Session of 2000
By Representatives Garner, Barnes, Flaharty and
concerning school districts; providing for a character
10 grant program.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. As used in this act:
14 (a) "Board" means
the board of education of any school district.
15 (b) "School
district" means any school district organized and oper-
16 ating under the laws of this state.
17 (c) "Character
education grant program" means a program under
18 which the state, for the purpose of
enhancing the quality of education
19 through maintenance of a safe and orderly
school environment in which
20 pupils are enabled to maximize academic
achievement and attain higher
21 levels of social and civic involvement,
provides assistance through the
22 award of grants of state moneys to school
districts that design, implement
23 and maintain character education programs
that incorporate the elements
24 of caring, civic virtue and citizenship,
justice and fairness, respect, re-
25 sponsibility and trustworthiness.
26 (d) "State board"
means the state board of education.
27 Sec. 2. (a)
The board of every school district may: (1) Design, im-
28 plement and maintain a character education
program that encompasses
29 such measures as community and parental
consensus and involvement,
30 creation of a school climate that enhances
character development, and
31 integration of character and ethical values
elements throughout the cur-
32 riculum; and (2) apply for a grant of state
moneys to supplement amounts
33 expended by the school district for
implementation and maintenance of
34 a character education program.
35 (b) To be
eligible to receive a grant of state moneys for the imple-
36 mentation and maintenance of a character
education program, a board
37 shall submit to the state board an
application for a grant and a description
38 of the program. The application and
description shall be prepared in such
39 form and manner as the state board shall
require and shall be submitted
40 at a time to be determined and specified by
the state board. Approval by
41 the state board of the program and the
application is prerequisite to the
42 award of a grant.
43 (c) Each board
which is awarded a grant under this act shall make
1 such periodic and special reports of
statistical and financial information
2 to the state board as it may
3 Sec.
3. (a) The state board shall adopt rules and regulations for
4 administration of this act and
(1) Establish standards and criteria for reviewing, evaluating
and ap-
6 proving character education programs
and applications of school districts
7 for grants;
8 (2) conduct
a needs-assessment survey of school districts applying for
9 grants;
10 (3) evaluate and
approve character education programs;
11 (4) establish
priorities in accordance with the findings of the needs-
12 assessment survey for the award of grants
to school districts and for de-
13 termination of the amount of such
14 (5) be
responsible for awarding grants to school districts; and
15 (6) request of
and receive from each school district which is awarded
16 a grant for implementation and maintenance
of a character education
17 program reports containing information with
regard to the effectiveness
18 of the program.
19 (b) In evaluating
and approving character education programs for the
20 award of grants to school districts, the
state board shall consider:
21 (1) Prior
experiences of school districts in the development and op-
22 eration of character education
23 (2) level of
effort exhibited by school districts in soliciting, building
24 and sustaining community and family
involvement in the implementation
25 and maintenance of character education
(3) aggressiveness of the school district in seeking input
from parents,
27 representatives of child service agencies,
civic groups, the faith commu-
28 nity, the business community and
29 (4) endeavors of
the school district to improve the climate for learning
30 and character development through such
elements as leadership from the
31 principal, teachers and other school
personnel that reflects the academic,
32 social and ethical emphases of the
character education program, school-
33 wide discipline that promotes and upholds
the character traits of the
34 community, a schoolwide sense of community
that fosters pride in the
35 school, an atmosphere of mutual respect,
fairness and cooperation that
36 pervades all school relationships;
37 (5) integrality
of character elements across the curriculum; and
38 (6) the potential
effectiveness of the character education program in
39 reducing discipline problems, improving
pupil academic success, increas-
40 ing participation in extracurricular
activities, increasing attendance rates
41 and decreasing dropout rates.
42 Sec. 4. In
each school year, to the extent that appropriations are
43 available, each school district which is
participating in the character ed-
1 ucation grant program through
maintenance of an approved character
2 education program shall be eligible
to receive a grant of state moneys.
3 The amount of the grant to a school
district shall be determined by the
4 state board in accordance with
established funding priorities, but in no
5 event shall the amount of a grant
exceed the amount of the actual ex-
6 penses incurred by the school
district in maintaining its program. Upon
7 receipt of a grant of state moneys
for maintenance of a character edu-
8 cation program, the amount of the
grant shall be deposited in the general
9 fund of the school district. Moneys
deposited in the general fund of a
10 school district under this section shall be
considered reimbursements for
11 the purposes of the school district finance
and quality performance act.
12 Sec. 5.
The state board may provide any board, upon its request
13 therefor, with technical advice and
assistance regarding the implemen-
14 tation and maintenance of a character
education program or an applica-
15 tion for a grant of state moneys, and may
make studies and gather and
16 disseminate information regarding
materials, resources, procedures, pro-
17 grams and personnel which are or may become
available to assist school
18 district participation in the character
education grant program.
19 Sec. 6. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
20 publication in the statute book.