Session of 2000
By Committee on Insurance
concerning the state employees health care commission; relat-
10 ing to contracts;
amending K.S.A. 75-6504 and 75-6522 and repealing
11 the existing
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 75-6504 is hereby amended to read as follows:
15 6504. (a) Subject to the provisions of
appropriation acts relating thereto,
16 in developing and providing for the
implementation of a state health care
17 benefits program the Kansas state employees
health care commission
18 may:
19 (1) Enter into
one or more group insurance contracts to provide cov-
20 erage for all or part of the state health
care benefits program;
21 (2) establish a
self-funded program on an actuarially sound basis to
22 provide coverage for all or part of the
state health care benefits program
23 and administer the self-funded program or
contract for all or part of the
24 administration of the self-funded
25 (3) provide for
the self-administration of all or part of the state health
26 care benefits program;
27 (4) enter into
contracts with one or more health care providers for
28 the provision of health care services;
29 (5) enter into
contracts in accordance with the provisions of K.S.A.
30 75-6505, and amendments thereto, with one
or more health maintenance
31 organizations for the provision of health
care services; or
32 (6) any
combination of the authority granted under this subsection
33 (a).
34 (b) The Kansas
state employees health care commission is hereby
35 authorized to negotiate and enter into
contracts with qualified insurers,
36 health maintenance organizations and other
contracting parties for the
37 purpose of establishing the state health
care benefits program, including
38 the acquisition of consulting and other
services necessary therefor. The
39 commission shall advertise for proposals,
shall negotiate with not less than
40 three firms or other parties submitting
proposals, and shall select from
41 among those submitting proposals the firm
or other contracting party to
42 contract with for the purpose of entering
into contracts for services re-
43 lated to the state health care benefits
1 (c) The
provisions of K.S.A. 75-4317 through 75-4320a, and amend-
2 ments thereto, shall not apply to
meetings of the Kansas state employees
3 health care commission when the
commission meets solely for the pur-
4 pose of:
(1) Discussing and preparing strategies for negotiations for
such plans
6 and contracts; and
(2) considering health care matters relating to individually
8 ble plan participants.
9 (d) Only
those contracts which are entered into pursuant to this
10 tion, K.S.A. 75-6505 or 75-6510, and
amendments thereto, and which are
11 directly related to providing health
care benefits pursuant to this section,
12 K.S.A. 75-6505 or 75-6510, and
amendments thereto, shall not be subject
13 to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3738 to
75-3740, inclusive, and amend-
14 ments thereto. Such contracts may be for
terms of not more than three
15 years and may be renegotiated and renewed.
All such contracts shall be
16 subject to the limits of appropriations
made or available therefor and
17 subject to the provisions of appropriations
acts relating thereto. All other
18 contracts shall be subject to the
provisions of K.S.A. 75-3738 to 75-3740,
19 inclusive, and amendments
20 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 75-6522 is hereby amended to read as follows:
21 6522. (a) The Kansas state employees health
care commission shall offer
22 to all employees long-term care insurance
and the commission may enter
23 into one or more group insurance contracts
to provide such long-term
24 care insurance.
25 (b) The Kansas
state employees health care commission is hereby
26 authorized to negotiate and enter into
contracts with qualified insurers
27 for the purpose of providing long-term care
insurance. The commission
28 shall advertise for proposals, shall
negotiate with not less than three firms
29 or other parties submitting proposals, and
shall select from among those
30 submitting proposals the firm or other
contracting party to contract with
31 for the purpose of entering into contracts
for long-term care insurance.
32 (c) The
provisions of K.S.A. 75-4317 to 75-4320a, inclusive, and
33 amendments thereto, shall not apply to
meetings of the Kansas state em-
34 ployees health care commission when the
commission meets solely for
35 the purpose of discussing and preparing
strategies for negotiations for
36 contracts for long-term care insurance.
37 (d) Only
those contracts which are entered into pursuant to this
38 tion and which are directly related to
providing long-term care insurance
39 shall not be subject to the provisions of
K.S.A. 75-3738 to 75-3740, in-
40 clusive, and amendments thereto. Such
contracts may be for terms of not
41 more than three years and may be
renegotiated and renewed. All such
42 contracts shall be subject to the limits of
appropriations made or available
43 therefor and subject to the provisions of
appropriations acts relating
1 thereto. All other contracts shall
be subject to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-
2 3738 to 75-3740, inclusive, and
amendments thereto.
3 (e) In
exercising and performing the powers, duties and functions
4 prescribed by this section, the
Kansas state employees health care com-
5 mission may adopt rules and
regulations and enter into such contracts as
6 may be necessary.
7 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 75-6504 and
75-6522 are hereby repealed.
8 Sec. 4. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
9 publication in the statute book.