Session of 2000
By Representative Wagle
concerning state agencies; relating to certain grants and con-
10 tracts; prescribing
notice and reporting requirements; amending
11 K.S.A. 75-430,
75-430a, 75-3799, 75-37,100 and 75-37,102 and K.S.A.
12 1999 Supp. 75-3739 and
76-3,100 and repealing the existing sections.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 New Section
1. (a) In addition to any other requirement prescribed
16 by law, prior to awarding any grant or
entering into any agreement with
17 any grant recipient, a state agency shall
publish notice in the Kansas reg-
18 ister of the grant at least 30 days prior
to commencing any procedure to
19 solicit or receive applications for the
grant, to determine or otherwise
20 select a qualified recipient for the grant
or to negotiate or otherwise enter
21 into any agreement or contract for such
22 (b) Upon awarding
any grant or entering into any agreement with any
23 grant recipient, a state agency shall
submit a report on the grant award
24 or agreement to the director of purchases
containing such detailed infor-
25 mation as may be required by the director.
The director of purchases
26 shall prepare a detailed report at least
once each calendar quarter of all
27 grants awarded and grant agreements entered
into by state agencies un-
28 der subsection (a). The director shall
publish the report of such contracts
29 at an internet location maintained for the
division of purchases through
30 the information network of Kansas and shall
submit the report to the
31 legislative coordinating council, the
chairperson of the committee on ways
32 and means of the senate, the chairperson of
the committee on appropri-
33 ations of the house of representatives and
the chairperson of the Kansas
34 performance review board in conjunction
with the reports submitted by
35 the director at least once each calendar
quarter under K.S.A. 75-3739
36 and amendments thereto.
37 (c) As used in
this section, "grant" means a transaction or arrange-
38 ment under which moneys are disbursed by a
state agency to one or more
39 individuals or any other public or private
entity, including local govern-
40 mental subdivisions, other state agencies
and federal agencies or author-
41 ities, and under which the disbursing
agency is not intended to receive
42 any direct service or tangible asset and
does not receive any direct service
43 or tangible asset, except that "grant"
shall not include any financial or
1 other aid, award, fellowship,
scholarship or other assistance which is pro-
2 vided to students enrolled in courses
of study at colleges or universities
3 and which is administered by the
state board of regents or any state
4 educational institution, as defined
by K.S.A. 76-712 and amendments
5 thereto.
6 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 75-430 is hereby amended to read as follows:
7 (a) The secretary of state shall
compile, index and publish a publication
8 to be known as the Kansas register.
Such register shall contain:
9 (1) All
acts of the legislature required to be published in the Kansas
10 register;
11 (2) all executive
orders and directives of the governor which are re-
12 quired to be filed in the office of the
secretary of state;
13 (3) summaries of
all opinions of the attorney general interpreting acts
14 of the legislature as prepared by the
office of the attorney general;
15 (4) notice of any
public comment period on contemplated modifi-
16 cation of an existing rule and regulation,
which notice shall contain the
17 information required by K.S.A 77-421 and
amendments thereto;
18 (5) all notices
of hearings on proposed administrative rules and reg-
19 ulations required to be filed in the office
of the secretary of state under
20 the provisions of article 4 of chapter 77
of the Kansas Statutes Annotated
21 and a summary of all proposed
administrative rules and regulations to be
22 considered at such hearings together with
the address of the state agency
23 from which a copy of the full text of the
proposed rules and regulations
24 may be received;
25 (6) the full text
of all administrative rules and regulations which have
26 been adopted and filed in accordance with
the provisions of article 4 of
27 chapter 77 of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated, except that the secretary of
28 state may publish a summary of any rule and
regulation together with the
29 address of the state agency from which a
copy of the full text of the
30 proposed rules and regulations may be
received, if such rule and regu-
31 lation is lengthy and expensive to publish
and otherwise available in pub-
32 lished form and a summary will, in the
opinion of the secretary, properly
33 notify the public of the contents of such
rule and regulation;
34 (7) a cumulative
index of all administrative rules and regulations
35 which have been adopted and filed in
accordance with the provisions of
36 article 4 of chapter 77 of the Kansas
Statutes Annotated;
37 (8) all notices
of hearings of special legislative interim study commit-
38 tees, descriptions of all prefiled bills
and resolutions and descriptions of
39 all bills and resolutions introduced in the
legislature during any session
40 of the legislature, and other legislative
information which is approved for
41 publication by the legislative coordinating
42 (9) the hearings
docket of the Kansas supreme court and the court
43 of appeals;
(10) summaries of all orders of the board of tax appeals which
2 statewide application;
3 (11) all
advertisements for contracts for construction, repairs, im-
4 provements or purchases by the state
of Kansas or any agency thereof for
5 which competitive bids are required;
6 (12) all
notices of negotiations or other procedures for certain
7 tracts, sales of property and
mineral production and other leases that are
8 required by K.S.A. 75-430a and
amendments thereto; and
(13) any other information which the secretary of state
deems to be
10 of sufficient interest to the general
public to merit its publication or which
11 is required by law to be published in the
Kansas register.
12 (b) The secretary
of state shall publish such register at regular inter-
13 vals, but not less than weekly.
14 (c) The secretary
of state may omit from the register any information
15 the publication of which the secretary
deems cumbersome, expensive, or
16 otherwise inexpedient, if the information
is made available in printed or
17 processed form by the adopting agency on
application for it, and if the
18 register contains a notice stating the
general subject matter of the infor-
19 mation and the manner in which a copy of it
may be obtained. The pro-
20 visions of this subsection shall not
apply to any notices that are required
21 by K.S.A. 75-430a and amendments
22 (d) One copy of
each issue of the register shall be made available
23 without charge on request to each officer,
board, commission, and de-
24 partment of the state having statewide
jurisdiction, to each member of
25 the legislature, to each county clerk in
the state, and to the supreme court,
26 court of appeals and each district
27 (e) The secretary
of state shall make copies of the register available
28 to other persons on payment of a fee to be
fixed by the secretary of state
29 under K.S.A. 75-433, and amendments
30 Sec.
3. K.S.A. 75-430a is hereby amended to read as follows:
31 430a. (a) Any state agency in the executive
branch of state government
32 authorized by law to negotiate for
contracts for ancillary technical services
33 relating to construction or remodeling
projects, or architectural, engi-
34 neering, actuarial, auditing or accounting
services, other than as an expert
35 witness for the purposes of
litigation, shall publish a notice of the com-
36 mencement of such negotiations in the
Kansas register at least 15 days
37 prior to the commencement of such
38 The director
of purchases may require a On and after the effective
39 of this act, each state agency
to shall publish such a notice for any
40 contract for acquisition of any other
contractual services or for acquisition
41 of any supplies, materials or
equipment that will be negotiated or, if the
42 contract will be entered into under
another procedure other than by ne-
43 gotiation or competitive bids, the state
agency shall publish a notice of
1 the commencement of such procedure
in the Kansas register at least 30
2 days prior to the commencement of
such procedure.
3 This subsection
shall not apply to:
(1) The acquisition of legal services by any state agency
in the exec-
5 utive branch, to
if the attorney general has determined, after advising
6 consulting with the governor on
the matter, that publication of the notice
7 of intent to acquire legal
services as otherwise required by this subsection
8 would be detrimental to the
interests of the state with respect to the matter
9 for which the legal services are
being acquired;
10 (2) the
acquisition of any services as an expert witness for the
11 poses of litigation;
(3) emergency purchases or services reported in accordance
13 K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments thereto
or to;
14 (4) the
acquisition of any services by any state agency in the
15 or judicial branches of state
government. This subsection shall not apply
16 to; or
17 (5) sales
of property obtained pursuant to the federal property and
18 administrative services act.
19 (b) Any state
agency authorized to negotiate the sale of any personal
20 property of the state or a state agency,
other than to another state agency,
21 shall publish a notice of the commencement
of such negotiations in the
22 Kansas register at least 15 days prior to
the commencement of such
23 negotiations.
24 (c) Any state
agency authorized by law to enter into leases on real
25 property of the state or a state agency for
the production of oil, natural
26 gas, sand, gravel or any other mineral, or
combination thereof, by com-
27 petitive bids or other procedures as
authorized by law, shall publish a
28 notice of intention to enter into a lease
for such mineral production in
29 the Kansas register at least 30 days prior
to the bid opening or the com-
30 mencement of such other procedure as
authorized by law.
31 (d) Any state
agency authorized by law to lease or sell any real prop-
32 erty of the state or any state agency or
any interest in such real property,
33 other than to another state agency or a
political subdivision, shall publish
34 a notice of intention to lease or sell
state real property at least 30 days
35 prior to commencement of bidding or other
procedure authorized by law.
36 Sec.
4. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-3739 is hereby amended to read as
37 follows: 75-3739. In the manner as provided
in this act and rules and
38 regulations established thereunder:
39 (a) All contracts
for construction and repairs, and all purchases of and
40 contracts for supplies, materials,
equipment and contractual services to
41 be acquired for state agencies shall be
based on competitive bids, except
42 that competitive bids need not be required
in the following instances:
43 (1) For
contractual services, supplies, materials, or equipment when,
1 in the judgment of the director of
purchases, no competition exists;
2 (2) when,
in the judgment of the director of purchases, chemicals
3 and other material or equipment for
use in laboratories or experimental
4 studies by state agencies are best
purchased without competition, or
5 where rates are fixed by law or
6 (3) when,
in the judgment of the director of purchases, an agency
7 emergency requires immediate delivery
of supplies, materials or equip-
8 ment, or immediate performance of
9 (4) when
any statute authorizes another procedure or provides an
10 exemption from the provisions of this
11 (5) when
compatibility with existing contractual services, supplies,
12 materials or equipment is the overriding
13 (6) when a used
item becomes available and is subject to immediate
14 sale; or
15 (7) when, in the
judgment of the director of purchases and the head
16 of the acquiring state agency, not seeking
competitive bids is in the best
17 interest of the state.
18 When the director of
purchases approves a purchase of or contract for
19 supplies, materials, equipment, or
contractual services in any instance
20 specified in this subsection, the director
may delegate authority to make
21 the purchase or enter the contract under
conditions and procedures pre-
22 scribed by the director.
23 The director of
purchases shall prepare a detailed report at least once
24 in each calendar quarter of all contracts
over $5,000 entered into without
25 competitive bids under subsection (a)(1),
(2), (3), (5), (6) or (7). The
26 director shall publish the report at an
internet location maintained for the
27 division of purchases through the
information network of Kansas and shall
28 submit the report to the legislative
coordinating council, the chairperson
29 of the committee on ways and means of the
senate, the chairperson of
30 the committee on appropriations of the
house of representatives and the
31 chairperson of the Kansas performance
review board.
32 (b) (1) If
the amount of the purchase is estimated to exceed $50,000,
33 sealed bids shall be solicited by notice
published once in the Kansas reg-
34 ister not less than 10 days before the date
stated in the notice for the
35 opening of the bids. The director of
purchases may waive this publication
36 of notice requirement when the director
determines that a more timely
37 procurement is in the best interest of the
state. The director of purchases
38 also may designate a trade journal for the
publication. The director of
39 purchases also shall solicit such bids by
sending notices by mail to pro-
40 spective bidders and by posting the notice
on a public bulletin board for
41 at least 10 business days before the date
stated in the notice for the
42 opening of the bids unless otherwise
provided by law. All bids shall be
43 sealed when received and shall be opened in
public at the hour stated in
1 the notice.
2 (2) The
director of purchases shall prepare a detailed report at least
3 once in each calendar quarter of all
instances in which the director waived
4 publication of the notice of bid
solicitations in the Kansas register as
5 provided in this subsection. The
director shall publish the report at an
6 internet location maintained for
the division of purchases through the
7 information network of Kansas
and shall submit the report to the legis-
8 lative coordinating council, the
chairperson of the committee on ways and
9 means of the senate, the chairperson
of the committee on appropriations
10 of the house of representatives and the
chairperson of the Kansas per-
11 formance review board.
12 (c) All purchases
estimated to exceed approximately $25,000 but not
13 more than $50,000, shall be made after
receipt of sealed bids following
14 at least three days' notice posted on a
public bulletin board.
15 (d) All purchases
estimated to be more than $5,000, but less than
16 $25,000, may be made after the receipt of
three or more bid solicitations
17 by telephone, telephone facsimile or sealed
bid, following at least three
18 days' notice posted on a public bulletin
board. Such bids shall be recorded
19 as provided in subsection (e) of K.S.A.
75-3740 and amendments thereto.
20 Any purchase that is estimated to be less
than $5,000 may be purchased
21 under conditions and procedures prescribed
by the director of purchases.
22 Purchases made in compliance with such
conditions and procedures shall
23 be exempt from other provisions of this
24 (e) With the
approval of the secretary of administration, the director
25 of purchases may delegate authority to any
state agency to make pur-
26 chases of less than $25,000 under certain
prescribed conditions and pro-
27 cedures. The director of purchases shall
prepare a report at least once in
28 each calendar quarter of all current and
existing delegations of authority
29 to state agencies as provided in this
subsection. The director shall publish
30 the report at an internet location
maintained for the division of purchases
31 through the information network of
Kansas and shall submit the report
32 to the legislative coordinating council,
the chairperson of the committee
33 on ways and means of the senate, the
chairperson of the committee on
34 appropriations of the house of
representatives and the chairperson of the
35 Kansas performance review board.
36 (f) Subject to
the provisions of subsection (e), contracts and purchases
37 shall be based on specifications approved
by the director of purchases.
38 When deemed applicable and feasible by the
director of purchases, such
39 specifications shall include either energy
efficiency standards or appro-
40 priate life cycle cost formulas, or both,
for all supplies, materials, equip-
41 ment and contractual services to be
purchased by the state. The director
42 of purchases may reject a contract or
purchase on the basis that a product
43 is manufactured or assembled outside the
United States. No such speci-
1 fications shall be fixed in a manner
to effectively exclude any responsible
2 bidder offering comparable supplies,
materials, equipment or contractual
3 services.
(g) Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, all
5 with independent construction
concerns for the construction, improve-
6 ment, reconstruction and maintenance
of the state highway system and
7 the acquisition of rights-of-way for
state highway purposes shall be ad-
8 vertised and let as now or hereafter
provided by law.
9 (h) The
director of purchases may authorize state agencies to contract
10 for services and materials with other state
agencies, or with federal agen-
11 cies, political subdivisions of Kansas,
agencies of other states or subdivi-
12 sions thereof, or private nonprofit
educational institutions, without com-
13 petitive bids.
14 (i) The director
of purchases may participate in, sponsor, conduct, or
15 administer a cooperative purchasing
agreement or consortium for pur-
16 chases of supplies, materials, equipment,
and contractual services with
17 federal agencies or agencies of other
states or local units of government.
18 Cooperative purchasing agreements entered
into under this subsection
19 shall not be subject to K.S.A. 75-3739
through 75-3740a, and amend-
20 ments thereto. Nothing in this
subsection shall allow federal grant moneys
21 to be handled differently from any
other moneys of the state unless the
22 requirements of the applicable
federal grant specifically require such fed-
23 eral moneys to be handled
24 (j) The director
of purchases may delegate authority to any state
25 agency to make purchases under certain
prescribed conditions and pro-
26 cedures when the acquisition is funded, in
whole or in part, from a grant.
27 Purchases made in compliance with such
conditions and procedures shall
28 be exempt from other provisions of this
section. As used in this subsection
29 the term "grant" means a disbursement made
from federal or private
30 funds, or a combination of these sources,
to a state agency. Nothing in
31 this subsection shall allow federal
grant moneys to be handled differently
32 from any other moneys of the state
unless the requirements of the appli-
33 cable federal grant specifically require
such federal moneys to be handled
34 differently.
35 (k) The director
of purchases shall prepare a detailed report at least
36 once each calendar quarter of all contracts
for services, supplies, materials
37 or equipment entered into pursuant to
subsection (h), (i) or (j). The di-
38 rector shall publish the report at an
internet location maintained for the
39 division of purchases through the
information network of Kansas and shall
40 submit it the
report to the legislative coordinating council, the
41 of the committee on ways and means of the
senate, the chairperson of
42 the committee on appropriations of the
house of representatives and the
43 chairperson of the Kansas performance
review board.
1 (l) Except
as otherwise specifically provided by law, no state agency
2 shall enter into any lease of real
property without the prior approval of
3 the secretary of administration. A
state agency shall submit to the sec-
4 retary of administration such
information relating to any proposed lease
5 of real property as the secretary may
require. The secretary of adminis-
6 tration shall either approve, modify
and approve or reject any such pro-
7 posed lease.
8 (m) The
director of purchases shall require all bidders on state con-
9 tracts to disclose all substantial
interests held by the bidder in the state.
10 (n) As used in
this section and in K.S.A. 75-3799, 75-37,100, 75-
11 37,102 and 76-3,100 and amendments
thereto, "information network of
12 Kansas" means the information network of
Kansas, Inc., created under
13 the information network of Kansas
14 Sec.
5. K.S.A. 75-3799 is hereby amended to read as follows:
15 3799. (a) Upon request of the chief
administrative officer of a state agency
16 and subject to the approval of the
secretary of administration, the director
17 of purchases may convene a financial
services negotiating committee to
18 obtain financial services for the state
agency under this section.
19 (b) Each
financial services negotiating committee shall be composed
20 of (1) the director of purchases, or a
person designated by the director
21 of purchases, (2) the chief administrative
officer of the state agency need-
22 ing financial services, or a person
designated by the officer, and (3) the
23 director of accounts and reports, or a
person designated by the director
24 of accounts and reports.
25 (c) The financial
services negotiating committee is authorized to ne-
26 gotiate contracts with qualified parties to
provide financial services, in-
27 cluding services relating to installment
purchase, lease, or lease-purchase
28 of equipment or to other financial related
services needed by the state
29 agency.
30 (d) Prior to
negotiating for financial services, the committee shall ad-
31 vertise for proposals, negotiate with one
or more of the firms submitting
32 proposals and select from among those
submitting such proposals the
33 party to contract with for the purpose of
providing financial services.
34 (e) Contracts
entered into pursuant to this section for financial serv-
35 ices shall not be subject to the provisions
of K.S.A. 75-3738 to 75-3740a,
36 inclusive, and any
amendments thereto.
37 (f) The
director of purchases shall prepare a detailed report at
38 once each calendar quarter of all
contracts for financial services entered
39 into pursuant to this section. The
director shall publish the report at an
40 internet location maintained for the
division of purchases through the
41 information network of Kansas and shall
submit the report to the legis-
42 lative coordinating council, the
chairperson of the committee on ways and
43 means of the senate, the chairperson of
the committee on appropriations
1 of the house of representatives
and the chairperson of the Kansas per-
2 formance review board in
conjunction with the reports submitted at least
3 once each calendar quarter under
K.S.A. 75-3739 and amendments
4 thereto.
5 Sec.
6. K.S.A. 75-37,100 is hereby amended to read as follows:
6 37,100. (a) Upon approval of the
secretary of administration, a state
7 agency may negotiate directly with a
bank having a fee agency account of
8 the state agency under K.S.A. 75-4214
and amendments thereto and enter
9 into a contract providing for the
collection of charge credit card tickets
10 accepted by the state agency in payment of
fees, tuition and other charges.
11 Any state agency so authorized may allow
the bank a discount from the
12 face value of charge credit card tickets to
compensate them for services
13 provided in collecting such accounts,
except that any discount shall not
14 exceed 3% of the face value of the charge
credit card tickets. All contracts
15 entered into under this subsection shall be
exempt from the provisions
16 of K.S.A. 75-3739 to 75-3744, inclusive,
and any amendments to those
17 sections
18 (b) In lieu of
the procedure authorized by subsection (a), the secre-
19 tary of administration may prepare
specifications and solicit sealed pro-
20 posals from banks or other financial
institutions for the collection of
21 charge credit card tickets accepted by all
state agencies in payment of
22 fees, tuition and other charges or for the
sale of charge credit card tickets
23 accepted by all state agencies to banks or
other financial institutions. The
24 specifications and sealed proposals shall
state the terms, schedules for
25 settlement and conditions under which
payment for the charge credit
26 card tickets are to be made. If one or more
proposals are adopted by
27 entering into contracts therefor, each
state agency covered (1) may pay
28 service charges, if any, for such services
from the fee or other special
29 revenue fund in which the receipts are
credited or, if the receipts are
30 credited to the state general fund, from
appropriations from the state
31 general fund which are available therefor,
or (2) may allow discounts from
32 the face value of the charge credit card
tickets to compensate the banks
33 or other financial institution for the cost
of handling the transactions. No
34 service charges or discounts under a
proposal adopted under this subsec-
35 tion shall exceed 3% of the face value of
the charge credit card tickets.
36 (c) The director
of accounts and reports shall prescribe within the
37 central accounting system those procedures
necessary to implement the
38 provisions of this section.
39 (d) Upon
entering into a contract under subsection (a), the state
40 agency entering into the contract shall
submit a report on the contract to
41 the director of purchases containing
such detailed information as may be
42 required by the director. The director
of purchases shall prepare a de-
43 tailed report at least once each
calendar quarter of all contracts entered
1 into by state agencies under
subsection (a). The director shall publish the
2 report of such contracts at an
internet location maintained for the division
3 of purchases through the
information network of Kansas and shall submit
4 the report to the legislative
coordinating council, the chairperson of the
5 committee on ways and means of the
senate, the chairperson of the com-
6 mittee on appropriations of the
house of representatives and the chair-
7 person of the Kansas performance
review board in conjunction with the
8 reports submitted by the director
at least once each calendar quarter
9 under K.S.A. 75-3739 and
amendments thereto.
10 Sec.
7. K.S.A. 75-37,102 is hereby amended to read as follows:
11 37,102. (a) Upon request of the chief
administrative officer of a state
12 agency and subject to the approval of the
secretary of administration, the
13 director of purchases may convene a
procurement negotiating committee
14 to obtain services or technical products
for the state agency.
15 (b) Each
procurement negotiating committee shall be composed of:
16 (1) The director of purchases, or a person
designated by the director; (2)
17 the chief administrative officer of the
state agency desiring to make the
18 procurement, or a person designated by the
officer; and (3) the secretary
19 of administration, or a person designated
by the secretary.
20 (c) The
negotiating committee is authorized to negotiate for the pro-
21 curing state agency contracts with
qualified parties to provide services or
22 technical products needed by the state
23 (d) Prior to
negotiating for the procurement, a notice to bidders first
24 shall be published in the Kansas register.
Upon receipt of bids or pro-
25 posals, the committee may negotiate with
one or more of the firms sub-
26 mitting bids or proposals and select from
among those submitting such
27 bids or proposals the party to contract
with to provide the services or
28 technical products.
29 (e) Contracts
entered into pursuant to this section shall not be subject
30 to the provisions of K.S.A. 75-3738 through
75-3740a and amendments
31 thereto. Meetings to conduct negotiations
pursuant to this section shall
32 not be subject to the provisions of K.S.A.
75-4317 through 75-4320a and
33 amendments thereto. The director of
purchases shall submit a report at
34 least once in each calendar quarter to the
legislative coordinating council
35 and the chairpersons of the senate
committee on ways and means and
36 the house of representatives committee on
appropriations of all contracts
37 entered into pursuant to this section
and shall publish the report at an
38 internet location maintained for the
division of purchases through the
39 information network of Kansas. In
the event that the negotiating com-
40 mittee selects a bid which is not the
lowest bid on a given contract, the
41 directors director of
purchases shall include in the report shall
contain a
42 rationale explaining why the lowest bidder
was not awarded the contract.
43 (f) Nothing in
this section shall be construed as requiring either ne-
1 gotiations pursuant to this section
or bids pursuant to K.S.A. 75-3739 and
2 amendments thereto for the
procurement of professional services or serv-
3 ices for which, in the judgment of
the director of purchases, meaningful
4 specifications cannot be
5 Sec.
8. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 76-3,100 is hereby amended to read as
6 follows: 76-3,100. Each acquisition
of data processing hardware or soft-
7 ware by the university of Kansas
medical center for the university hospital
8 information systems shall be exempt
from the provisions of K.S.A. 75-
9 4705, 75-4706, 75-4707, 75-4709 and
75-3739 and amendments thereto
10 and shall not be subject to approval under
any statute other than those
11 contained in article 3 or article 7 of
chapter 76 of the Kansas Statutes
12 Annotated. In addition to other procedures,
the university of Kansas med-
13 ical center is hereby authorized to acquire
data processing hardware and
14 software for the university hospital
information systems by sole source
15 negotiation. The university of Kansas
medical center shall file with the
16 director of purchases of the department of
administration and shall up-
17 date periodically a plan for future
acquisitions under this section. The
18 university of Kansas medical center shall
submit a written report in each
19 calendar quarter to the secretary of
administration, to the chairpersons
20 of the senate committee on ways and means
and the house of represen-
21 tatives committee on appropriations and to
the joint committee on infor-
22 mation technology on all contracts for
acquisition of data processing hard-
23 ware and software entered into under this
section during such calendar
24 quarter. The secretary of administration
shall publish each such report at
25 an internet location maintained for the
division of purchases through the
26 information network of
27 Sec. 9. K.S.A. 75-430, 75-430a,
75-3799, 75-37,100 and 75-37,102
28 and K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-3739 and 76-3,100
are hereby repealed.
29 Sec. 10. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
30 publication in the Kansas register.