Session of 2000
By Representatives Phill Kline and Judy Morrison
concerning alcoholic liquor; relating to location of certain
11 ises where sold;
amending K.S.A. 41-710 and repealing the existing
12 section.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. K.S.A. 41-710 is hereby amended to read as follows: 41-
16 710. (a) No retailer's license shall be
issued for premises which are located
17 in areas not zoned for general commercial
or business purposes, if the
18 city or township in which the premises are
located is zoned or are not
19 approved by the director, if the premises
sought to be licensed are located
20 outside an incorporated city in a township
which is not zoned.
21 (b) No
microbrewery license or farm winery license shall be issued
22 for premises which are zoned for any
purpose except agricultural, com-
23 mercial or business purposes.
24 (c) No
retailer's, microbrewery or farm winery license shall be issued
25 for premises which:
26 (1) Are located
within 200 feet the following distance of
any public
27 or parochial school or college or church,
except that if any such school,
28 college or church is established within
200 feet such distance of any li-
29 censed premises after the premises have
been licensed, the premises shall
30 be an eligible location for retail
licensing; and: (A) Two hundred feet if
31 the premises have been continuously
licensed as a retailer, microbrewery
32 or farm winery since the effective date
of this act; or (B) five hundred feet
33 for all other premises; or
34 (2) do not
conform to the building ordinances or laws of the state or
35 city or, in the absence of such ordinances
or laws, are not structurally in
36 good condition or are in a dilapidated
37 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 41-710 is hereby
38 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
39 publication in the statute book.