Session of 2000
Effective: Upon Adoption


� � A Concurrent Resolution urging Congress to pass legislation allowing state-inspected
� � � �meat and meat products to be shipped interstate and to pass legislation increasing the
� � ���number of poultry to be slaughtered at home and offered for sale to the consumer.

� � �
� � � WHEREAS,� All regulations for state inspected commercial meat
plants must be equal to or more strict than the federal regulations; and

� � � WHEREAS,� Since state inspected meat and meat products must be
equal to the federal regulations, meat and meat products should be al-
lowed to be shipped across state lines; and

� � � WHEREAS,� Currently, annually, only 1,000 poultry may be slaugh-
tered at home and offered for sale to the consumer; and

� � � WHEREAS,� To meet current consumer demand, such number should
be increased to 3,000 poultry:�Now, therefore,

� � � Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Kansas,
the Senate concurring therein:�That Congress pass legislation allowing
state-inspected meat and meat products to be shipped interstate; and

� � � Be it further resolved:�That Congress pass legislation increasing the
number of poultry to be slaughtered at home from 1,000 to 3,000; and

� � � Be it further resolved:�That the Secretary of State be directed to send
enrolled copies of this resolution to the President of the United States;
the Vice-President of the United States; Majority Leader and Minority
Leader of the United States Senate; the Speaker, Majority Leader and
Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives; the Sec-
retary of the United States Department of Agriculture; and to each mem-
ber of the Kansas Congressional Delegation.