Session of 2000
Effective: July 1, 2001
An Act establishing the senior pharmacy assistance program;
providing for administration
of the program by the secretary of aging.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. (a) Within the limits of
appropriations therefor, the sec-
retary of aging shall establish a senior pharmacy assistance
program in
accordance with the provisions of this section. The senior pharmacy
sistance program shall provide financial assistance to eligible
for the purchase of prescription drugs.
(b) The secretary of aging shall adopt
rules and regulations establish-
ing eligibility for the senior pharmacy assistance program subject
to the
following criteria:
(1) An individual to be eligible for the
program must be 67 years of
age or older,
(2) unless modified as provided in
section 2 and amendments thereto,
an eligible individual's income must not exceed 150% of the federal
erty guidelines for a one person family unit and the individual's
income must not exceed 150% of the federal poverty guidelines for a
person family unit,
(3) an eligible individual must not
qualify for funding from any other
local, state or federal prescription drug program,
(4) an eligible individual must not be
covered under any private pre-
scription reimbursement plan,
(5) an eligible individual must not have
voluntarily canceled a local,
state or federal prescription drug program or a private
prescription re-
imbursement plan within six months prior to application for
in the senior pharmacy assistance program,
(6) unless modified as provided in
section 2 and amendments thereto,
prescription drugs eligible for reimbursement shall be limited to
tenance drugs for specified disease states,
(7) a copayment of 30% of the cost of
each prescription shall be
(8) unless modified as provided in
section 2 and amendments thereto,
a maximum annual drug benefit of $1,200 shall be established for
eligible individual, and
(9) the pharmacy cost reimbursement and
dispensing fee shall be
established by the secretary of aging.
(c) The secretary of aging shall adopt
rules and regulations as nec-
essary to implement the provisions of the senior pharmacy
assistance pro-
gram. Enrollment in the program shall be in accordance with
and procedures established by the secretary.
(d) Appropriations for the senior
pharmacy assistance program shall
be from the interest or earnings from the senior services trust
fund and
shall be made in accordance with appropriation acts.
(e) As used in this section:
(1) "Income" means income from whatever
source derived; and
(2) "federal poverty guidelines" means
the most recent poverty
guidelines as published annually in the federal register by the
States department of health and human services.
Sec. 2. (a) To implement the
provisions of this act, the secretary of
aging is hereby authorized to negotiate and enter into contracts
for the
performance of the powers, duties and functions established under
act, receive grants, gifts or donations from the United States
or its agencies, or private non-governmental sources. Any moneys so
ceived shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the
services trust fund.
(b) In the event that the secretary
determines that the funds appro-
priated may not meet projected expenditures for the fiscal year,
the sec-
retary may take one or more of the following actions:
(1) Adjust the maximum benefit set forth
in subsection (b) of section
1 and amendments thereto;
(2) adjust the income eligibility levels
set forth in subsection (b) of
section 1 and amendments thereto;
(3) adjust the copayment level as set
forth in subsection (b) of section
1 and amendments thereto; or
(4) establish a period of open enrollment
which shall be not less than
30 days and which shall include an enrollment period for those who
come age eligible during the year. Any such changes will be
effective 30
days after notice of the same is published in the Kansas
(c) The secretary of social and
rehabilitation services shall serve as
fiscal agent for the senior pharmacy assistance program pursuant to
ments entered into with the secretary of aging.
(d) The provisions of this act are hereby
suspended on the day upon
which payments commence under any federal law enacted on or after
effective date of this act which provides financial assistance for
the pur-
chase of prescription drugs to those individuals eligible for
financial as-
sistance for the purchase of prescription drugs under this act.
Sec. 3. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after July
1, 2001 and its publication in the statute book.