Session of 2000
By Committee on Federal and State Affairs
concerning adult care homes; concerning the abuse, neglect or
10 exploitation of
residents thereof; amending K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1402
11 and repealing the
existing section.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 39-1402 is hereby amended to read as
15 follows: 39-1402. (a) Any person who is
licensed to practice any branch
16 of the healing arts, a licensed
psychologist, a licensed master level psy-
17 chologist, a chief administrative officer
of a medical care facility, an adult
18 care home administrator or operator, a
licensed social worker, a licensed
19 professional nurse, a licensed practical
nurse, a teacher, a bank trust of-
20 ficer, a guardian or a conservator who
has reasonable cause to believe
21 receives information, believes or
suspects that a resident is being or has
22 been abused, neglected or exploited, or is
in a condition which is the
23 result of such abuse, neglect or
exploitation or is in need of protective
24 services, shall report immediately such
information, belief or suspicion or
25 cause a report of such information,
belief or suspicion to be made in any
26 reasonable manner to the department of
health and environment with
27 respect to residents defined under (a)(1)
and (a)(2) of K.S.A. 39-1401 and
28 amendments thereto and to the department of
social and rehabilitation
29 services with respect to all other
residents. Reports made to one depart-
30 ment which are required by this subsection
to be made to the other
31 department shall be referred by the
department to which the report is
32 made to the appropriate department for that
report, and any such report
33 shall constitute compliance with this
subsection. Reports shall be made
34 during the normal working week days and
hours of operation of such
35 departments. Reports shall be made to law
enforcement agencies during
36 the time the departments are not open for
business. Law enforcement
37 agencies shall submit the report and
appropriate information to the ap-
38 propriate department on the first working
day that such department is
39 open for business. A report made pursuant
to K.S.A. 65-4923 or 65-4924
40 and amendments thereto shall be deemed a
report under this section.
41 (b) The report
made pursuant to subsection (a) shall contain the
42 name and address of the person making the
report and of the caretaker
43 caring for the resident, the name and
address of the involved resident,
1 information regarding the nature and
extent of the abuse, neglect or ex-
2 ploitation, the name of the next of
kin of the resident, if known, and any
3 other information which the person
making the report believes might be
4 helpful in an investigation of the
case and the protection of the resident.
5 (c) Any
other person having reasonable cause to suspect or
6 who receives information, believes
or suspects that a resident is being or
7 has been abused, neglected or
exploited, or is in a condition which is the
8 result of such abuse, neglect or
exploitation or is in need of protective
9 services may report such
information, belief or suspicion to the depart-
10 ment of health and environment with respect
to residents defined under
11 (a)(1) and (a)(2) of K.S.A. 39-1401 and
amendments thereto and to the
12 department of social and rehabilitation
services with respect to all other
13 residents. Reports made to one department
which are to be made to the
14 other department under this section shall
be referred by the department
15 to which the report is made to the
appropriate department for that report.
16 (d) Notice of the
requirements of this act and the department to
17 which a report is to be made under this act
shall be posted in a conspic-
18 uous place in every adult care home and
medical care facility in this state.
19 (e) Any person
required to report information or cause a report of
20 information to be made under subsection (a)
who knowingly fails to make
21 such report or cause such report to be made
shall be guilty of a class B
22 misdemeanor.
23 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
39-1402 is hereby repealed.
24 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
25 publication in the statute book.