duce oxygen critical to the survival of all
living things, provide critical
36 wildlife habitat, reduce noise, cleanse the
air of pollutants and produce
37 windbreaks: Now, therefore,
38 Be it resolved by
the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
39 the Senate concurring
therein: That the Kansas Legislature urges the
40 Kansas Department of Transportation to
develop and implement a system
41 for the inventorying and replanting of
trees, shrubs, flowers and grasses
42 as a part of all highway projects; and
43 Be it further
resolved: That the Kansas Department of Transportation
1 work in conjunction with the Kansas
Department of Wildlife and Parks
2 and Kansas forest service to develop
and implement such system for the
3 inventorying and replanting of trees,
shrubs, flowers and grasses.