Session of 2000
Effective: July 1, 2001
An Act concerning the judicial council; relating to the
publications fee fund;
authorizing certain fees and donations.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. (a) The judicial council
may fix, charge and collect fees
for sale and distribution of legal publications in order to recover
and indirect costs incurred for preparation, publication and
of legal publications. The judicial council may request and accept
grants and donations from any person, firm, association or
corporation or
from the federal government or any agency thereof for preparation,
lication or distribution of legal publications.
(b) The publications fee fund of the
judicial council which was estab-
lished in the state treasury pursuant to appropriation acts is
hereby con-
tinued in existence and shall be administered by the judicial
council. Rev-
enue from the following sources shall be deposited in the state
and credited to such fund:
(1) All moneys received by or for the
judicial council from fees col-
lected under this section; and
(2) all moneys received as gifts, grants
or donations for preparation,
publication or distribution of legal publications.
(c) Moneys deposited in the publications
fee fund of the judicial
council shall be expended only for operating expenditures related
to prep-
aration, publication and distribution of legal publications of the
(d) All expenditures from the
publications fee fund shall be made in
accordance with appropriation acts upon warrants of the director of
counts and reports issued pursuant to vouchers approved by the
person of the judicial council or the chairperson's designee.
Sec. 2. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after July
1, 2001, and its publication in the statute book.