Session of 2000
By Committee on Federal and State Affairs
concerning motor vehicles; relating to license plates.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. (a) On and after July 1, 2000, any owner or lessee of
14 or more passenger vehicles or trucks
registered for a gross weight of not
15 more than 20,000 pounds who is a resident
of Kansas, upon compliance
16 with the provisions of this section, may be
issued one Kansas foundation
17 for agriculture in the classroom license
plate for each such passenger
18 vehicle or truck. Such license plates shall
be issued for the same time as
19 other license plates upon proper
registration and payment of the regular
20 license fee as provided in K.S.A. 8-143,
and amendments thereto, and
21 the presentation of the annual logo use
authorization statement provided
22 for in subsection (b).
23 (b) The board of
directors of the Kansas foundation for agriculture
24 in the classroom may authorize the use of
their logo to be affixed on
25 license plates as provided by this section.
Any royalty payment received
26 pursuant to this section shall be paid to
the foundation and shall be used
27 in accordance with the by-laws of the
foundation to further the mission
28 of the foundation. Any motor vehicle owner
or lessee annually may apply
29 to the board for the use of such logo. Upon
annual application and pay-
30 ment to the board in an amount of not less
than $25 nor more than $100
31 as a logo use royalty payment for each
license plate to be issued, the
32 board shall issue to the motor vehicle
owner or lessee, without further
33 charge, a logo use authorization statement,
which shall be presented by
34 the motor vehicle owner or lessee at the
time of registration.
35 (c) Any applicant
for a license plate authorized by this section may
36 make application for such plates not less
than 60 days prior to such per-
37 son's renewal of registration date, on a
form prescribed and furnished by
38 the director of motor vehicles, and any
applicant for such license plates
39 shall provide the annual logo use
authorization statement provided for in
40 subsection (b). Application for
registration of a passenger or truck and
41 issuance of the license plate under this
section shall be made by the owner
42 or lessee in a manner prescribed by the
director of vehicles upon forms
43 furnished by the director.
1 (d) No
registration or license plate issued under this section shall
2 transferable to any other person.
(e) Renewals of registration under this section shall be made
4 nually, upon payment of the fee
prescribed in subsection (a), in the man-
5 ner prescribed in subsection (b) of
K.S.A. 8-132, and amendments
6 thereto. No renewal of registration
shall be made to any applicant until
7 such applicant provides the annual
logo use authorization statement pro-
8 vided for in subsection (b). If such
logo use authorization statement is
9 not presented at the time of
registration, the applicant shall be required
10 to comply with K.S.A. 8-143, and amendments
thereto, and return the
11 license plate to the county treasurer of
such person's residence.
12 (f) The board of
directors of the Kansas foundation for agriculture in
13 the classroom shall:
14 (1) Pay the
initial cost of silk-screening for license plates authorized
15 by this section; and
16 (2) provide to
all county treasurers a toll-free telephone number
17 where applicants can call the board for
information concerning the ap-
18 plication process or the status of their
license plate application.
19 (g) The board of
directors of the Kansas foundation for agriculture
20 in the classroom, with the approval of the
director of vehicles and subject
21 to the availability of materials and
equipment, shall design a plate to be
22 issued under the provisions of this
23 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
24 publication in the Kansas register.