Session of 2000
By Representatives Findley, Ballard,
Barnes, Crow, Flora, Grant, Hen-
Kirk, Kuether, Nichols, Ruff, Spangler, Storm, Swenson, Ted-
der and
12 AN ACT concerning
salaries and compensation for state officers and em-
13 ployees; providing for
the modification of the pay plan to add an ad-
14 ditional wage step
above wage step 15, making appropriations for the
15 fiscal year ending
July 30, 2001.
18 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
19 Section 1. (a) The governor is hereby
authorized and directed to modify
20 the pay plan adopted for fiscal year 2001
in accordance with this subsec-
21 tion and to adopt such pay plan as so
modified. The existing pay plan for
22 fiscal year 2001 shall be modified to
provide for one additional step at
23 the top of each pay range which is
equivalent to a 2.5% step increase
24 above the amount of step 15 of each pay
grade or the equivalent increase
25 for biweekly payroll periods. The pay plan
adopted by the governor under
26 this subsection shall be the pay plan for
the classified service under the
27 Kansas civil service act and shall be
effective on the first day of the first
28 payroll period which is chargeable to the
fiscal year ending June 30, 2001.
29 Such pay plan shall be subject to
modification and approval as provided
30 under K.S.A. 75-2938 and amendments
31 (b) There is hereby appropriated from
the state general fund for the
32 state finance council, for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, the sum of
33 $2,838,172 to be used for the purpose of
paying the proportionate share
34 of the cost to the state general fund of
the salary increases which are
35 provided for by adoption fo the pay plan
under subsection (a) for state
36 officers and employees in the classified
service under Kansas civil service
37 act.
38 (c) To pay the proportionate share of
the cost to the state general fund
39 of each state agency for the salary
increases which are provided for by
40 adoption of the pay plan under subsection
(a) for state officers and em-
41 ployees in the classified service under the
Kansas civil service act, upon
42 recommendation of the director of the
budget, the state finance council,
43 acting on this matter which is hereby
characterized as a matter of legis-
44 lative delegation and subject to the
guidelines prescribed in subsection
45 (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c and amendments
thereto, except paragraph (3) of
1 such subsection (c), is hereby
authorized and directed to approve the
2 transfer of moneys from the
appropriation under subsection (b) to the
3 proper accounts created by state
general fund appropriations for the fiscal
4 year ending June 30, 2001.
5 (d) Upon recommendation of the
director of the budget, the state fi-
6 nance council, acting on this matter
which is hereby characterized as a
7 matter of legislative delegation and
subject to the guidelines prescribed
8 in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-3711c
and amendments thereto, except
9 paragraph (3) of such subsection (c),
is hereby authorized to approve
10 increases in expenditure limitations on
special revenue funds and ac-
11 counts established for the fiscal year
ending June 30, 2001, for the pur-
12 pose of paying from such funds or accounts
the proportionate share of
13 the cost to such funds or accounts,
including associated employer contri-
14 butions, of the salary increases which are
provided for by adoption of the
15 pay plan under subsection (a) for state
officers and employees in the
16 classified service under the Kansas civil
service act.
17 (e) Each state agency of the
executive branch of state government shall
18 prepare and submit a budget estimate for
such salary increases, and all
19 amendments and revisions of such estimates,
to the director of the budget
20 on forms prescribed by the director of the
budget. At the same time as
21 each state agency submits such estimate,
and all amendments and revi-
22 sions thereof, each state agency shall
submit a copy of such estimate, and
23 all amendments and revisions thereof,
directly to the legislative research
24 department.
25 Sec. 2.
27 (a) There is appropriated for the
above agency from the state general
28 fund for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2001, the following:
29 |
Judiciary operations |
$119,576 |
30 Sec. 3. This act shall take effect
and be in force from and after its
31 publication in the Kansas register.