Session of 2000
By Representative Carmody
relating to lobbying and lobbyists; relating to campaign
10 and governmental
ethics; amending K.S.A. 46-222 and 46-225 and re-
11 pealing the existing
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 46-222 is hereby amended to read as follows: 46-
15 222. (a) "Lobbyist" means: (1) Any person
employed in considerable de-
16 gree for lobbying; (2) any person formally
appointed as the primary rep-
17 resentative of an organization or other
person to lobby in person on
18 state-owned or leased property; or (3) any
person who makes expendi-
19 tures in an aggregate amount of $100 or
more, exclusive of: (A) Personal
20 travel and subsistence expenses, in any
calendar year for lobbying; or (B)
21 expenses of internet websites which
offer political viewpoints and urge
22 people to contact their legislators
about specific legislation or legislative
23 ideas.
24 (b) Lobbyist
shall not include: (1) Any state officer or employee en-
25 gaged in carrying out the duties of their
office; (2) the employer of a
26 lobbyist, if such lobbyist has registered
the name and address of such
27 employer under K.S.A. 46-265 and amendments
thereto; (3) any non-
28 profit organization which has qualified
under paragraph (3) of subsection
29 (c) of section 501 of the internal revenue
code of 1954, as amended, which
30 is interstate in its operations and of
which a primary purpose is the non-
31 partisan analysis, study or research of
legislative procedures or practices
32 and the dissemination of the results
thereof to the public, irrespective of
33 whether such organization may recommend a
course of action as a result
34 of such analysis, study or research; (4)
any justice or commissioner of the
35 supreme court or judge of the judicial
branch or employee or officer of
36 the judicial branch or, any member of a
board, council or commission
37 who is appointed by the supreme court or
who is elected or appointed to
38 exercise duties pertaining to functions of
the judicial branch, when such
39 person is engaged in performing a function
or duty for the judicial branch;
40 or (5) any appointed member of an advisory
council, commission or board,
41 who serves without compensation other than
amounts for expense allow-
42 ances or reimbursement of expenses as
provided for in subsection (e) of
43 K.S.A. 75-3223 and amendments thereto, when
such member is engaged
1 in performing a function or duty for
such council, commission or board.
2 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 46-225 is hereby amended to read as follows:
3 (a) "Lobbying" means: (1) Promoting
or opposing in any manner action
4 or nonaction by the legislature on
any legislative matter or the adoption
5 or nonadoption of any rule and
regulation by any state agency; or
(2) entertaining any state officer or employee or giving any
gift, hon-
7 orarium or payment to a state officer
or employee in an aggregate value
8 of $40 or more within any calendar
year, if at any time during such year
9 the person supplying the
entertainment, gifts, honoraria or payments has
10 a financial interest in any contract with,
or action, proceeding or other
11 matter before the state agency in which
such state officer or employee
12 serves, or if such person is the
representative of a person having such a
13 financial interest.
14 (c)
(b) "Lobbying" does not include any expenditure from
15 appropriated by the legislature for
official hospitality.
16 (d)
(c) "Lobbying" does not include representation of a
claimant on
17 a claim filed by the claimant under K.S.A.
46-907 and 46-912 to 46-919,
18 inclusive, and amendments thereto in
proceedings before the joint com-
19 mittee on special claims against the
20 (e)
(d) "Lobbying" does not include bona fide personal or
21 entertaining.
22 (e) "Lobbying"
does not include internet websites that offer political
23 viewpoints and urge people to contact
their legislators about specific leg-
24 islation or legislative ideas.
25 (f)
(f) No legislator may be hired as a lobbyist to
represent anyone
26 before any state agency.
27 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 46-222 and 46-225
are hereby repealed.
28 Sec. 4. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
29 publication in the statute book.