Session of 2000
By Committee on Appropriations
concerning retirement and pensions; relating to the Kansas
10 public employees
retirement system; benefits; correction of errors by
11 the system; vesting;
taxation of death benefits; purchase of service
12 credit; amending
K.S.A. 13-14a11, 14-10a11 and 74-4927k and K.S.A.
13 1999 Supp. 13-14a07,
14-10a07, 20-2610, 20-2625, 74-4919p, 74-
14 4919q, 74-4921,
74-4924, 74-4927, 74-4958, 74-4958a, 74-4959, 74-
15 4960, 74-4960a and
74-4989 and repealing the existing sections; also
16 repealing K.S.A. 1999
Supp. 74-4921a.
18 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
19 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 13-14a07 is hereby amended to read
20 as follows: 13-14a07. (a) If any officer or
member of a police or fire
21 department, while in the performance of
such officer's or member's du-
22 ties, is killed or dies as a result of an
injury received, or dies of any disease
23 contracted by reason of such officer's or
member's occupation as a po-
24 liceman or fireman, or dies after having
retired and leaves a spouse, such
25 spouse, shall receive a monthly pension in
an amount equal to 50% of the
26 monthly salary of such deceased officer or
member, if such spouse was
27 lawfully married to such policeman or
fireman at the time of such po-
28 liceman's or fireman's retirement.
Commencing on the effective date of
29 this act, any surviving spouse, who was
receiving benefits pursuant to this
30 section and who had such benefits
terminated by reason of such spouse's
31 remarriage, shall be entitled to once again
receive benefits pursuant to
32 this section, except that such surviving
spouse shall not be entitled to
33 recover any benefits not received after the
termination of benefits by
34 reason of such surviving spouse's
remarriage but before the effective date
35 of this act. In the event there is no
surviving spouse, then any child or
36 children of the deceased shall receive, in
equal shares a monthly amount
37 equal to 50% of the monthly salary received
at the time of retirement,
38 such sums to be paid until such child or
children attain the age of 18
39 years or until such child or children
attain the age of 23 years, if such
40 child or children are full-time students as
provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117
41 and amendments thereto. Commencing on the
effective date of this act,
42 any child who was receiving benefits
pursuant to this section and who
43 had such benefits terminated by reason of
such child's marriage, shall be
1 entitled to once again receive
benefits pursuant to this section subject to
2 the limitations contained in this
section, except that such child shall not
3 be entitled to recover any benefits
not received after the termination of
4 benefits by reason of such child's
marriage but before the effective date
5 of this act.
(b) Pursuant to the provisions of section 20, and
amendments thereto,
7 if any officer or member of such fire
or police department, after having
8 become eligible for retirement as
provided in K.S.A. 13-14a08 and
9 amendments thereto, is killed while
not in the performance of such of-
10 ficer's or member's official duties, or
dies, an amount equal to 50% of
11 such officer's or member's monthly salary
shall be paid to such persons
12 for the periods of time provided in
subsection (a) and shall be subject to
13 all the limitations provided in subsection
14 (c) Payments to
the surviving spouse, child or children under the
15 provisions of subsection (a) or (b) shall
begin no later than December 31
16 of the calendar year immediately following
the calendar year in which the
17 member died.
18 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 13-14a11 is hereby amended to read as follows:
19 14a11. Pursuant to the provisions of
section 20, and amendments thereto,
20 whenever an active or retired fireman or
policeman shall die, the board
21 of trustees shall appropriate from the
pension fund a sum of one hundred
22 dollars $100 to be
paid for funeral expenses for such fireman or
23 policeman.
24 Sec.
3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 14-10a07 is hereby amended to read as
25 follows: 14-10a07. (a) If any officer or
member of a police or fire de-
26 partment, while in the performance of such
officer's or member's duties,
27 is killed or dies as a result of an injury
received, or dies of any disease
28 contracted by reason of such officer's or
member's occupation as a po-
29 liceman or fireman, or dies after having
retired and leaves a spouse, such
30 spouse, shall receive a monthly pension in
an amount equal to 50% of the
31 monthly salary of such deceased officer or
member, if such spouse was
32 lawfully married to such policeman or
fireman at the time of such po-
33 liceman's or fireman's retirement.
Commencing on the effective date of
34 this act, any surviving spouse, who was
receiving benefits pursuant to this
35 section and who had such benefits
terminated by reason of such spouse's
36 remarriage, shall be entitled to once again
receive benefits pursuant to
37 this section, except that such surviving
spouse shall not be entitled to
38 recover any benefits not received after the
termination of benefits by
39 reason of such surviving spouse's
remarriage but before the effective date
40 of this act. In the event there is no
surviving spouse, then any child or
41 children of the deceased, shall receive, in
equal shares a monthly amount
42 equal to 50% of the monthly salary received
at the time of death, such
43 sums to be paid until such child or
children attain the age of 18 years or
1 until such child or children attain
the age of 23 years, if such child or
2 children are full-time students as
provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and
3 amendments thereto. Commencing on the
effective date of this act, any
4 child who was receiving benefits
pursuant to this section and who had
5 such benefits terminated by reason of
such child's marriage, shall be en-
6 titled to once again receive benefits
pursuant to this section subject to
7 the limitations contained in this
section, except that such child shall not
8 be entitled to recover any benefits
not received after the termination of
9 benefits by reason of such child's
marriage but before the effective date
10 of this act.
11 (b) Pursuant
to the provisions of section 20, and amendments thereto,
12 if any officer or member of such fire or
police department, after having
13 become eligible for retirement as provided
in K.S.A. 14-10a08 and
14 amendments thereto, is killed while not in
the performance of such of-
15 ficer's or member's official duties, or
dies, an amount equal to 50% of
16 such officer's or member's monthly salary
shall be paid to such persons
17 for the periods of time provided in
subsection (a) and shall be subject to
18 all the limitations provided in subsection
19 (c) Payments to
the surviving spouse, child or children under the
20 provisions of subsection (a) or (b) must
begin no later than December 31
21 of the calendar year immediately following
the calendar year in which the
22 member died.
23 Sec.
4. K.S.A. 14-10a11 is hereby amended to read as follows:
24 10a11. Subject to the provisions of
section 20, and amendments thereto,
25 whenever an active or retired fireman or
policeman shall die, the board
26 of trustees shall appropriate from the
pension fund a sum of one hundred
27 dollars $100 to be
paid for funeral expenses for such fireman or
28 policeman.
29 Sec.
5. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 20-2610 is hereby amended to read as
30 follows: 20-2610. (a) (1) A judge who
retires under K.S.A. 20-2608, and
31 amendments thereto, shall be entitled to
receive an annual annuity pay-
32 able in monthly amounts subject to
subsection (b), each such annual an-
33 nuity of which shall be in an amount equal
to the total of 5% of the final
34 average salary of the judge, determined as
provided in subsection (b),
35 multiplied by the number of the judge's
years of service up to 10 years,
36 and 3.5% of the final average salary of the
judge, determined as provided
37 in subsection (b), multiplied by the number
of the judge's years of service
38 in excess of 10 years, but such annual
annuity shall not exceed 70% of
39 the final average salary of such judge,
determined as provided in subsec-
40 tion (b). A judge who retires under K.S.A.
20-2608 and amendments
41 thereto, and who became a member of the
system after June 30, 1987,
42 shall be entitled to receive an annual
annuity payable in monthly amounts
43 subject to subsection (b), each such annual
amount of which shall be in
1 an amount equal to the total of 3.5%
of the final average salary of the
2 judge, determined as provided in
subsection (b), multiplied by the num-
3 ber of the judge's years of service,
but such annual annuity shall not
4 exceed 70% of the final average
salary of the judge, determined as pro-
5 vided in subsection (b).
6 (2) For
purposes of this subsection, the date of membership for a
7 district magistrate judge who became
a member of the system as provided
8 by K.S.A. 20-2620 and amendments
thereto and who purchased service
9 as provided in subsection (c) of
K.S.A. 20-2620 and K.S.A. 74-49,123, and
10 amendments thereto shall be the day such
district magistrate judge be-
11 came a district magistrate judge and if
such district magistrate judge's
12 membership date as determined in this
subsection is earlier than July 1,
13 1987, such district magistrate judge shall
be entitled to the 5% of final
14 average salary calculation for up to 10
years of service as provided in this
15 subsection. Any additional cost associated
with the provisions of this sub-
16 section shall be paid by such district
magistrate judge by means of a single
17 lump-sum payment or equal annual payments
for not to exceed five years.
18 The lump-sum or annual payments shall be
determined by the system's
19 actuary by using the member's final average
salary at the time of appli-
20 cation, actuarial assumptions and tables
currently in use by the system
21 and the member's attained age. No
participating employer shall pay all
22 or any part of any cost associated
with the provisions of this subsection.
23 (b) For any judge
who retires under K.S.A. 20-2608 or 20-2609, and
24 amendments thereto, on or after July 1,
1975, the annuity shall be based
25 on the final average salary of such judge
as provided in this subsection.
26 The final average salary of a judge who
becomes permanently physically
27 or mentally disabled and who is retired
under K.S.A. 20-2608 or 20-2609,
28 and amendments thereto, shall be determined
as if such judge had retired
29 on the date such judge became permanently
physically or mentally disa-
30 bled. The final average salary of a former
judge whose service is termi-
31 nated without retiring and who later
retires under K.S.A. 20-2608, and
32 amendments thereto, shall be determined as
if such former judge had
33 retired at the time such service was
34 In the case of judges
who retire on or after July 1, 1993, the final
35 average salary shall mean the average
highest annual salary paid to the
36 judge for any three years of the last 10
years of service as a judge im-
37 mediately preceding retirement or
termination of employment, or if serv-
38 ice as a judge is less than three years,
then the final average salary shall
39 be the average annual salary paid to the
judge during the full period of
40 service as a judge, or if service as a
judge is less than one year, then the
41 final average salary shall be computed by
multiplying the amount of
42 monthly salary such judge was receiving at
the time of retirement by 12.
43 (c) The
provisions of law in effect on the retirement date of a judge
1 under the retirement system for
judges shall govern the retirement ben-
2 efit payable to the judge, any joint
annuitant and any beneficiary.
3 (d) A judge
who retires under K.S.A. 20-2608, and amendments
4 thereto, and who, after such
retirement, again is appointed or elected as
5 a judge, shall have the judge's
retirement annuity suspended as provided
6 in this subsection. Such judge shall
become an active member and make
7 employee contributions to the system
and receive service credit for any
8 service after the date of
commencement of service in such position. Upon
9 again retiring, any credited service
such member subsequently accrues
10 shall be added to all previous service and
the retirement annuity shall be
11 recalculated in accordance with the
provisions of this section.
12 Sec.
6. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 20-2625 is hereby amended to read as
13 follows: 20-2625. (1) Any member of the
retirement system for judges
14 may purchase, subject to the provisions
of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-49,123,
15 and amendments thereto,
participating credit for periods of active service
16 in the armed forces of the United States or
in the commissioned corps
17 of the United States public health service
and for periods of service re-
18 quired to fulfill the requirements of
section 651 of title 10, United States
19 code, which does not exceed six years. Such
judge shall be entitled to
20 purchase one quarter of participating
service credit for each year of serv-
21 ice required to fulfill the requirements of
section 651 of title 10, United
22 States code. Such purchase shall be
effected by the judge submitting
23 proof of such service acceptable to the
board and electing in writing to
24 have employee contributions as provided in
K.S.A. 20-2603 and amend-
25 ments thereto deducted from such judge's
compensation at an additional
26 rate of contribution, in addition to the
employee's rate of contribution as
27 provided in K.S.A. 20-2603 and amendments
thereto, based upon the
28 judge's attained age at the time of
purchase and using actuarial assump-
29 tions and tables in use by the retirement
system at such time of purchase
30 for such periods of service. Such
additional rate of contribution shall com-
31 mence at the beginning of the quarter
following such election and shall
32 remain in effect until all of the full
quarters of such service have been
33 purchased.
34 (2) Any member of
the retirement system who has not retired may
35 purchase, subject to the provisions of
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-49,123, and
36 amendments thereto, participating
service credit for military service as
37 described in this section by electing to
effect such purchase by means of
38 a single lump-sum payment in lieu of
employee contributions as provided
39 in this section. The lump-sum payment shall
be an amount determined
40 by the actuary using the judge's then
current annual rate of compensation,
41 the actuarial assumptions and tables
currently in use by the retirement
42 system and the judge's attained age.
No participating employer shall pay
43 all or any part of the cost of any
additional participating service credit to
1 be purchased by means of a
lump-sum payment by a judge under this
2 section.
3 Sec.
7. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4919p is hereby amended to read as
4 follows: 74-4919p. Any member may
purchase, subject to the provisions
5 of K.S.A. 74-49,123, and
amendments thereto, service for periods of serv-
6 ice in the United States peace corps
which commenced on or after Jan-
7 uary 1, 1962. At the election of the
member, the benefit for each such
8 period of service shall be equal to
either 1% or 1.75% of the final average
9 salary of any such member. For any
member who elected to purchase
10 service credit as provided in this section
prior to the effective date of this
11 act at the 1% rate, such member may elect
to purchase such service credit
12 at an additional amount of .75% of final
average salary of such member
13 in a lump-sum amount as otherwise provided
in this subsection. Such
14 member may purchase such service by making
application therefor prior
15 to date of retirement at an additional rate
of contribution in addition to
16 the employee's rate of contribution as
provided in K.S.A. 74-4919 and
17 amendments thereto, based upon the member's
attained age at the time
18 of purchase and using actuarial assumptions
and tables in use by the
19 retirement system at the time of such
purchase. Such additional rate of
20 contribution shall commence at the
beginning of the quarter following
21 such election and shall remain in effect
until all quarters of such service
22 have been purchased. Any such member may
purchase, subject to the
23 provisions of the provisions of K.S.A.
74-49,123, and amendments thereto,
24 service as described in this section by
electing to effect such purchase by
25 means of a single lump-sum payment in lieu
of employee contributions
26 as provided in this section in an amount
equal to the then present value
27 of the benefits being purchased as
determined by the actuary using the
28 member's attained age, annual compensation
at the time of purchase and
29 the actuarial assumptions and tables then
in use by this system. The lump-
30 sum payment shall be made immediately upon
being notified of the
31 amount due. No participating
employer shall pay the cost, or any part
32 thereof, of any service authorized
to be purchased by a member under
33 this section. The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after
34 July 1, 1996.
35 Sec.
8. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4919q is hereby amended to read as
36 follows: 74-4919q. Any employee of a
participating employer who is a
37 member of the Kansas public employees
retirement system, who was
38 previously employed as an employee of the
memorial union corporation
39 which is affiliated with Emporia state
university, may elect to purchase,
40 subject to the provisions of K.S.A.
74-49,123, and amendments thereto,
41 service for such employment. At the
election of the member, the benefit
42 for each such year of employment shall be
equal to either 1% or 1.75%
43 of the final average salary of any such
member. For any member who
1 elected to purchase service credit as
provided in this section prior to the
2 effective date of this act at the 1%
rate, such member may elect to pur-
3 chase such service credit at an
additional amount of .75% of final average
4 salary of such member in a lump-sum
amount as otherwise provided in
5 this subsection. Such member may
purchase, subject to the provisions of
6 K.S.A. 74-49,123, and amendments
thereto, such service by making ap-
7 plication therefor prior to date of
retirement at an additional rate of con-
8 tribution in addition to the
employee's rate of contribution as provided
9 in K.S.A. 74-4919 and amendments
thereto, based upon the member's
10 attained age at the time of purchase and
using actuarial assumptions and
11 tables in use by the retirement system at
the time of such purchase. Such
12 additional rate of contribution shall
commence at the beginning of the
13 quarter following such election and shall
remain in effect until all quarters
14 of such service have been purchased. Any
such member may purchase,
15 subject to the provisions of K.S.A.
74-49,123, and amendments thereto,
16 service as described in this section by
electing to effect such purchase by
17 means of a single lump-sum payment in lieu
of employee contributions
18 as provided in this section in an amount
equal to the then present value
19 of the benefits being purchased as
determined by the actuary using the
20 member's attained age, annual compensation
at the time of purchase and
21 the actuarial assumptions and tables then
in use by this system. The lump-
22 sum payment shall be made immediately upon
being notified of the
23 amount due. No participating
employer shall pay the cost, or any part
24 thereof, of any service authorized
to be purchased by a member under
25 this section. The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after
26 July 1, 1996.
27 Sec.
9. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4921 is hereby amended to read as
28 follows: 74-4921. (1) There is hereby
created in the state treasury the
29 Kansas public employees retirement fund.
All employee and employer
30 contributions shall be deposited in the
state treasury to be credited to the
31 Kansas public employees retirement fund.
The fund is a trust fund and
32 shall be used solely for the exclusive
purpose of providing benefits to
33 members and member beneficiaries and
defraying reasonable expenses
34 of administering the fund. Investment
income of the fund shall be added
35 or credited to the fund as provided by law.
All benefits payable under the
36 system, refund of contributions and
overpayments, purchases or invest-
37 ments under the law and expenses in
connection with the system unless
38 otherwise provided by law shall be paid
from the fund. The director of
39 accounts and reports is authorized to draw
warrants on the state treasurer
40 and against such fund upon the filing in
the director's office of proper
41 vouchers executed by the chairperson or the
executive secretary of the
42 board. As an alternative, payments from the
fund may be made by credits
43 to the accounts of recipients of payments
in banks, savings and loan as-
1 sociations and credit unions. A
payment shall be so made only upon the
2 written authorization and direction
of the recipient of payment and upon
3 receipt of such authorization such
payments shall be made in accordance
4 therewith. Orders for payment of such
claims may be contained on (a) a
5 letter, memorandum, telegram,
computer printout or similar writing, or
6 (b) any form of communication, other
than voice, which is registered upon
7 magnetic tape, disc or any other
medium designed to capture and contain
8 in durable form conventional signals
used for the electronic communi-
9 cation of messages.
10 (2) The board
shall have the responsibility for the management of
11 the fund and shall discharge the board's
duties with respect to the fund
12 solely in the interests of the members and
beneficiaries of the system for
13 the exclusive purpose of providing benefits
to members and such mem-
14 ber's beneficiaries and defraying
reasonable expenses of administering
15 the fund and shall invest and reinvest
moneys in the fund and acquire,
16 retain, manage, including the exercise of
any voting rights and disposal of
17 investments of the fund within the
limitations and according to the pow-
18 ers, duties and purposes as prescribed by
this section.
19 (3) Moneys in the
fund shall be invested and reinvested to achieve
20 the investment objective which is
preservation of the fund to provide
21 benefits to members and member
beneficiaries, as provided by law and
22 accordingly providing that the moneys are
as productive as possible, sub-
23 ject to the standards set forth in this
act. No moneys in the fund shall be
24 invested or reinvested if the sole or
primary investment objective is for
25 economic development or social purposes or
26 (4) In investing
and reinvesting moneys in the fund and in acquiring,
27 retaining, managing and disposing of
investments of the fund, the board
28 shall exercise the judgment, care, skill,
prudence and diligence under the
29 circumstances then prevailing, which
persons of prudence, discretion and
30 intelligence acting in a like capacity and
familiar with such matters would
31 use in the conduct of an enterprise of like
character and with like aims
32 by diversifying the investments of the fund
so as to minimize the risk of
33 large losses, unless under the
circumstances it is clearly prudent not to
34 do so, and not in regard to speculation but
in regard to the permanent
35 disposition of similar funds, considering
the probable income as well as
36 the probable safety of their capital.
(5) Notwithstanding subsection (4): (a) Total investments in
38 stock may be made in the amount of up to
60% of the total book value
39 of the fund;
40 (b) the board may
invest or reinvest moneys of the fund in alternative
41 investments if the following conditions are
42 (i) The total of
such alternative investments does not exceed more
43 than 5% of the total investment assets of
the fund. If the total of such
1 alternative investments exceeds more
than 5% of the total investment
2 assets of the fund on the effective
date of this act, the board shall not
3 invest or reinvest any moneys of the
fund in alternative investments until
4 the total of such alternative
investments is less the 5% of the total in-
5 vestment assets of the fund subject
to the 5% limitation contained in this
6 subsection. Nothing in this
subsection requires the board to liquidate or
7 sell the system's holdings in any
alternative investment held by the system
8 on the effective date of this act,
unless such liquidation or sale would be
9 in the best interest of the members
and beneficiaries of the system and
10 be prudent under the standards contained in
this section. The 5% limi-
11 tation contained in this section shall not
have been violated if the total of
12 such alternative investments exceeds 5% of
the total investment assets of
13 the fund as a result of market forces
acting to increase the value of such
14 alternative investments relative to the
rest of the system's investments;
15 however, the board shall not invest or
reinvest any moneys of the fund
16 in alternative investments until the total
of such alternative investments
17 is less than 5% of the total investment
assets of the fund subject to the
18 5% limitation contained in this
19 (ii) if in
addition to the system, there are at least two other sophisti-
20 cated investors, as defined by section 301
of the securities and exchange
21 act of 1933;
22 (iii) the
system's share in any individual alternative investment is lim-
23 ited to an investment representing not more
than 20% of any such indi-
24 vidual alternative investment;
25 (iv) the system
has received a favorable and appropriate recommen-
26 dation from a qualified, independent expert
in investment management
27 or analysis in that particular type of
alternative investment;
28 (v) the
alternative investment is consistent with the system's invest-
29 ment policies and objectives as provided in
subsection (6);
30 (vi) the
individual alternative investment does not exceed more than
31 2.5% of the total alternative investments
made under this subsection. If
32 the alternative investment is made pursuant
to participation by the system
33 in a multi-investor pool, the 2.5%
limitation contained in this subsection
34 is applied to the underlying individual
assets of such pool and not to
35 investment in the pool itself. The total of
such alternative investments
36 made pursuant to participation by the
system in any one individual multi-
37 investor pool shall not exceed more than
20% of the total of alternative
38 investments made by the system pursuant to
this subsection. Nothing in
39 this subsection requires the board to
liquidate or sell the system's holdings
40 in any alternative investments made
pursuant to participation by the sys-
41 tem in any one individual multi-investor
pool held by the system on the
42 effective date of this act, unless such
liquidation or sale would be in the
43 best interest of the members and
beneficiaries of the system and be pru-
1 dent under the standards contained in
this section. The 20% limitation
2 contained in this subsection shall
not have been violated if the total of
3 such investment in any one individual
multi-investor pool exceeds 20%
4 of the total alternative investments
of the fund as a result of market forces
5 acting to increase the value of such
a multi-investor pool relative to the
6 rest of the system's alternative
investments; however, the board shall not
7 invest or reinvest any moneys of the
fund in any such individual multi-
8 investor pool until the value of such
individual multi-investor pool is less
9 than 20% of the total alternative
investments of the fund;
10 (vii) the board
has received and considered the investment manager's
11 due diligence findings submitted to the
board as required by subsection
12 (6)(c); and
13 (viii) prior to
the time the alternative investment is made, the system
14 has in place procedures and systems to
ensure that the investment is
15 properly monitored and investment
performance is accurately measured.
16 For purposes of this
act, ``alternative investment'' means nontraditional
17 investments outside the established
nationally recognized public stock
18 exchanges and government securities market.
Alternative investments
19 shall include, but not be limited to,
private placements, venture capital,
20 partnerships, limited partnerships and
leveraged buyout partnerships;
21 (c) except as
otherwise provided, the board may invest or reinvest
22 moneys of the fund in real estate
investments if the following conditions
23 are satisfied:
24 (i) If,
in addition to the system, there are at least two other
25 ticated investors, as defined by
section 301 of the securities and exchange
26 act of 1933;
27 (ii) the
system's share in any individual real estate investment is
28 ited to an investment representing
not more than 20% of any such indi-
29 vidual real estate
(iii) The system has received a favorable and
appropriate recommen-
31 dation from a qualified, independent expert
in investment management
32 or analysis in that particular type of real
estate investment;
33 (iv)
(ii) the real estate investment is consistent with the
system's in-
34 vestment policies and objectives as
provided in subsection (6); and
35 (v) the
total of such real estate investments made pursuant to
36 ipation by the system in any one
individual multi-investor pool shall not
37 exceed more than 20% of the total
of real estate investments made by
38 the system pursuant to this
subsection. Nothing in this subsection re-
39 quires the board to liquidate or
sell the system's holdings in any real estate
40 investments made pursuant to
participation by the system in any one
41 individual multi-investor pool held
by the system on the effective date of
42 this act, unless such liquidation
or sale would be in the best interest of
43 the members and beneficiaries of
the system and be prudent under the
1 standards contained in this
section. The 20% limitation contained in this
2 subsection shall not have
been violated if the total of such investment in
3 any one individual
multi-investor pool exceeds 20% of the total real
4 investments of the fund as a
result of market forces acting to increase the
5 value of such a
multi-investor pool relative to the rest of the system's
6 estate investments; however,
the board shall not invest or reinvest any
7 moneys of the fund in any
such individual multi-investor pool until the
8 value of such individual
multi-investor pool is less than 20% of the total
9 real estate investments of
the fund;
10 (vi)
(iii) the board has received and considered the
investment man-
11 ager's due diligence findings submitted to
the board as required by sub-
12 section (6)(c);
(vii) prior to the time the real estate investment is
made, the system
14 has in place procedures and systems
to ensure that the investment is
15 properly monitored and investment
performance is accurately measured;
16 and
(viii) the provisions of this subsection shall not apply to
any real estate
18 investment held by the system on
July 1, 1992; and
19 (d) the board
shall not invest or reinvest moneys of the fund in any
20 banking institution, savings and loan
association or credit union which
21 positions the system as a shareholder or
owner of such banking institution,
22 savings and loan association or credit
23 (6) Subject to
the objective set forth in subsection (3) and the stan-
24 dards set forth in subsections (4) and (5)
the board shall formulate policies
25 and objectives for the investment and
reinvestment of moneys in the fund
26 and the acquisition, retention, management
and disposition of invest-
27 ments of the fund. Such policies and
objectives shall include:
28 (a) Specific
asset allocation standards and objectives;
29 (b) establishment
of criteria for evaluating the risk versus the poten-
30 tial return on a particular investment;
31 (c) a requirement
that all investment managers submit such man-
32 ager's due diligence findings on each
investment to the board or invest-
33 ment advisory committee for approval or
rejection prior to making any
34 alternative investment;
35 (d) a requirement
that all investment managers shall immediately re-
36 port all instances of default on
investments to the board and provide the
37 board with recommendations and options,
including, but not limited to,
38 curing the default or withdrawal from the
investment; and
39 (e) establishment
of criteria that would be used as a guideline for
40 determining when no additional add-on
investments or reinvestments
41 would be made and when the investment would
be liquidated.
42 The board shall review
such policies and objectives, make changes con-
43 sidered necessary or desirable and readopt
such policies and objectives
1 on an annual basis.
2 (7) The
board may enter into contracts with one or more persons
3 whom the board determines to be
qualified, whereby the persons under-
4 take to perform the functions
specified in subsection (2) to the extent
5 provided in the contract. Performance
of functions under contract so
6 entered into shall be paid pursuant
to rates fixed by the board subject to
7 provisions of appropriation acts and
shall be based on specific contractual
8 fee arrangements. The system shall
not pay or reimburse any expenses of
9 persons contracted with pursuant to
this subsection, except that after
10 approval of the board, the system may pay
approved investment related
11 expenses subject to provisions of
appropriation acts. The board shall re-
12 quire that a person contracted with to
obtain commercial insurance which
13 provides for errors and omissions coverage
for such person in an amount
14 to be specified by the board, provided that
such coverage shall be at least
15 the greater of $500,000 or 1% of the funds
entrusted to such person up
16 to a maximum of $10,000,000. The board
shall require a person con-
17 tracted with to give a fidelity bond in a
penal sum as may be fixed by law
18 or, if not so fixed, as may be fixed by the
board, with corporate surety
19 authorized to do business in this state.
Such persons contracted with the
20 board pursuant to this subsection and any
persons contracted with such
21 persons to perform the functions specified
in subsection (2) shall be
22 deemed to be agents of the board and the
system in the performance of
23 contractual obligations.
24 (8) (a) In
the acquisition or disposition of securities, the board may
25 rely on the written legal opinion of a
reputable bond attorney or attorneys,
26 the written opinion of the attorney of the
investment counselor or man-
27 agers, or the written opinion of the
attorney general certifying the legality
28 of the securities.
29 (b) The board
shall employ or retain qualified investment counsel or
30 counselors or may negotiate with a trust
company to assist and advise in
31 the judicious investment of funds as herein
32 (9)
(a) Except as provided in subsection (7) and this subsection,
33 custody of money and securities of the fund
shall remain in the custody
34 of the state treasurer, except that the
board may arrange for the custody
35 of such money and securities as it
considers advisable with one or more
36 member banks or trust companies of the
federal reserve system or with
37 one or more banks in the state of Kansas,
or both, to be held in safe-
38 keeping by the banks or trust companies for
the collection of the principal
39 and interest or other income or of the
proceeds of sale. The services
40 provided by the banks or trust companies
shall be paid pursuant to rates
41 fixed by the board subject to provisions of
appropriation acts.
42 (b) The state
treasurer and the board shall collect the principal and
43 interest or other income of investments or
the proceeds of sale of secu-
1 rities in the custody of the state
treasurer and pay same when so collected
2 into the fund.
3 (c) The
principal and interest or other income or the proceeds of sale
4 of securities as provided in clause
(a) of this subsection (9) shall be re-
5 ported to the state treasurer and the
board and credited to the fund.
6 (10) The
board shall with the advice of the director of accounts and
7 reports establish the requirements
and procedure for reporting any and
8 all activity relating to investment
functions provided for in this act in order
9 to prepare a record monthly of the
investment income and changes made
10 during the preceding month. The record will
reflect a detailed summary
11 of investment, reinvestment, purchase, sale
and exchange transactions
12 and such other information as the board may
consider advisable to reflect
13 a true accounting of the investment
activity of the fund.
14 (11) The board
shall provide for an examination of the investment
15 program annually. The examination shall
include an evaluation of current
16 investment policies and practices and of
specific investments of the fund
17 in relation to the objective set forth in
subsection (3), the standard set
18 forth in subsection (4) and other criteria
as may be appropriate, and rec-
19 ommendations relating to the fund
investment policies and practices and
20 to specific investments of the fund as are
considered necessary or desir-
21 able. The board shall include in its annual
report to the governor as pro-
22 vided in K.S.A. 74-4907, and amendments
thereto, a report or a summary
23 thereof covering the investments of the
24 (12) (a) An
annual financial-compliance audit of the system, includ-
25 ing any performance audit subjects which
are directed to be included in
26 such annual audit by the legislative post
audit committee, performance
27 audits of the system as prescribed under
the Kansas governmental op-
28 erations law, and such other audits as are
directed by the legislative post
29 audit committee under the Kansas
legislative post audit act shall be con-
30 ducted. The annual financial-compliance
audit shall include, but not be
31 limited to, a review of alternative
investments of the system with any
32 estimates of permanent impairments to the
value of such alternative in-
33 vestments reported by the system pursuant
to K.S.A. 74-4907, and
34 amendments thereto.
35 (b) In accordance
with this subsection (12), the annual financial-com-
36 pliance audit may include one or more
performance audit subjects as
37 directed by the legislative post audit
committee. In considering perform-
38 ance audit subjects to be included in any
financial-compliance audit con-
39 ducted pursuant to this subsection (12),
the legislative post audit com-
40 mittee shall consider recommendations and
requests for performance
41 audits, relating to the system or the
management thereof, by the joint
42 committee on pensions, investments and
benefits or by any other com-
43 mittee or individual member of the
legislature. Commencing with the
1 financial-compliance audit for the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1998, the
2 legislative post audit committee
shall specify if one or more performance
3 audit subjects shall be included in
the financial-compliance audit con-
4 ducted pursuant to this subsection
(12), in addition to such other subjects
5 as may be directed to be included in
the financial-compliance audit by
6 the legislative post audit committee.
Except as otherwise determined by
7 the legislative post audit committee
pursuant to this subsection (12), com-
8 mencing with the financial-compliance
audit for the fiscal year ending
9 June 30, 1998, one or more
performance audit subjects specified by the
10 legislative post audit committee shall be
included at least once every two
11 fiscal years in a financial-compliance
audit conducted pursuant to this
12 subsection (12). The legislative post audit
committee may direct that one
13 or more performance audit subjects are to
be included in a financial-
14 compliance audit conducted pursuant to this
subsection (12) not more
15 than once during a specific period of three
fiscal years, in lieu of once
16 every two fiscal years.
17 (c) The auditor
to conduct the financial-compliance audit required
18 pursuant to this subsection (12) shall be
specified in accordance with
19 K.S.A. 46-1122, and amendments thereto. If
the legislative post audit
20 committee specifies under such statute that
a firm, as defined by K.S.A.
21 46-1112, and amendments thereto, is to
perform all or part of the audit
22 work of such audit, such firm shall be
selected and shall perform such
23 audit work as provided in K.S.A. 46-1123,
and amendments thereto, and
24 K.S.A. 46-1125 through 46-1127, and
amendments thereto. The audits
25 required pursuant to this subsection (12)
shall be conducted in accord-
26 ance with generally accepted governmental
auditing standards. The fi-
27 nancial-compliance audit required pursuant
to this subsection (12) shall
28 be conducted as soon after the close of the
fiscal year as practicable, but
29 shall be completed no later than six months
after the close of the fiscal
30 year. The post auditor shall annually
compute the reasonably anticipated
31 cost of providing the financial-compliance
audit pursuant to this subsec-
32 tion (12), subject to review and approval
by the contract audit committee
33 established by K.S.A. 46-1120, and
amendments thereto. Upon such ap-
34 proval, the system shall reimburse the
division of post audit for the
35 amount approved by the contract audit
committee. The furnishing of the
36 financial-compliance audit pursuant to this
subsection (12) shall be a
37 transaction between the legislative post
auditor and the system and shall
38 be settled in accordance with the
provisions of K.S.A. 75-5516, and
39 amendments thereto.
40 (d) Any internal
assessment or examination of alternative investments
41 of the system performed by any person or
entity employed or retained
42 by the board which evaluates or monitors
the performance of alternative
43 investments shall be reported to the
legislative post auditor so that such
1 report may be reviewed in accordance
with the annual financial-compli-
2 ance audits conducted pursuant to
this subsection (12).
3 Sec.
10. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4924 is hereby amended to read as
4 follows: 74-4924. (1) Any person who
shall knowingly make any false
5 statement, or who shall falsify or
permit to be falsified any record nec-
6 essary for carrying out the intent of
this act for the purpose of committing
7 fraud, shall be subject to the
provisions of K.S.A. 21-3904 and amend-
8 ments thereto.
9 (2) Should
any error in any records or in any calculation of the Kansas
10 public employees retirement system result
in any member or beneficiary
11 receiving more or less than he would have
been entitled to receive had
12 the records or calculations been correct,
the board shall correct such
13 error, and, as far as practicable, make
future payments in such a manner
14 that the actuarial equivalent of the
benefit to which such member or
15 beneficiary was entitled shall be paid and
may recover any overpayments.
16 In the event a member has withdrawn, all or
part of, such member's
17 accumulated contributions in a manner not
in compliance with the pro-
18 visions of this act or the regulations of
the system the amount of such
19 withdrawal, plus interest at a rate
specified by the board, shall be de-
20 ducted from any amounts, including group
insurance benefits, which shall
21 become due the member or such member's
beneficiaries under the pro-
22 visions of this act.
23 (3)
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (2), the
board is
24 not required to collect any benefit
overpayment that is of more than 60
25 months' standing when discovered, if any
errors in the records or calcu-
26 lations of the system that resulted in
such overpayment are attributable
27 solely to incorrect procedures or
calculations by the system and there is
28 no evidence of fraud or misconduct on
the part of the member or other
29 person receiving the benefit.
30 (b) The board
shall make reasonable efforts to recover all benefit over-
31 payment of 60 months' standing or less,
including the imposition of an
32 actuarially calculated reduction in an
ongoing monthly benefit payment
33 or the deduction of the total overpaid
amount from any refund of contri-
34 butions or group life insurance benefits
that become due and payable to
35 the member or member's
36 (c) No monthly
benefit reduction imposed under this section for the
37 purpose of collecting an overpayment
shall result in a monthly benefit
38 payment that is more than 10% lower than
the monthly benefit payment
39 would have been without such
collection-related reduction, except that
40 the monthly benefit payment in all cases
must first be reduced to the
41 correct amount as provided by the terms
of this section before the 10%
42 cap on collection-related reductions is
43 Sec.
11. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4927 is hereby amended to read as
1 follows: 74-4927. (1) The board may
establish a plan of death and long-
2 term disability benefits to be paid
to the members of the retirement
3 system as provided by this section.
The long-term disability benefit shall
4 not be payable until the member has
been prevented from carrying out
5 each and every duty pertaining to the
member's employment as a result
6 of sickness or injury for a period of
180 days and the annual benefit shall
7 not exceed an amount equal to 662/3%
of the member's annual rate of
8 compensation on the date such
disability commenced and shall be payable
9 in equal monthly installments. In the
event that a member's compensation
10 is not fixed at an annual rate but on an
hourly, weekly, biweekly, monthly
11 or any other basis than annual, the board
shall prescribe by rule and
12 regulation a formula for establishing a
reasonable rate of annual compen-
13 sation to be used in determining the amount
of the death or long-term
14 disability benefit for such member. Such
plan shall provide that:
15 (A) For deaths
occurring prior to January 1, 1987, the right to receive
16 such death benefit shall cease upon the
member's attainment of age 70
17 or date of retirement whichever first
occurs. The right to receive such
18 long-term disability benefit shall cease
(i) for a member who becomes
19 eligible for such benefit before attaining
age 60, upon the date that such
20 member attains age 65 or the date of such
member's retirement, which-
21 ever first occurs, (ii) for a member who
becomes eligible for such benefit
22 at or after attaining age 60, the date that
such member has received such
23 benefit for a period of five years, upon
the date that such member attains
24 age 70, or upon the date of such member's
retirement, whichever first
25 occurs, (iii) for all disabilities incurred
on or after January 1, 1987, for a
26 member who becomes eligible for such
benefit at or after attaining age
27 70, the date that such member has received
such benefit for a period of
28 12 months or upon the date of such member's
retirement, whichever first
29 occurs, and (iv) for all disabilities
incurred on or after January 1, 1987,
30 for a member who becomes eligible for such
benefit at or after attaining
31 age 75, the date that such member has
received such benefit for a period
32 of six months or upon the date of such
member's retirement, whichever
33 first occurs.
34 (B) Long-term
disability benefit payments shall be in lieu of any ac-
35 cidental total disability benefit that a
member may be eligible to receive
36 under subsection (3) of K.S.A. 74-4916 and
amendments thereto. The
37 member must make an initial application for
social security disability ben-
38 efits and, if denied such benefits, the
member must pursue and exhaust
39 all administrative remedies of the social
security administration which
40 include, but are not limited to,
reconsideration and hearings. Such plan
41 may provide that any amount which a member
receives as a social security
42 benefit or a disability benefit or
compensation from any source by reason
43 of any employment including, but not
limited to, workers compensation
1 benefits may be deducted from the
amount of long-term disability benefit
2 payments under such plan. During the
period in which such member is
3 pursuing such administrative remedies
prior to a final decision of the
4 social security administration,
social security disability benefits may be
5 estimated and may be deducted from
the amount of long-term disability
6 benefit payments under such plan.
Such long-term disability payments
7 shall accrue from the later of the
181st day of total disability or the first
8 day upon which the member ceases to
draw compensation from the em-
9 ployer. If the social security
benefit, workers compensation benefit, other
10 income or wages or other disability benefit
by reason of employment, or
11 any part thereof, is paid in a lump-sum,
the amount of the reduction shall
12 be calculated on a monthly basis over the
period of time for which the
13 lump-sum is given. In no case shall a
member who is entitled to receive
14 long-term disability benefits receive less
than $50 per month. As used in
15 this section, ``workers compensation
benefits'' means the total award of
16 disability benefit payments under the
workers compensation act notwith-
17 standing any payment of attorney fees from
such benefits as provided in
18 the workers compensation act.
19 (C) The plan may
include other provisions relating to qualifications
20 for benefits; schedules and graduation of
benefits; limitations of eligibility
21 for benefits by reason of termination of
employment or membership;
22 conversion privileges; limitations of
eligibility for benefits by reason of
23 leaves of absence, military service or
other interruptions in service; lim-
24 itations on the condition of long-term
disability benefit payment by reason
25 of improved health; requirements for
medical examinations or reports; or
26 any other reasonable provisions as
established by rule and regulation of
27 uniform application adopted by the
28 (D) On and after
April 30, 1981, the board may provide under the
29 plan for the continuation of long-term
disability benefit payments to any
30 former member who forfeits the entitlement
to continued service credit
31 under the retirement system or continued
assistance in the purchase of
32 retirement annuities under K.S.A. 74-4925
and amendments thereto and
33 to continued long-term disability benefit
payments and continued death
34 benefit coverage, by reason of the member's
withdrawal of contributions
35 from the retirement system or the
repurchase of retirement annuities
36 which were purchased with assistance
received under K.S.A. 74-4925 and
37 amendments thereto. Such long-term
disability benefit payments may be
38 continued until such individual dies,
attains age 65 or is no longer disa-
39 bled, whichever occurs first.
40 (E) Any visually
impaired person who is in training at and employed
41 by a sheltered workshop for the blind
operated by the secretary of social
42 and rehabilitation services and who would
otherwise be eligible for the
43 long-term disability benefit as described
in this section shall not be eli-
1 gible to receive such benefit due to
visual impairment as such impairment
2 shall be determined to be a
preexisting condition.
3 (2)
(A) In the event that a member becomes eligible for a
4 disability benefit under the plan
authorized by this section such member
5 shall be given participating service
credit for the entire period of such
6 disability. Such member's final
average salary shall be computed in ac-
7 cordance with subsection (17) of
K.S.A. 74-4902 and amendments thereto
8 except that the years of
participating service used in such computation
9 shall be the years of salaried
participating service.
10 (B) In the event
that a member eligible for a long-term disability
11 benefit under the plan authorized by this
section shall be disabled for a
12 period of five years or more immediately
preceding retirement, such
13 member's final average salary shall be
adjusted upon retirement by the
14 actuarial salary assumption rates in
existence during such period of dis-
15 ability. Effective July 1, 1993, such
member's final average salary shall be
16 adjusted upon retirement by 5% for each
year of disability after July 1,
17 1993, but before July 1, 1998. Effective
July 1, 1998, such member's final
18 average salary shall be adjusted upon
retirement by an amount equal to
19 the lesser of: (i) The percentage increase
in the consumer price index for
20 all urban consumers as published by the
bureau of labor statistics of the
21 United States department of labor minus 1%;
or (ii) four percent per
22 annum, measured from the month the
disability occurs the member's last
23 day on the payroll to the month that
is two months prior to the month
24 of retirement, for each year of disability
after July 1, 1998.
25 (C) In the event
that a member eligible for a long-term disability
26 benefit under the plan authorized by this
section shall be disabled for a
27 period of five years or more immediately
preceding death, such member's
28 current annual rate shall be adjusted by
the actuarial salary assumption
29 rates in existence during such period of
disability. Effective July 1, 1993,
30 such member's current annual rate shall be
adjusted upon death by 5%
31 for each year of disability after July 1,
1993, but before July 1, 1998.
32 Effective July 1, 1998, such member's
current annual rate shall be ad-
33 justed upon death by an amount equal to the
lesser of: (i) The percentage
34 increase in the consumer price index for
all urban consumers published
35 by the bureau of labor statistics of the
United States department of labor
36 minus 1%; or (ii) four percent per annum,
measured from the month the
37 disability occurs the
member's last day on the payroll to the month that
38 is two months prior to the month of death,
for each year of disability after
39 July 1, 1998.
40 (3) (A) To
carry out the legislative intent to provide, within the funds
41 made available therefor, the broadest
possible coverage for members who
42 are in active employment or involuntarily
absent from such active em-
43 ployment, the plan of death and long-term
disability benefits shall be
1 subject to adjustment from time to
time by the board within the limita-
2 tions of this section. The plan may
include terms and provisions which
3 are consistent with the terms and
provisions of group life and long-term
4 disability policies usually issued to
those employers who employ a large
5 number of employees. The board shall
have the authority to establish and
6 adjust from time to time the
procedures for financing and administering
7 the plan of death and long-term
disability benefits authorized by this
8 section. Either the insured death
benefit or the insured disability benefit
9 or both such benefits may be financed
directly by the system or by one
10 or more insurance companies authorized and
licensed to transact group
11 life and group accident and health
insurance in this state.
12 (B) The board may
contract with one or more insurance companies,
13 which are authorized and licensed to
transact group life and group acci-
14 dent and health insurance in Kansas, to
underwrite or to administer or
15 to both underwrite and administer either
the insured death benefit or the
16 long-term disability benefit or both such
benefits. Each such contract with
17 an insurance company under this subsection
shall be entered into on the
18 basis of competitive bids solicited and
administered by the board. Such
19 competitive bids shall be based on
specifications prepared by the board.
20 (i) In the event
the board purchases one or more policies of group
21 insurance from such company or companies to
provide either the insured
22 death benefit or the long-term disability
benefit or both such benefits,
23 the board shall have the authority to
subsequently cancel one or more of
24 such policies and, notwithstanding any
other provision of law, to release
25 each company which issued any such canceled
policy from any liability
26 for future benefits under any such policy
and to have the reserves estab-
27 lished by such company under any such
canceled policy returned to the
28 system for deposit in the group insurance
reserve of the fund.
29 (ii) In addition,
the board shall have the authority to cancel any policy
30 or policies of group life and long-term
disability insurance in existence
31 on the effective date of this act and,
notwithstanding any other provision
32 of law, to release each company which
issued any such canceled policy
33 from any liability for future benefits
under any such policy and to have
34 the reserves established by such company
under any such canceled policy
35 returned to the system for deposit in the
group insurance reserve of the
36 fund. Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, no premium tax shall
37 be due or payable by any such company or
companies on any such policy
38 or policies purchased by the board nor
shall any brokerage fees or com-
39 missions be paid thereon.
40 (4)
(A) There is hereby created in the state treasury the group
41 surance reserve fund. Investment income of
the fund shall be added or
42 credited to the fund as provided by law.
The cost of the plan of death
43 and long-term disability benefits shall be
paid from the group insurance
1 reserve fund, which shall be
administered by the board. Each participat-
2 ing employer shall appropriate and
pay to the system in such manner as
3 the board shall prescribe in addition
to the employee and employer re-
4 tirement contributions an amount
equal to .6% of the amount of com-
5 pensation on which the members'
contributions to the Kansas public em-
6 ployees retirement system are based
for deposit in the group insurance
7 reserve fund.
8 (B) The
director of the budget and the governor shall include in the
9 budget and in the budget request for
appropriations for personal services
10 a sum to pay the state's contribution to
the group insurance reserve fund
11 as provided by this section and shall
present the same to the legislature
12 for allowances and appropriation.
13 (C) The
provisions of subsection (4) of K.S.A. 74-4920 and amend-
14 ments thereto shall apply for the purpose
of providing the funds to make
15 the contributions to be deposited to the
group insurance reserve fund.
16 (D) Any dividend
or retrospective rate credit allowed by an insurance
17 company or companies shall be credited to
the group insurance reserve
18 fund and the board may take such amounts
into consideration in deter-
19 mining the amounts of the benefits under
the plan authorized by this
20 section.
21 (5) The death
benefit provided under the plan of death and long-
22 term disability benefits authorized by this
section shall be known and
23 referred to as insured death benefit. The
long-term disability benefit pro-
24 vided under the plan of death and long-term
disability benefits authorized
25 by this section shall be known and referred
to as long-term disability
26 benefit.
27 (6) The board is
hereby authorized to establish an optional death
28 benefit plan. Except as provided in
subsection (7), such optional death
29 benefit plan shall be made available to all
employees who are covered or
30 may hereafter become covered by the plan of
death and long-term disa-
31 bility benefits authorized by this section.
The cost of the optional death
32 benefit plan shall be paid by the applicant
either by means of a system
33 of payroll deductions or direct payment to
the board. The board shall
34 have the authority and discretion to
establish such terms, conditions, spec-
35 ifications and coverages as it may deem to
be in the best interest of the
36 state of Kansas and its employees which
should include term death ben-
37 efits for the person's period of active
state employment regardless of age,
38 but in no case, on and after January 1,
1989, shall the maximum allowable
39 coverage be less than $200,000. The cost of
the optional death benefit
40 plan shall not be established on such a
basis as to unreasonably discrim-
41 inate against any particular age group. The
board shall have full admin-
42 istrative responsibility, discretion and
authority to establish and continue
43 such optional death benefit plan and the
director of accounts and reports
1 of the department of administration
shall when requested by the board
2 and from funds appropriated or
available for such purpose establish a
3 system to make periodic deductions
from state payrolls to cover the cost
4 of the optional death benefit plan
coverage under the provisions of this
5 subsection (6) and shall remit all
deductions together with appropriate
6 accounting reports to the system.
There is hereby created in the state
7 treasury the optional death benefit
plan reserve fund. Investment income
8 of the fund shall be added or
credited to the fund as provided by law. All
9 funds received by the board, whether
in the form of direct payments,
10 payroll deductions or otherwise, shall be
accounted for separately from
11 all other funds of the retirement system
and shall be paid into the optional
12 death benefit plan reserve fund, from which
the board is authorized to
13 make the appropriate payments and to pay
the ongoing costs of admin-
14 istration of such optional death benefit
plan as may be incurred in carrying
15 out the provisions of this subsection
16 (7) Any employer
other than the state of Kansas which is currently a
17 participating employer of the Kansas public
employees retirement system
18 or is in the process of affiliating with
the Kansas public employees retire-
19 ment system may also elect to affiliate for
the purposes of subsection (6).
20 All such employers shall make application
for affiliation with such system,
21 to be effective on January 1 next following
application. Such optional
22 death benefit plan shall not be available
for employees of employers spec-
23 ified under this subsection until after
July 1, 1988.
24 Sec.
12. K.S.A. 74-4927k is hereby amended to read as follows:
25 4927k. (a) For the purposes of providing
the ``insured death benefit'' and
26 ``long-term disability benefit'' as
prescribed in K.S.A. 74-4927 and amend-
27 ments thereto and of providing the
``accidental death benefit'' as pre-
28 scribed in subsection (2) of K.S.A. 74-4916
and amendments thereto, to
29 all state officers who have filed an
election as provided in subsection (a)
30 or (b) of K.S.A. 74-4911f, on and
after the first day of the first payroll
31 period of the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1989 and amendments thereto,
32 the term ``member'' as used in K.S.A.
74-4927 and amendments thereto
33 and subsection (2) of K.S.A. 74-4916 and
amendments thereto and as
34 used in this section shall include
the aforementioned such state officers.
35 (b) The state
agency employing any member shall pay to the Kansas
36 public employees retirement system in such
manner as the board of trus-
37 tees shall prescribe, beginning
with the first day of the first payroll period
38 of the fiscal year ending June 30,
1989, and each payroll period thereafter,
39 an amount sufficient to pay the employer's
contribution to the group
40 insurance reserve as provided in subsection
(4) of K.S.A. 74-4927 and
41 amendments thereto.
42 (c) The state
agency employing any member shall maintain a file of
43 the beneficiaries named by the persons
covered under this section in the
1 form and manner as prescribed by the
board of trustees of the Kansas
2 public employees retirement
(d) Coverage under the plan of death and long-term
disability ben-
4 efits and accidental death
benefits shall begin with the first day of the
5 first payroll period of the
fiscal year ending June 30, 1989, for such mem-
6 ber.
Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, the
7 of this section shall not apply to
any person employed by the legislative
8 branch of the state of Kansas who
elected to be covered by the provisions
9 of K.S.A. 74-4911f, and amendments
thereto, as provided in subsection
10 (e) of K.S.A. 46-1302, and amendments
thereto, or who is first employed
11 on or after July 1, 1996, by the
legislative branch of the state of Kansas
12 as described in K.S.A. 46-1302, and
amendments thereto.
13 Sec.
13. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4958 is hereby amended to read as
14 follows: 74-4958. (1) Any member who
retires on or after July 1, 1993,
15 shall be entitled to receive an age and
service retirement benefit equal
16 to 2.5% of such member's final average
salary multiplied by the number
17 of years of credited service except that in
no case shall such retirement
18 benefit exceed 80% of such member's final
average salary.
19 (2) Any member
who is appointed or employed prior to July 1, 1989,
20 who does not make an election pursuant to
K.S.A. 74-4955a and amend-
21 ments thereto and who retires before such
member's normal retirement
22 date shall receive an early retirement
benefit equal to the annual retire-
23 ment benefit payable had the member retired
on the normal retirement
24 date reduced by an amount equal to the
product of (A) such annual re-
25 tirement benefit payable had the member
retired on the normal retire-
26 ment date, multiplied by (B) the product of
.4% multiplied by the number
27 of months difference, to the nearest whole
month, between the member's
28 attained age at the time of retirement and
age 55.
29 (3) Pursuant
to the provisions of section 20, and amendments thereto,
30 upon the death after retirement of a member
who was covered, up to the
31 entry date of the member's employer, by a
pension system under the
32 provisions of K.S.A. 12-5001 to 12-5007,
inclusive, and amendments
33 thereto, or K.S.A. 13-14a01 to 13-14a14,
inclusive, and amendments
34 thereto, or K.S.A. 14-10a01 to 14-10a15,
inclusive, and amendments
35 thereto, and who had not elected to retire
under one of the options pro-
36 vided under K.S.A. 74-4964 and amendments
thereto, the member's
37 spouse, if such spouse was the member's
lawfully wedded spouse for a
38 period of not less than one year at the
time of the member's retirement
39 or if such spouse had been the member's
lawfully wedded spouse for at
40 least three years after the time of the
member's retirement, shall receive
41 a lump-sum benefit equal to 1/2 the
member's final average salary at the
42 time of the member's retirement and shall
receive an annual spouse's
43 benefit equal to 75% of the member's
retirement benefit payable in
1 monthly installments, to accrue from
the last day of the month following
2 the member's date of death and ending
on the last day of the month in
3 which the spouse dies. Commencing on
the effective date of this act, any
4 surviving spouse, who was receiving
benefits pursuant to this section and
5 who had such benefits terminated by
reason of such spouse's remarriage,
6 shall be entitled to once again
receive benefits pursuant to this section,
7 except that such surviving spouse
shall not be entitled to recover any
8 benefits not received after the
termination of benefits by reason of such
9 surviving spouse's remarriage but
before the effective date of this act. If
10 there is no surviving spouse, or if after
the death of the spouse there
11 remain one or more children under the age
of 18 years or one or more
12 children under the age of 23 years who is a
full-time student as provided
13 in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and amendments thereto,
the annual spouse's benefit
14 shall be payable, subject to the provisions
of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-49,123
15 and amendments thereto, in equal shares to
such children and each child's
16 share shall end on the last day of the
month in which such child attains
17 the age of 18 years or dies, whichever
occurs earlier or in which such
18 child attains the age of 23 years if such
child is a full-time student as
19 provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and amendments
thereto. Commencing on
20 the effective date of this act, any child
who was receiving benefits pur-
21 suant to this section and who had such
benefits terminated by reason of
22 such child's marriage, shall be entitled to
once again receive benefits
23 pursuant to this section subject to the
limitations contained in this section,
24 except that such child shall not be
entitled to recover any benefits not
25 received after the termination of benefits
by reason of such child's mar-
26 riage but before the effective date of this
act. All payments due under
27 this section to a minor shall be made to a
legally appointed conservator
28 of such minor as provided in subsection (7)
of K.S.A. 74-4902 and amend-
29 ments thereto. No person shall be entitled
to receive more than one
30 benefit under the provisions of this
subsection. Any person who otherwise
31 meets the qualifications to receive more
than one benefit under this sub-
32 section shall elect the benefit such person
shall receive.
33 (4) Upon the
death after retirement of a member who had not elected
34 to retire under one of the options provided
under K.S.A. 74-4964 and
35 amendments thereto, such member's
beneficiary shall receive an amount
36 equal to the excess, if any, of such
member's accumulated contributions
37 over the sum of all retirement benefit
payments made.
38 (5) The
provisions of law in effect on the retirement date of a member
39 under the system shall govern the
retirement benefit payable to the re-
40 tirant, any joint annuitant and any
41 Sec.
14. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4958a is hereby amended to read
42 follows: 74-4958a. (1) Any member who
retires on or after July 1, 1993,
43 shall be entitled to receive an age and
service retirement benefit equal
1 to 2.5% of such member's final
average salary multiplied by the number
2 of years of credited service except
that in no case shall such retirement
3 benefit exceed 80% of such member's
final average salary.
4 (2) Any
member who retires before such member's normal retire-
5 ment date shall receive an early
retirement benefit equal to the annual
6 retirement benefit payable had the
member retired on the normal retire-
7 ment date reduced by an amount equal
to the product of (A) such annual
8 retirement benefit payable had the
member retired on the normal retire-
9 ment date, multiplied by (B) the
product of .4% multiplied by the number
10 of months difference, to the nearest whole
month, between the member's
11 attained age at the time of retirement and
age 55.
12 (3) Pursuant
to the provisions of section 20, and amendments thereto,
13 upon the death after retirement of a member
who was covered, up to the
14 entry date of the member's employer, by a
pension system under the
15 provisions of K.S.A. 12-5001 to 12-5007,
inclusive, and amendments
16 thereto, or K.S.A. 13-14a01 to 13-14a14,
inclusive, and amendments
17 thereto, or K.S.A. 14-10a01 to 14-10a15,
inclusive, and amendments
18 thereto, and who had not elected to retire
under one of the options pro-
19 vided under K.S.A. 74-4964 and amendments
thereto, the member's
20 spouse, if such spouse was the member's
lawfully wedded spouse for a
21 period of not less than one year at the
time of the member's retirement
22 or if such spouse had been the member's
lawfully wedded spouse for at
23 least three years after the time of the
member's retirement, shall receive
24 a lump-sum benefit equal to 1/2 the
member's final average salary at the
25 time of the member's retirement and shall
receive an annual spouse's
26 benefit equal to 75% of the member's
retirement benefit payable in
27 monthly installments, to accrue from the
first day of the month following
28 the member's date of death and ending on
the last day of the month in
29 which the spouse dies. Commencing on the
effective date of this act, any
30 surviving spouse, who was receiving
benefits pursuant to this section and
31 who had such benefits terminated by reason
of such spouse's remarriage,
32 shall be entitled to once again receive
benefits pursuant to this section,
33 except that such surviving spouse shall not
be entitled to recover any
34 benefits not received after the termination
of benefits by reason of such
35 surviving spouse's remarriage but before
the effective date of this act. If
36 there is no surviving spouse, or if after
the death of the spouse there
37 remain one or more children under the age
of 18 years or one or more
38 children under the age of 23 years who is a
full-time student as provided
39 in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and amendments thereto,
the annual spouse's benefit
40 shall be payable, subject to the provisions
of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-49,123
41 and amendments thereto, in equal shares to
such children and each child's
42 share shall end on the last day of the
month in which such child attains
43 the age of 18 years or dies, whichever
occurs earlier or in which such
1 child attains the age of 23 years, if
such child is a full-time student as
2 provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and
amendments thereto. Commencing on
3 the effective date of this act, any
child who was receiving benefits pur-
4 suant to this section and who had
such benefits terminated by reason of
5 such child's marriage, shall be
entitled to once again receive benefits
6 pursuant to this section subject to
the limitations contained in this section,
7 except that such child shall not be
entitled to recover any benefits not
8 received after the termination of
benefits by reason of such child's mar-
9 riage but before the effective date
of this act. All payments due under
10 this section to a minor shall be made to a
legally appointed conservator
11 of such minor as provided in subsection (7)
of K.S.A. 74-4902 and amend-
12 ments thereto. No person shall be entitled
to receive more than one
13 benefit under the provisions of this
subsection. Any person who otherwise
14 meets the qualifications to receive more
than one benefit under this sub-
15 section shall elect the benefit such person
shall receive.
16 (4) Upon the
death after retirement of a member who had not elected
17 to retire under one of the options provided
under K.S.A. 74-4964 and
18 amendments thereto, such member's
beneficiary shall receive an amount
19 equal to the excess, if any, of such
member's accumulated contributions
20 over the sum of all retirement benefit
payments made.
21 (5) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after July
22 1, 1989 and shall apply only to members who
were appointed or employed
23 prior to July 1, 1989, and who made an
election pursuant to K.S.A. 74-
24 4955a and amendments thereto; and persons
appointed or employed on
25 or after July 1, 1989.
26 (6) The
provisions of law in effect on the retirement date of a member
27 under the system shall govern the
retirement benefit payable to the re-
28 tirant, any joint annuitant and any
29 Sec.
15. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4959 is hereby amended to read as
30 follows: 74-4959. (1) Upon the death from
service-connected causes as
31 defined in this act, of an active
contributing member prior to retirement,
32 the following benefits shall be payable if
a report of the event, in a form
33 acceptable to the board, is filed in the
office of the executive secretary of
34 the board within 200 days after the date of
the act of duty causing such
35 death and an application for such benefits,
in such form and manner as
36 prescribed by the board, is filed in the
office of the executive secretary
37 of the board within two years of the date
of death, but the board may
38 waive such time limits for a reasonable
period if in the judgment of the
39 board the failure to meet these limits was
due to lack of knowledge or
40 incapacity:
41 (a) To the
member's spouse, if lawfully wedded to the member at the
42 time of the member's death, an annual
spouse's benefit equal to 50% of
43 the member's final average salary, which
shall accrue from the first day
1 of the month coinciding with or
following the member's death and shall
2 end on the first day of the month in
which the spouse's death occurs.
3 Commencing on the effective date of
this act, any surviving spouse, who
4 was receiving benefits pursuant to
this section and who had such benefits
5 terminated by reason of such spouse's
remarriage, shall be entitled to
6 once again receive benefits pursuant
to this section, except that such
7 surviving spouse shall not be
entitled to recover any benefits not received
8 after the termination of benefits by
reason of such surviving spouse's
9 remarriage but before the effective
date of this act.
10 (b) Subject to
the provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-49,123 and
11 amendments thereto, to the member's
children under the age of 18 years
12 or under the age of 23 years, if such
children are full-time students as
13 provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and amendments
thereto an annual chil-
14 dren's benefit equal to 10% of the member's
final average salary for each
15 such child, which shall accrue from the
first day of the month coinciding
16 with or following the member's death and
shall end on the last day of the
17 month in which such child attains the age
of 18 years or dies, whichever
18 occurs earlier or in which such child
attains the age of 23 years, if such
19 child is a full-time student as provided in
K.S.A. 74-49,117 and amend-
20 ments thereto, except that if there is no
eligible spouse, or if upon the
21 death of the spouse there remain one or
more children under the age of
22 18 years or under the age of 23 years, if
such children are full-time stu-
23 dents as provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and
amendments thereto, the an-
24 nual spouse's benefit shall be paid in
equal shares to such children and
25 each child's share shall end on the last
day of the month in which such
26 child attains the age of 18 years or dies,
whichever occurs earlier or in
27 which such child attains the age of 23
years, if such child is a full-time
28 student as provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and
amendments thereto. Com-
29 mencing on the effective date of this act,
any child who was receiving
30 benefits pursuant to this section and who
had such benefits terminated
31 by reason of such child's marriage, shall
be entitled to once again receive
32 benefits pursuant to this section subject
to the limitations contained in
33 this section, except that such child shall
not be entitled to recover any
34 benefits not received after the termination
of benefits by reason of such
35 child's marriage but before the effective
date of this act.
36 (c) In no case
shall benefits payable under the provisions of para-
37 graphs (a) and (b) of this subsection (1)
exceed 75% of the member's
38 final average salary.
39 (2) Pursuant
to the provisions of section 20, and amendments thereto,
40 upon the death from causes not
service-connected of an active contrib-
41 uting member prior to retirement, the
member's spouse, if lawfully wed-
42 ded to the member at the time of the
member's death, shall receive
43 immediately a lump-sum benefit equal to
100% of the member's final
1 average salary and shall be entitled
to receive an annual death benefit
2 equal to the member's retirement
benefit calculated as if the member
3 had retired on the member's normal
retirement date, but based upon the
4 member's final average salary and
years of credited service on the date
5 of death but not to exceed the amount
of the annual spouse's benefit
6 provided in paragraph (a) of
subsection (1). An application for such ben-
7 efits in such form and manner as
prescribed by the board must be filed
8 in the office of the executive
secretary of the board within two years of
9 the date of death, but the board may
waive such time limit for a reason-
10 able period if in the judgment of the board
the failure to meet this limit
11 was due to the lack of knowledge or
incapacity. On and after July 1, 1993,
12 the annual spouse's benefit under this
subsection (2) shall accrue from
13 the first day of the month coinciding with
or following the member's
14 death and shall continue until the spouse's
death. Commencing on the
15 effective date of this act, any surviving
spouse, who was receiving benefits
16 pursuant to this section and who had such
benefits terminated by reason
17 of such spouse's remarriage, shall be
entitled to once again receive ben-
18 efits pursuant to this section, except that
such surviving spouse shall not
19 be entitled to recover any benefits not
received after the termination of
20 benefits by reason of such surviving
spouse's remarriage but before the
21 effective date of this act. If there is no
eligible spouse or if after the death
22 of the spouse there remain one or more
children of the member under
23 the age of 18 years or one or more children
of the member under the
24 age of 23 years, if such children are
full-time students as provided in
25 K.S.A. 74-49,117 and amendments thereto,
the spouse's benefit shall be
26 payable, subject to the provisions of
K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-49,123 and
27 amendments thereto, in equal shares to such
children and each child's
28 share shall end on the last day of the
month in which such child attains
29 the age of 18 years or dies, whichever
occurs earlier or in which such
30 child attains the age of 23 years, if such
child is a full-time student as
31 provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and amendments
thereto. Commencing on
32 the effective date of this act, any child
who was receiving benefits pur-
33 suant to this section and who had such
benefits terminated by reason of
34 such child's marriage, shall be entitled to
once again receive benefits
35 pursuant to this section subject to the
limitations contained in this section,
36 except that such child shall not be
entitled to recover any benefits not
37 received after the termination of benefits
by reason of such child's mar-
38 riage but before the effective date of this
39 (3) Upon the
death of a member prior to retirement, if no benefits
40 are payable under the provisions of
subsection (1) or (2), the sum of the
41 member's accumulated contributions shall be
paid to the member's
42 beneficiary.
43 (4) All payments
due under this section to a minor shall be made to
1 a legally appointed conservator of
such minor as provided in subsection
2 (7) of K.S.A. 74-4902 and amendments
3 Sec.
16. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4960 is hereby amended to read as
4 follows: 74-4960. (1) If any active
contributing member becomes totally
5 and permanently disabled due to
service-connected causes as defined in
6 subsection (10) of K.S.A. 74-4952 and
amendments thereto, such mem-
7 ber shall be retired and the
following benefits shall become payable and
8 shall continue until the member's
death or until the member recovers
9 from the disability if: A report of
the event in a form acceptable to the
10 board is filed in the office of the
executive secretary of the board within
11 220 days after the date of the event or act
of duty causing such disability;
12 and an application for such benefit, in
such form and manner as the board
13 prescribes, is filed by the member or the
member's authorized represen-
14 tative in the office of the executive
secretary of the board within two years
15 of the date of disability:
16 (a) On and after
July 1, 1993, the member shall receive a retirement
17 benefit equal to 50% of the member's final
average salary or, if the mem-
18 ber has no dependents, as defined in
subsection (1)(b), the retirement
19 benefit the member would have been entitled
to as provided under K.S.A.
20 74-4958 and amendments thereto had the
member retired, whichever is
21 greater. Such benefit shall accrue from the
day upon which the member
22 ceases to draw compensation.
23 (b) Each of the
member's children under the age of 18 years or each
24 of the member's children under the age of
23 years who is a full-time
25 student as provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and
amendments thereto shall
26 receive an annual benefit equal to 10% of
the member's final average
27 salary. Such benefit shall accrue from the
day upon which the member
28 ceases to draw compensation and shall end
on the last day of the month
29 in which each such child or children shall
attain the age of 18 years or
30 die, whichever occurs earlier or in which
such children attain the age of
31 23 years, if such child is a full-time
student as provided in K.S.A. 74-
32 49,117 and amendments thereto. Commencing
on the effective date of
33 this act, any child who was receiving
benefits pursuant to this section and
34 who had such benefits terminated by reason
of such child's marriage,
35 shall be entitled to once again receive
benefits pursuant to this section
36 subject to the limitations contained in
this section, except that such child
37 shall not be entitled to recover any
benefits not received after the ter-
38 mination of benefits by reason of such
child's marriage but before the
39 effective date of this act.
40 (c) In no case
shall the total of the benefits payable under paragraphs
41 (a) and (b) of this subsection (1) be in
excess of 75% of the member's
42 final average salary.
43 (d) Pursuant
to the provisions of section 20, and amendments thereto,
1 in the event a member who is retired
under subsection (1) dies within
2 two years after the date of such
retirement and no benefits are payable
3 under subsection (3) of K.S.A.
74-4958 and amendments thereto, then
4 benefits may be payable under
subsection (1) of K.S.A. 74-4959 and
5 amendments thereto.
(e) Pursuant to the provisions of section 20, and
amendments thereto,
7 in the event a member who is retired
under subsection (1) dies more
8 than two years after the date of such
retirement, and the proximate cause
9 of such death is the
service-connected cause from which the disability
10 resulted and no benefits are payable under
subsection (3) of K.S.A. 74-
11 4958 and amendments thereto, then benefits
may be payable under sub-
12 section (1) of K.S.A. 74-4959 and
amendments thereto. The provisions of
13 this paragraph (e) of this subsection (1)
shall apply in all cases of such
14 members who die after June 30, 1978.
15 (f) Pursuant
to the provisions of section 20, and amendments thereto,
16 in the event a member who is retired under
subsection (1) dies after the
17 date of such retirement, and no benefits
are payable under paragraphs
18 (d) and (e) of subsection (1), nor under
subsection (3) of K.S.A. 74-4958
19 and amendments thereto, the following
benefits shall be payable:
20 (i) To the
member's spouse, if lawfully wedded to the member at the
21 time of the member's death, a lump-sum
benefit equal to 50% of the
22 member's final average salary at the time
of the member's retirement.
23 (ii) To the
member's spouse, if lawfully wedded to the member at
24 the time of the member's death, an annual
benefit equal to 50% of the
25 member's retirement benefit payable in
monthly installments, to accrue
26 from the first day of the month following
the member's date of death and
27 ending on the last day of the month in
which the spouse dies. Com-
28 mencing on the effective date of this act,
any surviving spouse, who was
29 receiving benefits pursuant to this section
and who had such benefits
30 terminated by reason of such spouse's
remarriage, shall be entitled to
31 once again receive benefits pursuant to
this section, except that such
32 surviving spouse shall not be entitled to
recover any benefits not received
33 after the termination of benefits by reason
of such surviving spouse's
34 remarriage but before the effective date of
this act. If there is no surviving
35 spouse, or if after the death of the spouse
there remain one or more
36 children under the age of 18 years or one
or more children under the age
37 of 23 years who is a full-time student as
provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117 and
38 amendments thereto, the annual spouse's
benefit shall be payable, subject
39 to the provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
74-49,123 and amendments
40 thereto, in equal shares to such children
and each child's share shall end
41 on the last day of the month in which such
child attains the age of 18
42 years or dies, whichever occurs earlier or
in which such child attains the
43 age of 23 years, if such child is a
full-time student as provided in K.S.A.
1 74-49,117 and amendments thereto.
Commencing on the effective date
2 of this act, any child who was
receiving benefits pursuant to this section
3 and who had such benefits terminated
by reason of such child's marriage,
4 shall be entitled to once again
receive benefits pursuant to this section
5 subject to the limitations contained
in this section, except that such child
6 shall not be entitled to recover any
benefits not received after the ter-
7 mination of benefits by reason of
such child's marriage but before the
8 effective date of this act.
9 The provisions
of paragraph (f) of subsection (1) shall apply in all cases
10 of such members who die after December 1,
11 (2) (a) If
any active contributing member, prior to such member's
12 normal retirement, becomes totally and
permanently disabled for a period
13 of 180 days from causes not
service-connected, and not as the result of a
14 willfully negligent or intentional act of
the member, such member shall
15 be retired and the following benefit shall
become payable and shall con-
16 tinue until the member's death or until the
member recovers from such
17 disability, whichever occurs first, if a
report of the disability in a form
18 acceptable to the board is filed in the
office of the executive secretary of
19 the board within 220 days after the date of
the commencement of such
20 disability and if an application for such
benefit in such form and manner
21 as the board shall prescribe is filed in
the office of the executive secretary
22 of the board within two years of the date
of disability:
23 A retirement benefit
equal to 2.5% of the member's final average salary
24 multiplied by the number of years of
credited service or the retirement
25 benefit the member would have been entitled
to as provided under K.S.A.
26 74-4958 and amendments thereto had the
member retired, whichever is
27 greater, multiplied by the number of years
of credited service except that
28 such retirement benefit shall be at least
equal to 25% of the member's
29 final average salary but shall not exceed
the amount of the retirement
30 benefit provided in paragraph (a) of
subsection (1). Such benefit shall not
31 become payable until satisfactory evidence
shall be presented to the board
32 that the member is and has been totally and
permanently disabled for a
33 period of 180 days, but benefits shall
accrue from the day upon which
34 the member ceases to draw compensation.
35 (b) Pursuant
to the provisions of section 20, and amendments thereto,
36 in the event a member who is retired under
subsection (2) dies after the
37 date of such retirement, and no benefits
are payable under subsection (3)
38 of K.S.A. 74-4958 and amendments thereto,
the following benefits shall
39 be payable:
40 (i) To the
member's spouse, if lawfully wedded to the member at the
41 time of the member's death, a lump-sum
benefit equal to 50% of the
42 member's final average salary at the time
of the member's retirement.
43 (ii) To the
member's spouse, if lawfully wedded to the member at
1 the time of the member's death, an
annual benefit equal to 50% of the
2 member's retirement benefit payable
in monthly installments, to accrue
3 from the first day of the month
following the member's date of death and
4 ending on the last day of the month
in which the spouse dies. Com-
5 mencing on the effective date of this
act, any surviving spouse, who was
6 receiving benefits pursuant to this
section and who had such benefits
7 terminated by reason of such spouse's
remarriage, shall be entitled to
8 once again receive benefits pursuant
to this section, except that such
9 surviving spouse shall not be
entitled to recover any benefits not received
10 after the termination of benefits by reason
of such surviving spouse's
11 remarriage but before the effective date of
this act. If there is no surviving
12 spouse, or if after the death of the spouse
there remain one or more
13 children under the age of 18 years or one
or more children under the age
14 of 23 years who are full-time students as
provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117
15 and amendments thereto, the annual spouse's
benefit shall be payable,
16 subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 1999
Supp. 74-49,123 and amendments
17 thereto, in equal shares to such children
and each child's share shall end
18 on the last day of the month in which such
child attains the age of 18
19 years or dies, whichever occurs earlier or
in which such child attains the
20 age of 23 years, if such child is a
full-time student as provided in K.S.A.
21 74-49,117 and amendments thereto.
Commencing on the effective date
22 of this act, any child who was receiving
benefits pursuant to this section
23 and who had such benefits terminated by
reason of such child's marriage,
24 shall be entitled to once again receive
benefits pursuant to this section
25 subject to the limitations contained in
this section, except that such child
26 shall not be entitled to recover any
benefits not received after the ter-
27 mination of benefits by reason of such
child's marriage but before the
28 effective date of this act.
29 The provisions of
paragraph (b) of subsection (2) shall apply in all cases
30 of such members who die after July 1,
31 (3) Any member
who was employed for compensation by an em-
32 ployer other than the member's
participating employer and whose disa-
33 bility was incurred in the course of such
other employment shall not be
34 eligible for any of the benefits provided
in subsection (2).
35 (4) If a member
becomes totally and permanently disabled and no
36 benefits are payable under subsection (1)
or (2), the sum of the member's
37 accumulated contributions shall be paid to
the member.
38 (5) Any member
receiving benefits under this section shall submit to
39 medical examination, not more frequent than
annually, by one or more
40 physicians or any other practitioners of
the healing arts holding a valid
41 license issued by Kansas state board of
healing arts, as the board of trus-
42 tees may direct. If upon such medical
examination, the examiner's report
43 to the board states that the retirant is
physically able and capable of re-
1 suming employment with the same or a
different participating employer,
2 the disability benefits shall
terminate. A retirant who has been receiving
3 benefits under the provisions of this
section and who returns to employ-
4 ment, as defined in subsection (4) of
K.S.A. 74-4952 and amendments
5 thereto, of a participating employer
shall immediately commence accru-
6 ing service credit which shall be
added to that which has been accrued
7 by virtue of previous service.
8 (6) Any
retirant who has been receiving benefits under the provisions
9 of this section for a period of five
years shall be deemed finally retired
10 and shall not be subject to further medical
examinations, except that if
11 the board of trustees shall have reasonable
grounds to question whether
12 the retirant remains totally and
permanently disabled, a further medical
13 examination or examinations may be
14 (7) Refusal or
neglect to submit to examination as provided in sub-
15 section (5) shall be sufficient cause for
suspending or discontinuing ben-
16 efit payments under this section and if
such refusal or neglect shall con-
17 tinue for a period of one year, the
member's rights in and to all benefits
18 under this system may be revoked by the
19 (8) Any
retirement benefits payable under the provisions of this sec-
20 tion shall be in lieu of normal retirement
benefits as provided in subsec-
21 tions (1) and (2) of K.S.A. 74-4958 and
amendments thereto.
22 (9) Each member
shall report to such member's participating em-
23 ployer any event or act of duty causing
disability within 200 days after
24 such event or act of duty. The member's
participating employer shall file
25 in the office of the executive secretary of
the board, in a form acceptable
26 to the board, a report of the event or act
of duty causing disability within
27 220 days after the event or act of
28 (10) In any case
of any event occurring prior to July 1, 1979, and after
29 June 30, 1998, for which a report of the
event was made by the partici-
30 pating employer to the director of workers'
compensation in accordance
31 with K.S.A. 44-557 and amendments thereto,
such report to the director
32 of workers' compensation shall satisfy the
requirement under subsection
33 (1) of this section to file a report of
such event, in a form acceptable to
34 the board within 220 days. No such report
to the director of workers'
35 compensation shall be deemed to satisfy
such requirement with respect
36 to events occurring on or after July 1,
1979, and prior to July 1, 1998.
37 (11) All payments
due under this section to a minor shall be made to
38 a legally appointed conservator of such
39 (12) The
provisions of this section shall apply only to members who
40 were appointed or employed prior to July 1,
1989, and who did not make
41 an election pursuant to K.S.A. 74-4955a and
amendments thereto.
42 (13) Any retirant
who has been receiving benefits under the provi-
43 sions of this section and who returns to
employment with the same or
1 different participating employer in
the system shall be deemed no longer
2 retired.
3 Sec.
17. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4960a is hereby amended to read
4 follows: 74-4960a. (1) If any active
contributing member who is appointed
5 or employed on or after July 1, 1989,
or who makes an election pursuant
6 to K.S.A. 74-4955a and amendments
thereto to be covered by the pro-
7 visions of this act becomes disabled
as defined in subsection (2), such
8 member shall receive a monthly
benefit equal to 50% of the member's
9 final average salary at the time such
member was disabled payable in
10 monthly installments, accruing from the
first day upon which the member
11 ceases to draw compensation, if a report of
the disability in such form
12 and manner as the board shall prescribe is
filed in the office of the ex-
13 ecutive secretary of the board within 220
days after the date of the com-
14 mencement of such disability and if an
application for such benefit in
15 such form and manner as the board shall
prescribe is filed in the office
16 of the executive secretary of the board
within two years of the date of the
17 commencement of such disability.
18 (2) For the
purposes of this section, ``disabled'' means total inability
19 to perform permanently the duties of the
position of policeman or
20 fireman.
21 (3) Pursuant
to the provisions of section 20, and amendments thereto,
22 in the event a member who is disabled and
entitled to such benefits as
23 provided in subsection (1) dies after the
date of such disability, and no
24 benefits are payable under subsection (3)
of K.S.A. 74-4958 and amend-
25 ments thereto, the following benefits shall
be payable:
26 (i) To the
member's spouse, if lawfully wedded to the member at the
27 time of the member's death, a lump-sum
benefit equal to 50% of the
28 member's final average salary at the time
such member was disabled.
29 (ii) To the
member's spouse, if lawfully wedded to the member at
30 the time of the member's death, an annual
benefit equal to 50% of the
31 member's benefit payable in monthly
installments, to accrue from the
32 first day of the month following the
member's date of death and ending
33 on the last day of the month in which the
spouse dies. Commencing on
34 the effective date of this act, any
surviving spouse, who was receiving
35 benefits pursuant to this section and who
had such benefits terminated
36 by reason of such spouse's remarriage,
shall be entitled to once again
37 receive benefits pursuant to this section,
except that such surviving spouse
38 shall not be entitled to recover any
benefits not received after the ter-
39 mination of benefits by reason of such
surviving spouse's remarriage but
40 before the effective date of this act. If
there is no surviving spouse, or if
41 after the death of the spouse there remain
one or more children under
42 the age of 18 years or one or more children
under the age of 23 years
43 who is a full-time student as provided in
K.S.A. 74-49,117 and amend-
1 ments thereto, the annual spouse's
benefit shall be payable, subject to
2 the provisions of K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
74-49,123 and amendments thereto,
3 in equal shares to such children and
each child's share shall end on the
4 last day of the month in which such
child attains the age of 18 years or
5 dies, whichever occurs earlier or in
which such child attains the age of 23
6 years, if such child is a full-time
student as provided in K.S.A. 74-49,117
7 and amendments thereto. Commencing on
the effective date of this act,
8 any child who was receiving benefits
pursuant to this section and who
9 had such benefits terminated by
reason of such child's marriage, shall be
10 entitled to once again receive benefits
pursuant to this section subject to
11 the limitations contained in this section,
except that such child shall not
12 be entitled to recover any benefits not
received after the termination of
13 benefits by reason of such child's marriage
but before the effective date
14 of this act.
15 (4) Any member
who was employed for compensation by an em-
16 ployer other than the member's
participating employer and whose disa-
17 bility was incurred in the course of such
other employment shall not be
18 eligible for any of the benefits provided
in subsection (1) or (3).
19 (5) If a member
becomes totally and permanently disabled and no
20 benefits are payable under subsection (1),
the sum of the member's ac-
21 cumulated contributions shall be paid to
the member.
22 (6) Any member
receiving benefits under this section shall submit to
23 medical examination, not more frequent than
annually, by one or more
24 physicians or any other practitioners of
the healing arts holding a valid
25 license issued by the state board of
healing arts to practice a branch of
26 the healing arts, as the board of trustees
may direct. If upon such medical
27 examination, the examiner's report to the
board states that the member
28 is physically able and capable of resuming
employment with the same or
29 a different participating employer, the
disability benefits shall terminate.
30 A member who has been receiving benefits
under the provisions of this
31 section and who returns to employment, as
defined in subsection (4) of
32 K.S.A. 74-4952 and amendments thereto, of a
participating employer shall
33 immediately commence accruing service
credit which shall be added to
34 that which has been accrued by virtue of
previous service.
35 (7) Any member
who has been receiving benefits under the provi-
36 sions of this section for a period of five
years shall be deemed permanent
37 and shall not be subject to further medical
examinations, except that if
38 the board of trustees shall have reasonable
grounds to question whether
39 the member remains totally and permanently
disabled, a further medical
40 examination or examinations may be
41 (8) Refusal or
neglect to submit to examination as provided in sub-
42 section (6) shall be sufficient cause for
suspending or discontinuing ben-
43 efit payments under this section and if
such refusal or neglect shall con-
1 tinue for a period of one year, the
member's rights in and to all benefits
2 under this system may be revoked by
the board.
3 (9) In the
event that a member becomes disabled and is eligible for
4 benefits provided in this section,
such member shall be given participating
5 service credit for the entire period
of such disability.
6 (10) Any
member who is receiving benefits pursuant to this section
7 shall file annually a statement of
earnings for the previous year in such
8 form and manner as the board shall
prescribe. Any disability benefit paid
9 to a member entitled to such benefit
pursuant to this section shall be
10 reduced by the board in an amount equal to
a $1 reduction in such benefit
11 for every $2 of earnings of such member
which were earned during the
12 previous year while such member was
disabled. Such reduction shall ap-
13 ply only to a member's earnings which
exceed $10,000.
14 (11) Any benefits
provided pursuant to this section and any partici-
15 pating service credit given pursuant to
subsection (9) shall terminate upon
16 the earliest date such member is eligible
for retirement upon attainment
17 of the normal retirement date as provided
in K.S.A. 74-4964a and amend-
18 ments thereto.
19 (12) Any member
who has received benefits under the provisions of
20 this section for a period of five years or
more immediately preceding
21 retirement shall have such member's final
average salary adjusted upon
22 retirement by the actuarial salary
assumption rates in existence during
23 such period. Effective July 1, 1993, each
member's current annual rate
24 shall be adjusted upon retirement by 5% for
each year of disability after
25 July 1, 1993, but before July 1, 1998.
Effective July 1, 1998, such mem-
26 ber's current annual rate shall be adjusted
upon retirement by an amount
27 equal to the lesser of: (1) The percentage
increase in the consumer price
28 index for all urban consumers as published
by the bureau of labor statistics
29 of the United States department of labor
minus one percent; or (2) four
30 percent per annum, measured from
the month the disability occurs the
31 member's last day on the payroll to
the month that is two months prior
32 to the month of retirement, for each year
of disability after July 1, 1998.
33 (13) All payments
due under this section to a minor shall be made to
34 a legally appointed conservator of such
35 (14) The
provisions of this section shall be effective on and after July
36 1, 1989 and shall apply only to members who
were appointed or employed
37 prior to July 1, 1989, and who made an
election pursuant to K.S.A. 74-
38 4955a and amendments thereto; and persons
appointed or employed on
39 or after July 1, 1989.
40 (15) Any retirant
who has been receiving benefits under the provi-
41 sions of this section and who returns to
employment with the same or
42 different participating employer in the
system shall be deemed no longer
43 retired.
1 Sec.
18. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-4989 is hereby amended to read as
2 follows: 74-4989. (1) (a) Except as
provided in (b), pursuant to the pro-
3 visions of section 20, and
amendments thereto, upon the death of a retir-
4 ant, the board of trustees of the
Kansas public employees retirement
5 system shall pay a lump-sum death
benefit to the retirant's beneficiary
6 which shall not exceed $4,000 for
such retirant, less any amount payable
7 for funeral benefits under the
applicable provisions of any local police or
8 fire pension plan, as defined by
subsection (c) of K.S.A. 12-5001 and
9 amendments thereto.
(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A. 74-4923 and
11 ments thereto, any amounts owed the system
shall be deducted from such
12 lump-sum death benefit.
13 (2) As used in
this section, ``retirant'' means any person who is a
14 member or special member of the Kansas
public employees retirement
15 system, the Kansas police and firemen's
retirement system, the state
16 school retirement system or the retirement
system for judges and who
17 has retired.
18 New Sec.
19. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (b),
19 member of the system who becomes eligible
for another retirement plan
20 authorized under any law of this state or
who becomes ineligible for the
21 Kansas public employees retirement plan due
to a reduction of hours,
22 who: (1) Has not been granted a vested
retirement benefit in the system
23 as provided in K.S.A. 74-4917, and
amendments thereto; and (2) has
24 reached the early or normal retirement
dates as provided in K.S.A. 74-
25 4914, and amendments thereto, shall be
eligible to receive a retirement
26 benefit based on such member's years of
service and have interest cred-
27 ited annually to such member's account from
the time the member first
28 becomes eligible under this subsection and
for so long as they remain
29 eligible under the provisions of this
subsection notwithstanding the fact
30 that such member has not been granted a
vested retirement benefit as
31 provided in K.S.A. 74-4917, and amendments
thereto. Receipt of such
32 retirement benefit shall be as otherwise
provided by law.
33 (b) If the status
of such member is no longer as described in subsec-
34 tion (a), the vesting requirements
specified by K.S.A. 74-4917, and
35 amendments thereto shall be applicable to
such member.
36 (c) The
provisions of this section shall be part of and supplemental
37 to the provisions of K.S.A. 74-4901 et
seq., and amendments thereto.
38 New Sec.
20. The death benefits, survivor benefits and funeral ex-
39 penses that are provided to surviving
spouses, minor children and other
40 beneficiaries as a result of a nonduty
related death or retirant death pur-
41 suant to K.S.A. 13-14a07, 13-14a11,
14-10a07, 14-10a11, 74-4958, 74-
42 4958a, 74-4959, 74-4960, 74-4960a and
74-4989, and amendments
43 thereto, are in the nature of life
insurance; are provided by the partici-
1 pating employers for the protection
of members' spouses, survivors or
2 beneficiaries as provided in those
sections; and are not subject to regu-
3 lation of the state of Kansas
department of insurance.
4 Sec. 21. K.S.A. 13-14a11,
14-10a11 and 74-4927k and K.S.A. 1999
5 Supp. 13-14a07, 14-10a07, 20-2610,
20-2625, 74-4919p, 74-4919q, 74-
6 4921, 74-4921a, 74-4924, 74-4927,
74-4958, 74-4958a, 74-4959, 74-4960,
7 74-4960a and 74-4989 are hereby
8 Sec. 22. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
9 publication in the statute book.