Session of 2000
By Committee on Education
concerning teachers; providing for initial certification upon
10 completion of an
alternate teacher certification program.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. The state board of education shall adopt rules and
14 lations for administration and effectuation
of the provisions of this act
15 and, in accordance therewith, may issue an
initial certificate to teach in
16 this state to any person who successfully
completes the alternate teacher
17 certification program.
18 Sec. 2. As
used in this act:
19 (a) "Alternate
teacher certification program" means a program which
20 is provided for by the state board of
education under contractual arrange-
21 ments with an accredited Kansas teacher
education institution having an
22 approved teacher education program and with
accredited schools and
23 which is designed to ensure that a teacher
certification applicant has the
24 basic knowledge and qualifications
necessary to engage in the profession
25 of teaching at an accredited school in this
26 (b) "Teacher
certification applicant" means a person who applies un-
27 der authority of this act for an initial
certificate to teach in this state.
28 Sec. 3. (a)
The alternate teacher certification program will require a
29 teacher certification applicant to
30 (1) A 10 contact
hour preservice orientation conducted by employing
31 accredited school prior to a classroom
assignment. Orientation shall in-
32 clude familiarization with school policies,
procedures, curriculum, in-
33 structional model, community
characteristics, and resources; and
34 (2) an internship
of two school years (four semesters) prescribed by
35 the teacher education institution. At the
successful completion of intern-
36 ship, student teaching requirements will be
37 (b) During
internship, a teacher certification applicant will be super-
38 vised by a team of three persons consisting
of a mentor teacher from the
39 accredited school employing the applicant,
the building principal, and a
40 faculty member from the teacher education
institution. Guidelines for
41 supervision will be provided by the teacher
education institution. The
42 supervisory team will meet no fewer than
three times per school year to
43 evaluate, consult with, and provide advice
to the applicant. The last meet-
1 ing of the first year of internship
will result in a recommendation for
2 discontinuation of the program or
continuation for the second year of
3 internship. Successful completion of
the program will result in a recom-
4 mendation for certification.
5 Sec.
4. A teacher certification applicant shall:
6 (a) Be the
holder of a baccalaureate or higher degree, earned with a
7 minimum cumulative grade point
average of 2.75 on a 4.0 scale, and
8 granted by an accredited college or
9 (b) have
earned academic credits appropriate to meeting subject and
10 field requirements for certification with
an endorsement at the secondary
11 level for such subject or field or for
certification with an endorsement at
12 the elementary, middle or junior high level
in such subjects or fields as
13 art, music, computer science, library
science, or foreign language. The
14 teacher education institution will assure
attainment by the applicant of
15 the minimum semester hour requirements for
general education and sub-
16 jects or fields of specialization. Minor
deficiencies in the subject or field
17 of specialization requirements may be
satisfied through additional course
18 work approved by the teacher education
19 (c) take and pass
the national teacher examination core battery with
20 a composite score at or higher than the
national mean score;
21 (d) apply for and
receive from the state board of education an emer-
22 gency certificate valid for one year and
renewable for a second year upon
23 successful completion of the first year of
participation in the program and
24 recommendation by the supervisory team;
25 (e) receive and
document an offer of a teaching position at an ac-
26 credited Kansas school. The school will
establish the salary and benefits
27 to be received by the applicant in
accordance with school policy; and
28 (f) pay a fee
prescribed by the state board of education, which fee
29 shall be in an amount determined to be
necessary for payment of the
30 costs of the program including, but not
limited to, the costs related to the
31 internship prescribed by the teacher
education institution, the costs for
32 travel expenses of the teacher education
institution faculty member of
33 the supervisory team at the rate of $300
for each year of internship, and
34 the costs for remuneration of the principal
and mentor teacher members
35 of the supervisory team at the rate of $500
each for each year of intern-
36 ship. The applicant and employing
accredited school will share equally in
37 the costs for remuneration of the principal
and mentor teacher.
38 Sec.
5. Upon successful completion of the alternate teacher
39 cation program as verified by the teacher
education institution and the
40 employing accredited school, a teacher
certification applicant may apply
41 for certification on a form provided by the
state board of education. The
42 state board shall review the application
and the recommendation of the
43 teacher education institution and the
employing accredited school and
1 shall grant certification, grant
provisional certification, or deny certifica-
2 tion. Successful completion of the
alternate teacher certification program
3 will not entitle a teacher
certification applicant to certification with an
4 endorsement in special education
subject areas or certification at the el-
5 ementary level other than in the
subjects or fields of specialization for
6 which the applicant has met the
standards for endorsement.
7 Sec.
6. Upon completion of each school year, commencing with
8 2003-04 school year, the state board
of education shall make a report to
9 the governor and the legislature on
the effectiveness of the alternate
10 teacher certification program. The report
shall include the following
11 information:
12 (a) The number of
accredited schools participating in the program;
13 (b) the number of
persons who applied for employment as teacher
14 certification applicants and the number of
such applicants who actually
15 were employed;
16 (c) the number of
persons who successfully completed the alternate
17 teacher certification program, who were
recommended for certification,
18 and who were granted certificates;
19 (d) the quality
of teachers granted certificates under this act;
20 (e) the rate of
attrition of teachers granted certificates under this act
21 as compared with teachers who have
completed a regular teacher prep-
22 aration program; and
23 (f) the costs to
the state of providing the alternate teacher certifica-
24 tion program as compared with regular
teacher preparation programs.
25 Sec.
7. Nothing contained in this act shall be construed to
26 affect the status, force or operation of
any other provision of law relating
27 to initial issuance of certificates to
teach or of any rules and regulations
28 adopted pursuant thereto. The requirements
and procedures contained
29 in this act for initial issuance of
certificates to teach shall be deemed
30 alternative to the requirements and
procedures therefor that are in effect
31 under any other provision of law and under
rules and regulations adopted
32 pursuant thereto by the state board of
33 Sec. 8. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
34 publication in the statute book.