Session of 2000
By Committee on Education
establishing the national board for professional teaching stan-
10 dards certification
incentive program.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. The national board for professional teaching standards
14 certification incentive program is hereby
established for the purpose of
15 rewarding teachers who have attained
certification from the national
16 board. Teachers who have attained
certification from the national board
17 shall be issued a master teacher's
certificate by the state board of edu-
18 cation. A master teacher's certificate
shall be valid for 10 years and re-
19 newable thereafter every 10 years through
compliance with continuing
20 education and professional development
requirements prescribed by the
21 state board. Teachers who have attained
certification from the national
22 board and who are employed by a school
district shall be paid an incentive
23 bonus in the amount of $1,000 each school
year, not exceeding 10 years,
24 that the teacher remains employed by a
school district and retains a valid
25 master teacher's certificate.
26 (b) The board of
education of each school district employing one or
27 more national board certified teachers
shall pay the incentive bonus to
28 each such teacher in each school year that
the teacher retains eligibility
29 for such payment. Each board of education
which has made payments of
30 incentive bonuses to national board
certified teachers under this subsec-
31 tion may file an application with the state
board of education for state aid
32 and shall certify to the state board the
amount of such payments. The
33 application and certification shall be on a
form prescribed and furnished
34 by the state board, shall contain such
information as the state board shall
35 require and shall be filed at the time
specified by the state board.
36 (c) In each
school year, each school district employing one or more
37 national board certified teachers is
entitled to receive from appropriations
38 for the national board for professional
teaching standards certification
39 incentive program an amount which is equal
to the amount certified to
40 the state board of education in accordance
with the provisions of subsec-
41 tion (b). The state board shall certify to
the director of accounts and
42 reports the amount due each school
district. The director of accounts and
43 reports shall draw warrants on the state
treasurer payable to the treasurer
1 of each school district entitled to
payment under this section upon vouch-
2 ers approved by the state board.
3 (d) Moneys
received by a board of education under this section shall
4 be deposited in the general fund of
the school district. Moneys deposited
5 in the general fund of the school
district under this subsection shall be
6 considered reimbursements to the
district for the purpose of the school
7 district finance and quality
performance act and may be expended
8 whether the same have been budgeted
or not.
9 (e) As used
in this section, the term school district means any school
10 district organized and operating under the
laws of this state.
11 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
12 publication in the statute book.