Session of 2000
By Committee on Education
concerning teacher certification examinations; imposing certain
11 requirements; amending
K.S.A. 72-1394 and 72-1396 and repealing
12 the existing
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. K.S.A. 72-1394 is hereby amended to read as follows:
16 1394. (a) The state board of education
shall prescribe an examination
17 designed to insure that certification of a
person as a teacher is a reliable
18 indicator that the person has the
basic knowledge and qualifications nec-
19 essary to engage in the profession of
teaching in this state.
20 (b) In order to
comply with the requirements of subsection (a), the
21 state board of education shall select an
examination which will measure
22 the basic knowledge and
qualifications of applicants for certification as
23 teachers and shall provide for
administration and validation of the ex-
24 amination. Commencing in 2003, the
examination of applicants for cer-
25 tification as teachers in any of the
grades seven through 12 must include
26 a measurement of competency in the
academic content area in which such
27 applicants intend to teach. The
examination shall be administered to ap-
28 plicants at least two times each calendar
year at various locations within
29 the state.
30 (c) The state
board of education shall adopt rules and regulations to
31 guarantee the confidentiality of the
examination, but shall make available
32 to applicants information regarding
examination specifications and shall
33 prescribe the method by which persons who
take the examination may
34 obtain the results thereof.
35 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 72-1396 is hereby amended to read as follows:
36 1396. (a) Any person holding a teaching
certificate valid in the state of
37 Kansas which was issued prior to May 1,
1986, is exempt from the ex-
38 amination required by this act.
39 (b) The following
persons, or any class or classes thereof, may be
40 exempted by the state board of education
from the examination required
41 by this act:
42 (1) Any person
holding a teaching certificate valid in any other state
43 if the requirements under which the
certificate was issued are compara-
1 ble, in the opinion of the state
board, to the requirements of this state,
2 other than
examination, for issuance of a teaching certificate.
3 (2) Any
person applying for a one-year, nonrenewable certificate if
4 the person meets all certification
requirements, other than examination,
5 for issuance of a teaching
6 (3) Any
person applying for certification by the state board to provide
7 services in a position for which the
state board deems the examination is
8 inappropriate or unnecessary if the
person meets the certification require-
9 ments which have been established by
the state board as appropriate and
10 necessary for the position.
11 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 72-1394 and
72-1396 are hereby repealed.
12 Sec. 4. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
13 publication in the statute book.