Session of 2000
By Committee on Appropriations
concerning the Kansas Statutes Annotated; relating to the dis-
10 tribution thereof;
amending K.S.A. 77-138 and repealing the existing
11 section.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 77-138 is hereby amended to read as follows: 77-
15 138. (a) Volumes of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated shall be printed and
16 bound by the director of printing and
delivered to the secretary of state
17 who shall dispose of them as follows:
18 First, the
secretary of state shall deposit in the supreme court law
19 library and in the state library such
number of copies as the state law
20 librarian and the state librarian,
respectively, shall request for use in the
21 law library and the state library, for the
purposes of the publication col-
22 lection and depository system established
under K.S.A. 75-2566 and
23 amendments thereto, and for the purpose of
making exchanges with the
24 various states and territories, and the
secretary of state shall retain one
25 set for the secretary's use in the
secretary's office.
26 Second, (1) the
secretary of state shall distribute two one
complete sets
27 set of the Kansas Statutes Annotated
to each member of the legislature
28 at each regular session, one set
of which shall have the respective mem-
29 ber's name printed thereon.
30 (2) The secretary
of state shall distribute such number of complete
31 sets and individual volumes of the Kansas
Statutes Annotated (A) to the
32 office of revisor of statutes as the
revisor of statutes shall request, (B) to
33 the legislative research department as the
director of legislative research
34 shall request, (C) to the division of post
audit as the post auditor shall
35 request, (D) to the division of legislative
administrative services as the
36 director of legislative administrative
services shall request, and (E) to the
37 judicial branch of state government as the
chief justice of the supreme
38 court shall request.
39 (3) The secretary
of state shall distribute: (A) Two sets to each rep-
40 resentative in congress and United States
senator from the state of Kan-
41 sas, upon request by such representative or
senator; (B) one set each to
42 the governor, lieutenant governor and
attorney general; (C) to Washburn
43 university school of law, the number of
sets, not to exceed 60 sets, that
1 the librarian of the school of law
certifies to the secretary of state as
2 necessary for the purpose of
exchanging with other states and territories
3 and to be kept in the library for the
use of faculty and students of the
4 university; (D) to the school of law
of the university of Kansas, the number
5 of sets, not to exceed 60 sets, that
the librarian of the school of law certifies
6 to the secretary of state as
necessary for the purpose of exchanging with
7 other states and territories and to
be kept in the library for the use of
8 faculty and students of the
university; (E) to the clerk of the district court
9 of the United States for the state of
Kansas, the number of sets, not to
10 exceed five sets, as are requested by such
clerk; (F) one set to each county
11 law library in the state, upon request by
the librarian thereof; (G) to each
12 county clerk, the number of sets requested
by the county clerk, not to
13 exceed seven sets, to be distributed not
more than one set each to the
14 county or district attorney, the county
clerk, the county counselor, if any,
15 the register of deeds, the sheriff, the
county treasurer, and the board of
16 county commissioners, which set shall be
retained by the county clerk for
17 use by such board; (H) not more than one
set to each city of the third
18 class, one set to each city of the second
class and two sets to each city of
19 the first class, upon request by the city
clerk; and (I) one set to the state
20 historical society library.
21 Third, the
balance of statute books, after the above distribution shall
22 be kept by the secretary of state for
23 (b) The secretary
of state shall sell each volume of the Kansas Statutes
24 Annotated, including replacement volumes,
at the per volume price fixed
25 therefor by the legislative coordinating
council under this section. Gen-
26 eral index volumes, when sold separately
and not as a part of a set of
27 cumulative supplements, shall be sold at
the per volume price fixed there-
28 for by the legislative coordinating
council. The secretary of state shall
29 remit all moneys received from such sales
under this section to the state
30 treasurer at least monthly and the state
treasurer shall deposit the entire
31 amount of each such remittance in the state
treasury to the credit of the
32 state general fund.
33 (c) The
legislative coordinating council shall fix the per volume price
34 of each volume of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated, including replacement
35 volumes, sold under this section to recover
the costs of printing and bind-
36 ing such volumes. The legislative
coordinating council shall revise such
37 prices from time to time for the purposes
of covering and recovering such
38 costs.
39 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 77-138 is hereby
40 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
41 publication in the statute book.