Session of 2000
By Committee on Education
concerning education; providing for a Kansas competency in
11 basic skills
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. As used in this act:
15 (a) "Board" means
the board of education of any school district.
16 (b) "School
district" means any public school district.
17 (c) "State board"
means the state board of education.
18 (d) "Pupil" means
any person who is regularly enrolled in kindergar-
19 ten or any of the grades one through 12
maintained by a school district.
20 (e) "Kansas
competency in basic skills program" means a program
21 based upon the identification and
specification of standards and outcomes
22 of competency in basic skills, the
attainment of which standards and out-
23 comes of competency pupils shall
demonstrate through assessment and
24 portfolio evaluation.
25 Sec. 2. The
state board shall adopt rules and regulations for admin-
26 istration of the provisions of this act and
27 (a) Prescribe a
Kansas competency in basic skills program to be main-
28 tained each school year in every school
district in the state; and
29 (b) identify,
specify and distribute to each board standards and out-
30 comes of competency in basic skills
domains. The skills domains for which
31 standards and outcomes of competency shall
be identified and specified
32 are reading, writing and mathematics;
33 (c) prepare and
distribute to each board examinations for assessing
34 the attainment by pupils of basic skills,
which examinations shall be ad-
35 ministered by boards to pupils as a
prerequisite to certification that the
36 requirements necessary for grade level
promotion or for graduation from
37 high school have been satisfactorily
38 (d) give
technical advice and assistance and make recommendations
39 to boards concerning maintenance of the
Kansas competency in basic
40 skills program; and
41 (e) determine
performance levels, the achievement of which can be
42 determined through examination and
portfolio evaluation, which per-
43 formance levels represent grade level
competency in the basic skills do-
1 mains. Commencing with the 2001-02
school year, no pupil shall be cer-
2 tified as having satisfactorily
completed the requirements necessary for
3 grade level promotion or for
graduation from high school unless such
4 pupil has demonstrated competency in
the basic skills domains through
5 achievement of the performance level
determined for the pupil's current
6 grade level.
7 Sec.
3. (a) Each board, with technical advice and assistance from
8 state board, shall formulate
strategies, techniques and procedures for en-
9 abling and assisting pupils to
achieve competency in the basic skills.
10 (b) In the case
of any pupil who does not demonstrate satisfactory
11 progress toward competency in the basic
skills, the board shall arrange a
12 conference which shall be attended by the
pupil, the parents or a person
13 acting as parent of the pupil, and teachers
familiar with the pupil's pro-
14 gress to discuss the pupil's performance
and to prepare a plan to improve
15 the pupil's progress. The plan shall
specify the actions that will be taken
16 to secure improvement in areas in which the
pupil has demonstrated
17 substandard performance. The pupil, the
parents or a person acting as
18 parent of the pupil, and the school shall
mutually agree on the actions
19 and responsibilities contained in the plan.
The plan may include, but need
20 not be limited to, a restructured school
day, additional school days, in-
21 dividualized instruction, restrictions on
extracurricular activities of the
22 pupil during the school term, and summer
school. Every pupil shall be
23 given numerous opportunities to demonstrate
competency in the basic
24 skills.
25 Sec. 4. (a)
The provisions of this act do not apply to: (1) Any pupil
26 determined to be exceptional under the
provisions of article 9 of chapter
27 72 of Kansas Statutes Annotated if the
special education program in which
28 the pupil is enrolled provides only for
nonacademic and nonvocational
29 activities; (2) any pupil who, upon
determination by mutual agreement of
30 a board and the parent or person acting as
parent of the pupil, is not able
31 to benefit from assessment or effectively
participate in the Kansas com-
32 petency in basic skills program; or (3) any
pupil who has been retained
33 at the same grade level one or more times,
participated in the program
34 and failed to demonstrate competency in the
basic skills domains after
35 making the best effort possible.
36 (b) Each board
shall report to the state board the number of pupils
37 enrolled in the school district who are
exempt under the provisions of
38 this section from participation in the
Kansas competency in basic skills
39 program. Such reports shall be made in the
manner and at the times
40 specified by the state board.
41 Sec. 5. (a)
Periodically, but not less often than biennially, the state
42 board shall study, review and consider data
and other information col-
43 lected by school districts in maintenance
of the Kansas competency in
1 basic skills program in order to
determine whether pupils are demon-
2 strating attainment of the standards
and outcomes of competency in the
3 basic skills domains to the extent
necessary to enable pupils to perform
4 successfully at modal grade level or,
in the case of pupils at grade level
5 12, to perform successfully at the
postsecondary education level or in the
6 workforce.
7 (b) Upon
completion of each review conducted under subsection (a),
8 the state board shall disseminate
appropriate information and summary
9 data concerning the Kansas competency
in basic skills program to boards,
10 the legislature, the governor and to other
interested parties.
11 Sec. 6. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
12 publication in the statute book.