Session of 2000
By Committee on Appropriations
concerning the secretary of health and environment; concern-
10 ing proof of
inoculations by pupils; requiring hepatitis B inoculations.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. (a) Every pupil enrolling or enrolled in kindergarten
14 the first time in this state and each child
enrolling or enrolled for the first
15 time in a middle school subsequent to the
effective date or this act, shall
16 present to the appropriate school board
certification from a physician or
17 local health department that the pupil has
received the hepatitis B series
18 of inoculations. Pupils who have not
completed the required series of
19 inoculations may enroll or remain enrolled
while completing the required
20 series of inoculations if a physician or
local health department certifies
21 that the pupil has received the most recent
appropriate inoculation in the
22 required series. Failure to timely complete
all required series shall be
23 deemed noncompliance.
24 (b) As an
alternative to the certification required under subsection
25 (a), a pupil shall present:
26 (1) An annual
written statement signed by a licensed physician stating
27 the physical condition of the child to be
such that the inoculations would
28 seriously endanger the life or health of
the child; or
29 (2) a written
statement signed by one parent or guardian that the
30 child is an adherent of a religious
denomination whose religious teachings
31 are opposed to such inoculations.
32 (c) On or before
May 15 of each school year, the school board of
33 every school affected by this act shall
notify the parents or guardians of
34 all known pupils who are enrolled or who
will be enrolling in the school
35 of the provisions this act and any policy
regarding the implementation of
36 the provisions of this act adopted by the
school board.
37 (d) If a pupil
transfers from one school to another, the school from
38 which the pupil transfers shall forward
with the pupil's transcript the
39 certification or statement showing evidence
of compliance with the
40 requirements of this act to the school to
which the pupil transfers.
41 (e) A county,
city-county or multicounty health department shall pro-
42 vide without delay and to the extent that
funds are available the inocu-
43 lations required by this act to such pupils
as are not provided therewith
1 by their parents or guardians and who
have not been exempted on relig-
2 ious or medical grounds. Such
inoculations may be provided on a sliding
3 fee scale for administrative charges
with the exception that no child may
4 be denied inoculations for inability
to pay an administrative fee. The local
5 health officer shall counsel and
advise school boards concerning the ad-
6 ministration of this section.
7 (f) The
secretary shall prescribe the content of forms and certificates
8 to be used by school boards in
carrying out this section and shall provide,
9 without cost to the school boards,
sufficient copies of this act for distri-
10 bution to pupils. Schools shall utilize the
reporting form adopted by the
11 secretary for documentation of all
immunizations. Audit information shall
12 be obtained from this adopted form. The
secretary may adopt such rules
13 and regulations as are necessary to carry
out the provisions of this section.
14 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
15 publication in the statute book.