Session of 2000
By Committee on Appropriations
concerning public warehouses; relating to certain structural
11 requirements
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. (a) As used in this section ``public warehouse'' or
15 grain warehouse'' means every elevator or
other building in which grain
16 is received for storage or transfer for the
public and which is: (1) Over
17 75 feet in height; (2) licensed by the
state or federal government as a
18 grain warehouse; and (3) constructed of
wood or concrete materials.
19 (b) Every public
warehouse shall have a dry standpipe installed on
20 the external portion of such warehouse.
Such pipe shall be constructed
21 and installed in the manner and subject to
the specifications and require-
22 ments of the state fire marshal.
23 (c) The state
fire marshal shall adopt any rules and regulations nec-
24 essary to implement the provisions of this
section. The state fire marshal
25 shall require the use of materials and
construction practices which: (1)
26 Provide effective fire control and
extinguishment; and (2) will make the
27 costs of the construction and installation
of such standpipes as reasonable
28 as possible.
29 (d) Any person or
entity that violates any provision of this section is
30 guilty of a class A nonperson
31 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
32 publication in the statute book.