Session of 2000
By Representatives Welshimer, Barnes, Crow, Dean, Flaharty,
Gilbert, Kirk, McClure, McKinney, Pauls, E. Peterson,
Toelkes and Wells
concerning children in need of care; relating to the use of in-
14 surance; amending
K.S.A. 38-1512 and repealing the existing section.
16 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
17 Section
1. K.S.A. 38-1512 is hereby amended to read as follows:
18 1512. (a) How paid. (1) If a child
alleged or adjudged to be a child in
19 need of care is not eligible for assistance
under K.S.A. 39-709 and amend-
20 ments thereto, expenses for the care and
custody of the child shall be
21 paid out of the general fund of the county
in which the proceedings are
22 brought. For the purpose of this section, a
child who is a nonresident of
23 the state of Kansas or whose residence is
unknown shall have residence
24 in the county where the proceedings are
25 (2) When a law
enforcement officer has taken a child into custody as
26 authorized by subsection (b) of K.S.A.
38-1527 and amendments thereto
27 and delivered the child to a person or
facility designated by the secretary
28 or when custody of a child is awarded to
the secretary, the expenses of
29 the care and custody of the child may be
paid by the secretary out of the
30 state social welfare fund, subject to
payment or reimbursement as re-
31 quired in subsection (b), even though the
child does not meet the eligi-
32 bility standards of K.S.A. 39-709 and
amendments thereto.
33 (3) When the
custody of a child is awarded to the secretary, the ex-
34 penses of the care and custody of the child
shall not be paid out of the
35 county general fund.
36 (4) Nothing in
this section shall be construed to mean that any person
37 shall be relieved of legal responsibility
to support a child.
38 (5) When a
child is in the custody of the secretary and requires
39 services, the secretary shall be
governed by the limitations or conditions
40 of the individual and group health
insurance policies providing coverage
41 on an expense incurred basis, individual
and group service or indemnity
42 type contracts issued by a profit or
nonprofit corporation and all contracts
43 issued by health maintenance
organizations organized or authorized to
1 transact business in this state
which provides coverage for the child. If
2 the secretary does not follow the
policy or contract limitations or condi-
3 tions, the secretary shall be
responsible for such medical service expenses
4 incurred for the child.
(b) Reimbursement to county general fund. (1)
When expenses for
6 the care and custody of a child
alleged or adjudged to be a child in need
7 of care have been paid out of the
county general fund, the court may fix
8 a time and place for hearing on the
question of requiring payment or
9 reimbursement of all or part of the
expenses by a person who by law is
10 liable to maintain, care for or support the
11 (2) The court,
after notice to the person who by law is liable to main-
12 tain, care for or support the child, may
hear and dispose of the matter
13 and may enter an order relating to payment
of expenses for care and
14 custody of the child. If the person
willfully fails or refuses to pay the sum,
15 the person may be adjudged in contempt of
court and punished
16 accordingly.
17 (3) The county
may bring a separate action against a person who by
18 law is liable to maintain, care for or
support a child alleged or adjudged
19 to be a child in need of care for the
reimbursement of expenses paid out
20 of the county general fund for the care and
custody of the child.
(c) Reimbursement to state social welfare fund. When
expenses for
22 the care and custody of a child alleged or
adjudged to be a child in need
23 of care have been paid out of the state
social welfare fund, the secretary
24 may recover the expenses pursuant to K.S.A.
39-709, 39-718a or 39-755,
25 and amendments thereto, or K.S.A. 39-718b,
and amendments thereto,
26 or as otherwise provided by law, from any
person who by law is liable to
27 maintain, care for or support the
28 The secretary shall
have the power to compromise and settle any claim
29 due or any amount claimed to be due to the
secretary from any person
30 who by law is liable to maintain, care for
or support the child.
31 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 38-1512 is hereby
32 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
33 publication in the statute book.