Session of 2000
By Committee on Appropriations
concerning courts; relating to court of appeals; amending
11 20-3002, 20-3005 and
20-3006 and repealing the existing sections; also
12 repealing K.S.A.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. K.S.A. 20-3002 is hereby amended to read as follows:
16 3002. (a) On and after July 1, 2000,
through June 30, 2001, the court of
17 appeals shall consist of
10 11 judges whose positions shall be
18 one to 10 11. On and
after July 1, 2001, through June 30, 2002, the court
19 of appeals shall consist of 12 judges
whose positions shall be numbered
20 one to 12. On and after July 1, 2002,
through June 30, 2003, the court of
21 appeals shall consist of 13 judges whose
positions shall be numbered one
22 to 13. On and after July 1, 2003, the
court of appeals shall consist of 14
23 judges whose positions shall be numbered
one to 14. Judges of the court
24 of appeals shall possess the qualifications
prescribed by law for justices
25 of the supreme court.
26 (b) Judges of the
court of appeals shall be selected in the manner
27 provided by K.S.A. 20-3003 through 20-3010,
and amendments thereto.
28 Each judge of the court of appeals shall
receive an annual salary in the
29 amount prescribed by law. No judge of the
court of appeals may receive
30 additional compensation for official
services performed by the judge.
31 Each such judge shall be reimbursed for
expenses incurred in the per-
32 formance of such judge's official duties in
the same manner and to the
33 same extent justices of the supreme court
are reimbursed for such
34 expenses.
35 (c) The supreme
court may assign a judge of the court of appeals to
36 serve temporarily on the supreme court.
37 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 20-3005 is hereby amended to read as follows:
38 3005. On the respective July 1,
1987, pursuant to subsection (a) of
39 20-3002, and amendments thereto, the
clerk of the supreme court shall
40 notify the chairperson of the supreme court
nominating commission of
41 the number of vacant positions on the court
of appeals to be filled by
42 appointment. Upon receipt of such notice,
the chairperson shall cause
43 the call a meeting of
the commission to meet and submit to the
44 a panel of three nominees for the lowest
numbered position on the court
1 of appeals for which an appointment
is to be made. The governor shall
2 appoint one of such nominees to the
position on the court of appeals for
3 which the nominee was nominated
within 60 days from the time the panel
4 of nominations for such position is
submitted to the governor. If the
5 governor fails to make the
appointment within such time, the chief justice
6 of the supreme court shall make such
appointment from among the per-
7 sons so nominated
as provided in this section. When the appointment has
8 been made and the person has informed
the clerk of the supreme court
9 in writing of the person's acceptance
of such appointment, the clerk of
10 the supreme court shall so
notify the chairperson of the supreme court
11 nominating commission who again shall
cause the call a meeting of the
12 commission to meet and
submit to the governor another panel of three
13 nominees for the lowest numbered position
remaining on the court of
14 appeals for which no appointment has been
made. The process of nom-
15 ination and appointment provided
herein in this section shall be
16 until nominations and appointments have
been made for all positions on
17 the court of appeals for which appointments
are to be made. Each ap-
18 pointment to the court of appeals shall be
made from a separate panel of
19 nominees, and the appointment to each
position shall be made and ac-
20 cepted before any other panel of nominees
is submitted to the governor.
21 The nomination of a person on an earlier
panel shall not preclude the
22 person's nomination on a subsequent
23 Sec.
3. K.S.A. 20-3006 is hereby amended to read as follows:
24 3006. (a) Persons who are appointed as
judges of the court of appeals
25 pursuant to K.S.A. 20-3005 and amendments
thereto shall commence the
26 duties of their office
upon appointment, and each such judge shall
27 all the rights, privileges, powers and
duties prescribed by law for the office
28 of judge of the court of appeals. The
initial terms term of office for
29 sons the person
serving as judges judge of the court of
appeals in positions
30 eight, nine and 10
position 11 shall expire January 14, 1991
12, 2004. The
31 initial term of office for the person
serving as judge of the court of appeals
32 in position 12 shall expire January 10,
2005. The initial term of office for
33 the person serving as judge of the court
of appeals in position 13 shall
34 expire January 9, 2006. The initial term
of office for the person serving
35 as judge of the court of appeals in
position 14 shall expire January 8, 2007.
36 (b)
(1) Not less than 60 days prior to the holding of the
general elec-
37 tion next preceding the expiration of the
term of any judge of the court
38 of appeals, the judge may file in the
office of the secretary of state a
39 declaration of candidacy for retention in
office. If a declaration is not so
40 filed as provided in this section,
the position held by the judge shall be
41 vacant upon the expiration of the judge's
term of office. If such declara-
42 tion is filed, the judge's name shall be
submitted at the next general
43 election to the electors of the state on a
separate judicial ballot, without
1 party designation, reading
substantially as follows:
2 ``Shall ________ (Here insert name of
judge.), Judge of the Court of Appeals, be re-
3 tained in office?''
(2) If a majority of those voting on the question
shall vote votes
5 against retaining the judge in
office, the position which the judge holds
6 shall be vacant upon the expiration
of the judge's term of office. Other-
7 wise, unless the judge is removed for
cause, the judge shall remain in
8 office for a term of four years from
the second Monday in January fol-
9 lowing the election. At the
expiration of each term, unless by law the
10 judge is compelled to retire, the judge
shall be eligible for retention in
11 office by election in the manner prescribed
in this section.
12 (3) If a
majority of those voting on the question shall
vote votes
13 against the judge's retention, the
secretary of state, following the final
14 canvass of votes on the question, shall
certify the results to the clerk of
15 the supreme court. Any such judge who has
not been retained in office
16 pursuant to this section shall not be
eligible for nomination or appoint-
17 ment to the office of judge of the court of
appeals prior to the expiration
18 of four years after the expiration of the
judge's term of office.
(4) Election laws applicable to the general election of
other state of-
20 ficers shall apply to elections upon the
question of retention of judges of
21 the court of appeals pursuant to this
section, to the extent that they are
22 not in conflict with and are consistent
with the provisions of this act.
23 Sec. 4. K.S.A. 20-3002, 20-3003,
20-3005 and 20-3006 are hereby
24 repealed.
25 Sec. 5. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
26 publication in the statute book.