Session of 2000
By Representative Landwehr
concerning child support; relating to the failure to pay;
10 istratively suspending
a driver's license or placing a distraint on a motor
11 vehicle.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. If a person has not paid child support for three months
15 is in arrearage in an amount of three times
the monthly payment, the
16 division, pursuant to section 2, and
amendments thereto, shall:
17 (a) On the
person's first or second occurrence, suspend the person's
18 driving privileges for 30 days; and
19 (b) on the
person's third or subsequent occurrence:
20 (1) Suspend the
person's driving privileges for one year;
21 (2) place a
distraint, which may include a boot, on the motor vehicle
22 or vehicles for one year; and
23 (3) place
identification on such motor vehicle or vehicles that states
24 such person is in arrearage on child
25 Sec. 2. (a)
Whenever a person has not paid child support for three
26 months or is in arrearage in an amount of
three times the monthly pay-
27 ment, a court trustee's certification shall
be prepared. The certification
28 required by this section shall be signed by
the court trustee to certify:
29 (1) The person
has not paid child support for three months or is in
30 arrearage in an amount of three times the
monthly payment; and
31 (2) the person
has been notified 90 days prior to this certification and
32 has failed to pay such arrearage or agree
to a payment plan.
33 (b) For purposes
of this section, certification shall be complete upon
34 signing, and no additional acts of oath,
affirmation, acknowledgment or
35 proof of execution shall be required. The
signed certification or a copy
36 or photostatic reproduction thereof shall
be admissible in evidence in all
37 proceedings brought pursuant to this act,
and receipt of any such certi-
38 fication, copy or reproduction shall accord
the department authority to
39 proceed as set forth herein. Any person who
signs a certification submit-
40 ted to the division knowing it contains a
false statement is guilty of a class
41 B nonperson misdemeanor.
42 (c) When the
division receives a certification, the director shall serve
43 notice of such suspension, motor vehicle
distraint or identification, or all
1 of the aforementioned, in person or
by a designated person or by mailing
2 the notice to the person at the
address provided on the certification.
3 (d) In
addition to the information required by subsection (a), the
4 certification and notice of
suspension, motor vehicle distraint or identi-
5 fication, or all of the
aforementioned, shall contain the following
6 information:
7 (1) The
person's name, driver's license number and current address;
8 (2) motor
vehicles registered in the person's name, the address on
9 the motor vehicle registration and
the name of any lien holder on the
10 motor vehicle;
11 (3) the reason
and statutory grounds for the suspension;
12 (4) the date
notice is being served and a statement that the effective
13 date of the suspension shall be the 30th
calendar day after the date of
14 service;
15 (5) the right of
the person to request an administrative hearing; and
16 (6) the procedure
the person must follow to request an administrative
17 hearing.
18 The certification and
notice of suspension, motor vehicle distraint or
19 identification, or all of the
aforementioned, shall also inform the person
20 that all correspondence will be mailed to
the person at the address con-
21 tained in the certification and notice of
suspension, motor vehicle distraint
22 or identification, or all of the
aforementioned, unless the person notifies
23 the division in writing of a different
address or change of address. The
24 address provided will be considered a
change of address for purposes of
25 K.S.A. 8-248, and amendments thereto, if
the address furnished is dif-
26 ferent from that on file with the
27 (e) A temporary
license shall be served together with the copy of the
28 certification and notice of suspension,
motor vehicle distraint or identi-
29 fication, or all of the aforementioned. A
temporary license issued pursuant
30 to this subsection shall bear the same
restrictions and limitations as the
31 license for which it was exchanged.
32 (f) Upon receipt
of the certification, the division shall review the cer-
33 tification to determine that it meets the
requirements of subsection (a).
34 Upon so determining, the division shall
proceed to suspend the person's
35 driving privileges, place motor vehicle
distraint or identification, or all of
36 the aforementioned, in accordance with the
notice previously served. If
37 the requirements of subsection (a) are not
met, the division shall dismiss
38 the administrative proceeding and return
any license surrendered by the
39 person.
40 (g) If the person
mails a written request which is postmarked within
41 10 days after service of the notice, if by
personal service, or 13 days after
42 service, if by mail, the division shall
schedule a hearing in the county
43 where the alleged violation occurred, or in
a county adjacent thereto. The
1 licensee may request that subpoenas
be issued in accordance with the
2 notice provided pursuant to
subsection (d). Any request made by the
3 licensee to subpoena witnesses must
be made in writing at the time the
4 hearing is requested and must include
the name and current address of
5 such witnesses. Upon receiving a
timely request for a hearing, the division
6 shall mail to the person notice of
the time, date and place of hearing in
7 accordance with subsection (j) and
extend the person's temporary driving
8 privileges until the date set for the
hearing by the division.
9 (h) The
scope of the hearing shall be limited to whether the person
10 has not paid child support for three months
or is in arrearage in an amount
11 of three times the monthly payment.
12 (i) If no timely
request for hearing is made, the suspension period
13 imposed pursuant to section 1, and
amendments thereto, the period for
14 motor vehicle distraint or identification,
or all of the aforementioned, shall
15 begin upon the expiration of the temporary
license granted under sub-
16 section (e). If a timely request for
hearing is made, the hearing shall be
17 held within 30 days of the date the request
for hearing is received by the
18 division, except that failure to hold such
hearing within 30 days shall not
19 be cause for dismissal absent a showing of
prejudice. At the hearing, the
20 director or the representative of the
director, shall either affirm the order
21 of suspension, motor vehicle distraint or
identification, or all of the afore-
22 mentioned, or dismiss the administrative
action. If the division is unable
23 to hold a hearing within 30 days of the
date upon which the request for
24 hearing is received, the division shall
extend the person's temporary driv-
25 ing privileges until the date set for the
hearing by the division. No exten-
26 sion of temporary driving privileges shall
be issued for continuances re-
27 quested by or on behalf of the licensee. If
the person whose privileges
28 are suspended is a nonresident licensee,
the license of the person shall
29 be forwarded to the appropriate licensing
authority in the person's state
30 of residence if the result at the hearing
is adverse to such person or if no
31 timely request for a hearing is
32 (j) All notices
affirming or canceling a suspension, motor vehicle dis-
33 traint or identification, or all of the
aforementioned, under this section,
34 all notices of a hearing held under this
section and all issuances of tem-
35 porary driving privileges shall be sent by
first-class mail and a United
36 States post office certificate of mailing
shall be obtained therefor. All
37 notices so mailed shall be deemed received
three days after mailing.
38 (k) The division
shall prepare and distribute forms for use by persons
39 in giving the notice required by this
40 (l) The
provisions of K.S.A. 60-206, and amendments thereto, re-
41 garding the computation of time shall not
be applicable in determining
42 the effective date of suspension, motor
vehicle distraint or identification,
43 or all of the aforementioned, set out in
subsection (d) or the time for
1 requesting an administrative hearing
set out in subsection (g). "Calendar
2 day" when used in this section shall
men that every day shall be included
3 in computations of time whether a
week day, Saturday, Sunday or
4 holiday.
5 Sec. 3. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
6 publication in the statute book.