Session of 2000
By Committee on Appropriations
concerning retirement; relating to deferred compensation plan
11 for state employees;
administration and duties of the Kansas public
12 employees retirement
system board of trustees; amending K.S.A. 75-
13 5521, 75-5523,
75-5524, 75-5528, 75-5529, 75-5529a and 75-5529b
14 and K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
75-5525 and repealing the existing sections;
15 also repealing K.S.A.
1999 Supp. 75-5529c.
17 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
18 Section
1. K.S.A. 75-5521 is hereby amended to read as follows:
19 5521. As used in this act:
(a) ``Beneficiary'' means any person designated to receive
21 under a deferred compensation plan.
22 (b) ``Board''
means the Kansas public employees retirement system
23 board of trustees.
(c) ``Deferred compensation plan'' means a plan developed
and ap-
25 proved as provided in this act and under
which an employee sets aside a
26 specified amount of salary or compensation
which may not be subject to
27 state or federal taxation until receipt
thereof by the employee under
28 stated conditions in the future.
(c) ``Director'' means the director of accounts and
30 (d) ``Employee''
means any person who is an elected or appointed
31 officer or any employee of the state in the
classified service or unclassified
32 service under the Kansas civil service act,
other than persons who are
33 employed on a seasonal or temporary
(e) ``Participant'' means an eligible employee who has entered
35 an agreement with the director of
accounts and reports as provided in
36 K.S.A. 75-5524, and amendments
thereto, to defer an amount of the em-
37 ployee's salary or compensation under the
Kansas public employees de-
38 ferred compensation plan.
39 (f) ``State''
means the state of Kansas and any state agency as defined
40 in subsection (3) of K.S.A. 75-3701, and
amendments thereto.
41 (g) ``Federal
internal revenue code'' means the federal internal reve-
42 nue code of 1954 or 1986, as amended and
as applicable to a governmental
43 deferred compensation plan.
1 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 75-5523 is hereby amended to read as follows:
2 5523. (a) On and after July 1,
2000, the director board is authorized
3 establish a
administer the deferred compensation plan as provided
4 K.S.A. 75-5521, and amendments
thereto, in accordance with the federal
5 revenue act of 1978, Public
Law No. 95-600, subject to the approval of
6 the secretary of
administration section 457 of the federal internal
7 code. Such plan shall be the
Kansas public employees deferred compen-
8 sation plan. All powers and duties
heretofore conferred by such plan upon
9 the advisory committee on
deferred compensation director of accounts
10 and reports and the secretary of
administration are hereby transferred to
11 the director of personnel services
or the director's designees board. The
12 board shall be successor in every way to
the powers, duties and functions
13 of the director of accounts and reports
and the secretary of administration
14 with regard to the deferred compensation
plan in which such powers,
15 duties and functions were vested prior
to July 1, 2000. Every act per-
16 formed in the exercise of such powers,
duties and functions by or under
17 the authority of the board shall be
deemed to have the same force and
18 effect as if performed by the director
of accounts and reports and the
19 secretary of administration in which
such powers, duties and functions
20 were vested prior to July 1, 2000. All
liabilities incurred by the director
21 or secretary pursuant to the deferred
compensation plan are transferred
22 to the board. Except as otherwise
provided by this act, whenever the
23 director of accounts and reports or the
secretary of administration, or
24 words of like effect, is referred to or
designated by statute, contract or
25 other document, such reference or
designation shall be deemed to apply
26 to the board.
27 (b) The
director board may enter into an agreement
or agreements
28 with approved insurers or other
contracting parties qualified providers of
29 deferred compensation investment and
administrative services whereby
30 benefits under the Kansas public employees
deferred compensation plan
31 would be made available to those
participants who contract with the di-
32 rector board for
deferred compensation under K.S.A. 75-5524, and
33 amendments thereto. In addition,
the director may enter into an agree-
34 ment with one or more qualified
private firms for consolidated billing
35 services, participant enrollment
services, participant accounts and other
36 services related to the
administration of the Kansas public employees
37 deferred compensation
38 (c) No
significant costs shall be incurred by the
state board as a result
39 of the administration of this act unless
such costs are recovered by charg-
40 ing and collecting a service charge from
all participants and in addition
41 thereto or in lieu thereof, where the
director board has entered into
42 agreements with one or more
qualified private contracting firms
43 subsection (b), are recovered from such
firms. The amount of any such
1 significant costs
incurred and to be recovered by the
state shall be deter-
2 mined by the
director board. In determining such costs
pursuant to this
3 section, the board shall allocate
the overall costs related to the board's
4 various functions in a manner
consistent with generally accepted account-
5 ing practices. The board shall
ensure that the administration of the de-
6 ferred compensation plan neither
diminishes the board's resources nor
7 adds to the board's expenses in
fulfilling the board's duties under K.S.A.
8 74-4901 et seq., and
amendments thereto.
(d) Subject to the approval of the secretary of
administration, the
10 director is authorized to negotiate
and enter into contracts with qualified
11 insurers and other contracting
parties for the purposes of establishing a
12 deferred compensation plan,
including acquisition of actuarial and other
13 services necessary therefor. The
director shall advertise for deferred com-
14 pensation proposals, shall
negotiate with not less than three firms or other
15 contracting parties submitting such
proposals, and shall select from
16 among those submitting such
proposals the firm or firms or other con-
17 tracting party or parties to
contract with for purposes of establishing a
18 deferred compensation plan.
Contracts entered into under this act shall
19 not be subject to K.S.A. 75-3739
and amendments thereto.
20 Sec.
3. K.S.A. 75-5524 is hereby amended to read as follows:
21 5524. (a) The director
board is authorized to enter into a voluntary agree-
22 ment with any employee whereby the
director agrees to defer and deduct
23 there shall be each payroll period a
portion of the employee's salary or
24 compensation from the state in accordance
with the Kansas public em-
25 ployees deferred compensation plan. Such
agreement may require each
26 participant to pay a service charge to
defray all or part of any significant
27 costs incurred and to be recovered by the
state board pursuant to sub-
28 section (c) of K.S.A. 75-5523, and
amendments thereto, as a result of the
29 administration of this act. Pursuant to
this act and such agreements the
30 director is authorized to
of accounts and reports shall deduct amounts
31 authorized in such agreements from the
salary or compensation of such
32 employee each payroll period, as part of
the system of regular payroll
33 deduction.
34 (b) On and
after July 1, 2000, the minimum amount and the
35 mum amount which may be
deferred in any one payroll period shall be
36 established by rules and
regulations adopted under K.S.A. 75-5529 the
37 board.
38 (c) On and
after July 1, 2000, the state may contribute to the
39 compensation plan on behalf of any
employee who has entered into a
40 voluntary agreement with the board an
amount to match the employee's
41 contribution as provided in this
section, except that any such contribution
42 by the state shall not cause the total
employee and employer contributions
43 to exceed the limits as provided in
section 457 of the federal internal
1 revenue code.
(d) The Kansas public employees deferred compensation plan
3 exist and be in addition to, and
shall not be a part of any retirement or
4 pension system for employees. The
state shall not be responsible for any
5 loss incurred by an employee under
the Kansas public employees de-
6 ferred compensation plan established
and approved pursuant to this act.
(d) (e) Any amount of the employee's
salary or compensation that is
8 deferred under such authorized
agreement shall continue to be included
9 as regular compensation for all
purposes of computing retirement and
10 pension benefits earned by any such
employee, but any sum deferred or
11 deducted shall not be subject to any state
or local income taxes for the
12 year in which such sum is earned but shall
be subject to applicable state
13 and local income taxes for the year in
which such sum is received by the
14 employee.
15 (e)
(f) The director board is
hereby authorized to establish a
16 and administer the deferred
compensation clearing fund in the state
17 treasury in which shall be placed
temporarily all compensation deferred
18 and deducted in accordance with this
act, as provided for in any agree-
19 ment between an employee and the
20 Sec.
4. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-5525 is hereby amended to read as
21 follows: 75-5525. (a) All moneys which are
deferred and deducted by the
22 director of accounts and reports in
accordance with the provisions of an
23 agreement entered into under K.S.A.
75-5524, and amendments thereto,
24 and the provisions of this act,
shall remain assets of the state, shall be
25 disposed of in accordance with the terms
of the agreement and shall be
26 held in trust in accordance with
section 457 of the federal internal rev-
27 enue code of 1986, and amendments
thereto, for the exclusive benefit of
28 participants and their
beneficiaries, and shall be disposed of in
29 with the terms of the agreement
between the employee and the director.
30 The obligation of the state to the
employee and approved insurers or
31 other contractors shall be a
contractual obligation only and no preferred
32 or special interest in the deferred
moneys shall accrue to such employee
33 or to such approved insurer or
other contractor.
34 (b) Contributions
payable to the deferred compensation plan pur-
35 suant to the plan shall not be subject to
any premium tax or other charges
36 arising under the insurance laws of this
state. If any such tax or charge
37 has been paid prior to the
effective date of this act, the same shall be
38 refunded.
39 Sec.
5. K.S.A. 75-5528 is hereby amended to read as follows:
40 5528. No participant or beneficiary shall
have the right to commute, sell,
41 assign or otherwise transfer or convey the
rights to receive any payments
42 under agreements compensation
plans entered into pursuant to this act
43 for participation in the deferred
compensation plan and such payments
1 and rights are expressly declared to
be and shall be unassignable.
2 Sec.
6. K.S.A. 75-5529 is hereby amended to read as follows:
3 5529. The secretary of
administration, upon the recommendation of the
4 director,
board may adopt rules and regulations, in the manner
5 in K.S.A. 75-3706, and
amendments thereto, for the implementation and
6 administration of this act. The
director board shall maintain such
7 and records as are necessary and
appropriate to the efficient operation of
8 this act.
9 Sec.
7. K.S.A. 75-5529a is hereby amended to read as follows:
10 5529a. Subject to the approval of
the secretary of administration, the
11 director of accounts and
reports The board may enter into agreements
12 for the participation of local governments
of the state of Kansas, which
13 are defined as eligible employers by
subsection (13) of K.S.A. 74-4902
14 and amendments thereto, and their
employees, as defined by subsection
15 (14) of K.S.A. 74-4902 and amendments
thereto except that such em-
16 ployees local
government need not be employed by a
participating em-
17 ployer under the Kansas public employees
retirement system, within the
18 deferred compensation plan for state
employees established under K.S.A.
19 75-5523 and amendments thereto. Such
participation may include any
20 such eligible employer
local government and employees when authorized
21 by the governing body of the
eligible employer local government by
22 dinance or resolution. Except for such
participation agreements, the di-
23 rector of accounts and reports or
any other state officer or employee
24 board shall not be involved nor
incur any expense in the administration
25 of such plan as it applies to local
governments or their employees.
26 Sec.
8. K.S.A. 75-5529b is hereby amended to read as follows:
27 5529b. The governing body of any local
government of the state of Kansas,
28 which is defined as an eligible employer by
K.S.A. 74-4902 and which
29 has agreed to participate in the Kansas
public employees deferred com-
30 pensation plan, may establish such
conditions as the governing body
31 deems advisable to govern the terms of
agreement for the voluntary par-
32 ticipation of its employees in such plan.
Such conditions may include, but
33 are not limited to, the local
government's provision of an employer con-
34 tribution to match the employee's
contribution as provided in the em-
35 ployee's voluntary agreement with the
local government, except that any
36 such contribution by the local
government shall not cause the total em-
37 ployee and employer contributions to
exceed the limits as provided in
38 section 457 of the federal internal
revenue code. Any amount of an em-
39 ployee's salary or compensation that is
deferred under such agreement
40 shall continue to be included as regular
compensation for all purposes of
41 computing retirement and pension benefits
earned by such employee,
42 but any sum deferred or deducted shall not
be subject to any state or
43 local income tax for the year in which such
sum is earned but shall be
1 subject to applicable state and local
income taxes for the year in which
2 such sum is received by the
3 Sec. 9. K.S.A. 75-5521,
75-5523, 75-5524, 75-5528, 75-5529, 75-
4 5529a and 75-5529b and K.S.A. 1999
Supp. 75-5525 and 75-5529c re
5 hereby repealed.
6 Sec. 10. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
7 publication in the statute book.