Session of 2000
By Committee on Education
concerning education; providing for a Kansas mastery of basic
10 skills program and for
recognition of schools that qualify for a basic
11 skills achievement
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. As used in this act:
15 (a) "Board" means
the board of education of any school district.
16 (b) "School
district" means any public school district.
17 (c) "School"
means any school maintaining kindergarten and any or
18 all of the grades one through three,
whether or not other grades are
19 maintained in the school.
20 (d) "State board"
means the state board of education.
21 (e) "Pupil" means
any person who is regularly enrolled in kindergar-
22 ten or any of the grades one through three
maintained in a school oper-
23 ated by a school district.
24 (f) "Kansas
mastery of basic skills program" means a program based
25 upon the identification and specification
of standards and outcomes of
26 mastery of reading, writing and
mathematics, the attainment of which
27 standards and outcomes of mastery pupils in
attendance at a school shall
28 demonstrate through a process defined by
the school.
29 (g) "Basic skills
achievement award" means an award made under
30 this act to recognize schools which certify
that not less than 95% of the
31 pupils in attendance have attained the
standards and outcomes of mastery
32 identified and specified under subsection
(a)(2) of section 2, and amend-
33 ments thereto, by the end of grade level
34 Sec. 2. (a)
The state board shall adopt rules and regulations for ad-
35 ministration of the provisions of this act
and shall:
36 (1) Prescribe a
Kansas mastery of basic skills program to be main-
37 tained in every school each school year in
every school district in the state;
38 and
39 (2) identify,
specify and distribute to each board in the state standards
40 and outcomes of mastery of reading, writing
and mathematics by fiscal
41 year 2001 for kindergarten and each of the
grade levels one through three;
42 (3) require that
schools, as a part of the accreditation process pro-
43 vided for in K.S.A. 72-6439, and amendments
thereto, develop plans to
1 meet the standards and outcomes of
mastery identified and specified
2 under provision (2) of this
subsection, and develop a process to certify
3 that pupils meet such standards and
outcomes at the kindergarten level
4 and at each of the grade levels one
through three. The plan and certifi-
5 cation process must be filed with the
state board of education and be
6 available to parents and other
interested parties; and
7 (4) give
technical advice and assistance and make recommendations
8 to boards concerning maintenance of
the Kansas mastery of basic skills
9 program.
10 (b) Commencing
with the 2001-02 school year, no pupil shall be pro-
11 moted to the next grade level unless the
school has certified the pupil has
12 met the standards and outcomes of mastery
identified and specified for
13 the pupil's grade level under provisions
(2) of subsection (a).
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (b), no pupil
15 tween kindergarten and grade level three
shall repeat kindergarten or any
16 grade level more than once.
17 Sec. 3. (a)
Each school, with technical advice and assistance from the
18 state board, shall prepare a plan
containing strategies, techniques and
19 procedures for enabling and assisting
pupils at the kindergarten level and
20 each of the grade levels one through three
to meet the standards and
21 outcomes of mastery identified and
specified under subsection (a)(2) of
22 section 2, and amendments thereto. Each
plan for grade levels one
23 through three shall include options for
assisting pupils who initially fail
24 to meet the standards and outcomes of
mastery identified and specified
25 under subsection (a)(2) of section 2, and
amendments thereto, through
26 provision of alternative educational
programs, including summer school
27 and after-school instruction.
28 (b) The state
board shall provide a professional development se-
29 quence for primary grade teachers to enable
such teachers to learn the
30 best practices for teaching basic
31 (c) In the case
of any pupil who does not demonstrate satisfactory
32 progress toward meeting the standards and
outcomes of mastery of read-
33 ing, writing and mathematics identified and
specified under subsection
34 (a)(2) of section 2, and amendments
thereto, the school shall work with
35 the parents or a person acting as parent of
the pupil, if available, to pre-
36 pare a plan to improve the pupil's
progress. The plan may include, but
37 need not be limited to, a restructured
school day, additional school days,
38 summer school and individualized
39 (d) Every school
must have available after-school instruction and
40 summer school for pupils not meeting the
standards and outcomes of
41 mastery of reading, writing and mathematics
identified and specified un-
42 der subsection (a)(2) of section 2, and
amendments thereto.
43 Sec. 4. (a)
The provisions of this act do not apply to: (1) Any pupil
1 determined to be exceptional under
the provisions of article 9 of chapter
2 72 of Kansas Statutes Annotated if
the special education program in which
3 the pupil is enrolled provides only
for nonacademic and nonvocational
4 activities; (2) any pupil who, upon
determination by mutual agreement of
5 a school, in consultation with the
teacher of the pupil, and the parent or
6 person acting as parent of the pupil,
is not able to benefit from assessment
7 or effectively participate in the
Kansas mastery of basic skills program; or
8 (3) any pupil who has attained modal
age for grade level 5, participated
9 in the program and failed to qualify
for a certificate of mastery after
10 making the best effort possible.
11 (b) Each board
shall report to the state board the number of pupils
12 enrolled in the school district who are
exempt under the provisions of
13 this section from participation in the
Kansas mastery of basic skills pro-
14 gram. Such reports shall be made in the
manner and at the times specified
15 by the state board.
16 Sec. 5. In
each school year, each school that reaches the standard of
17 excellence in the statewide assessment of
mathematics in fourth grade
18 and of reading in the fifth grade as
prescribed under K.S.A. 72-6439, and
19 amendments thereto, shall be entitled to an
award in an amount to be
20 determined by the state board by
multiplying the amount of $10 by the
21 number of pupils in attendance at the
school. The product is the amount
22 of the award to which the school is
entitled. The amount of the award
23 shall be paid to the board having
jurisdiction over the school, deposited
24 in the general fund of the school district
and credited to the account of
25 the school. All amounts received by a
school district and credited to the
26 account of a school may be expended whether
the same have been budg-
27 eted or not and amounts so expended shall
not be considered operating
28 expenses of the school district. The school
site council of a school shall
29 determine the purposes for which the award
shall be expended.
30 Sec. 6. (a)
Periodically, but not less often than biennially, beginning
31 in 2006, the state board shall study,
review and consider data and other
32 information collected by school districts
in maintenance of the Kansas
33 mastery of basic skills program, including
data regarding pupil perform-
34 ance on the statewide assessments provided
for under K.S.A. 72-6439,
35 and amendments thereto, in order to
determine whether 95% of the
36 pupils are demonstrating attainment of the
standards and outcomes of
37 mastery of reading, writing and mathematics
identified and specified un-
38 der subsection (a)(2) of section 2, and
amendments thereto.
39 (b) Upon
completion of each review conducted under subsection (a),
40 the state board shall disseminate
appropriate information and summary
41 data concerning the Kansas mastery of basic
skills program to boards, the
42 legislature, the governor and to other
interested parties.
43 (c) If the
percentage of pupils who are demonstrating attainment of
1 the standards and outcomes of mastery
of reading, writing and mathe-
2 matics is less than 95%, the state
board shall establish a statewide im-
3 provement plan to ensure attainment
of the standards and outcomes of
4 mastery of reading, writing and
mathematics by not less than 95% of the
5 pupils in attendance at school and
shall make the statewide improvement
6 plan an integral part of the
accreditation process provided for in K.S.A.
7 72-6439, and amendments
8 Sec. 7. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
9 publication in the statute book.