Session of 2000
By Committee on Taxation
concerning political subdivision budget expenditures from rev-
10 enues produced by
property tax levies; providing limitations thereon;
11 repealing K.S.A. 1999
Supp. 79-2925b.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. (a) Whenever the governing body of any city, county,
15 township, municipal university, community
college or any other political
16 subdivision which levies or certifies a
levy of ad valorem property taxes
17 proposes the adoption of a budget of
expenditures for any year to be
18 funded by the levy of ad valorem property
taxes which exceed 103% of
19 the amount of ad valorem taxes levied in
the next preceding year for such
20 purpose, it shall provide notice thereof in
the notice required by K.S.A.
21 79-2929, and amendments thereto. If a
petition containing the signatures
22 of not less than 10% of the registered
voters of such taxing subdivision is
23 filed within 30 days after the date of the
budget hearing required by
24 K.S.A. 79-2933, and amendments thereto,
with the appropriate county
25 election officer, requesting an election on
whether the budget shall be
26 funded by such increased ad valorem taxes,
an election thereon shall be
27 conducted in the same manner as prescribed
for elections under the mail
28 ballot election act, K.S.A. 25-431 et
seq., and amendments thereto, except
29 that ballots may be sent to electors at any
time not less than three days
30 preceding the date of the election. If such
an election is held, no ad
31 valorem taxes shall be levied in excess of
the amount levied to fund the
32 budget of expenditures for the next
preceding year unless approved by a
33 majority of the electors voting in such
34 (b) The
provisions of subsection (a) shall not apply to or limit the
35 of ad valorem taxes for the payment of
principal and interest on bonds,
36 temporary notes and no-fund warrants or
judgments rendered against any
37 such taxing subdivision.
38 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
79-2925b is hereby repealed.
39 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
40 publication in the statute book.