Session of 2000
By Committee on Business, Commerce and Labor
10 AN ACT relating
to vocational education; authorizing tax credits for do-
11 nations of equipment
and machinery to vocational colleges and area
12 vocational-technical
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. (a) For taxable years commencing after December 31,
16 1999 and ending before January 1, 2004,
there shall be allowed as a credit
17 against the tax liability imposed by the
Kansas income tax act on the
18 Kansas taxable income of a taxpayer, in an
amount equal to 50% of the
19 value of equipment or machinery contributed
to an area vocational tech-
20 nical school or technical college. In order
to claim the credit, the ma-
21 chinery or equipment must be accepted by
the school or college for use
22 in an existing vocational education
program. The value of the equipment
23 or machinery shall be an amount equal to
the most recent appraised value
24 of the equipment or machinery for purposes
of state ad valorem taxation,
25 but, for purposes calculating the amount of
the tax credits, no piece of
26 equipment or machinery shall be deemed to
have a value in excess of
27 $5,000. If the taxpayer is a corporation
having an election in effect under
28 subchapter S of the federal internal
revenue code or a partnership, the
29 credit provided by this section shall be
claimed by the shareholders of
30 such corporation or the partners of such
partnership in the same manner
31 as such shareholders or partners account
for their proportionate shares
32 of the income or loss of the corporation or
33 (b) Upon
accepting a donation of equipment or machinery pursuant
34 to this act, the school or college shall
report the name of the contributor
35 and the amount of the contribution to the
state board of regents. The
36 state board of regents shall provide a
cumulative list of contributions
37 received each year to the secretary of
revenue. In addition, the school or
38 college accepting the donation shall report
to the state board of regents
39 the number of students enrolled in the
vocational education courses in
40 which the equipment was used and the
percentage of those students
41 placed in the vocation for which they were
trained for in the calendar
42 year following the year the machinery or
equipment was accepted.
43 (c) The secretary
of revenue shall allow not more than $2,000,000 in
1 tax credits per year to be claimed
pursuant to this act.
2 Sec. 2. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
3 publication in the statute book.