Session of 2000
By Representative Hermes
concerning cities and counties; relating to planning and
11 amending K.S.A. 12-744
and repealing the existing section.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. K.S.A. 12-744 is hereby amended to read as follows: 12-
15 744. (a) The governing body of any city, by
adoption of an ordinance, may
16 create a planning commission for such city
and. The board of county
17 commissioners of any county, by adoption of
a resolution, may create a
18 planning commission for the county. Any
such planning commission shall
19 be composed of not less than five members.
The number of members of
20 a planning commission may be determined by
ordinance or resolution. If
21 a city planning commission plans, zones or
administers subdivision reg-
22 ulations outside the city limits, at least
two members of such commission
23 shall reside outside of but within three
miles of the corporate limits of
24 the city. A majority of the members of a
county planning commission
25 shall reside outside the corporate limits
of any incorporated city in the
26 county. A county, metropolitan or regional
planning commission may
27 serve as the planning commission for a
28 (b) The governing
body shall provide by ordinance or resolution for
29 the term of the members of the planning
commission and for the filling
30 of vacancies. Members of the
commission shall serve without compen-
31 sation. The governing
body may reimburse members of the planning com-
32 mission for actual and necessary
expenses as determined by the governing
33 body. The governing body may pay
compensation to members of the plan-
34 ning commission. The governing body
may adopt rules and regulations
35 providing for removal of members of the
planning commission.
36 (c) Any two or
more cities or counties of this state may cooperate,
37 pursuant to written agreement, in the
exercise and performance of plan-
38 ning powers, duties and functions. Any city
or county of this state may
39 cooperate, pursuant to written agreement,
with any city or county of any
40 other state having adjoining planning
jurisdiction in the exercise and per-
41 formance of any planning powers, duties and
functions provided by state
42 law for cities and counties of this state
and to the extent that the laws of
43 such other state permit such joint
cooperation. Any agreement entered
1 pursuant to this subsection shall be
subject to the provisions of K.S.A.
2 12-2901 et seq., and amendments
thereto. If such agreement provides
3 for the adoption of a comprehensive
plan, the agreement shall include a
4 provision concerning the approval of
the comprehensive plan which is
5 consistent with the provisions of
K.S.A. 12-747, and amendments thereto.
6 When two or more
of such cities or counties, by ordinance of each city
7 and by resolutions of the boards of
county commissioners enter into
8 agreements providing for such joint
planning cooperation, there may be
9 established a joint planning
commission for the metropolitan area or re-
10 gion comprising that portion of the areas
of planning jurisdiction of the
11 cities or counties cooperating jointly as
shall be designated by the joint
12 ordinances and resolutions. Such a joint
planning commission for the
13 metropolitan area or region may be
empowered to carry into effect such
14 provisions of state law relating to
planning which are authorized for such
15 joining cities or counties and which each
may under existing laws sepa-
16 rately may exercise and perform.
17 Any city or county,
whenever the governing body of the city or the
18 board of commissioners of the county deems
necessary, may join and
19 cooperate in two or more metropolitan area
or regional planning com-
20 missions. Any regional or metropolitan
planning commission in existence
21 on the effective date of this act shall
continue in existence, but shall be
22 governed by the provisions of this act.
23 (d) The
provisions of this section shall become effective on and
24 January 1, 1992.
25 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 12-744 is hereby
26 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
27 publication in the statute book.