Session of 2000
By Committee on Education
concerning school districts; relating to school building report
11 cards; requiring
certain information and disposition; amending K.S.A.
12 1999 Supp. 72-6439 and
repealing the existing section.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 72-6439 is hereby amended to read as
16 follows: 72-6439. (a) In order to
accomplish the mission for Kansas ed-
17 ucation, the state board of education shall
design and adopt a school
18 performance accreditation system based upon
improvement in perform-
19 ance that reflects high academic standards
and is measurable.
20 (b) The state
board of education shall provide for assessments in the
21 core academic areas of mathematics,
science, reading, writing, and social
22 studies, and shall establish curriculum
standards for such core academic
23 areas. The assessments shall be
administered at three grade levels, as
24 determined by the state board. The
curriculum standards shall be equal
25 to the best standards and shall be reviewed
at least every three years. The
26 state board shall ensure compatibility
between the statewide assessments
27 and the curriculum standards. Nothing in
this subsection shall be con-
28 strued in any manner so as to impinge upon
any district's authority to
29 determine its own curriculum.
30 (c) The state
board of education shall determine performance levels
31 on the statewide assessments, the
achievement of which represents ex-
32 cellence in the academic area at the grade
level to which the assessment
33 applies. The state board should specify the
measure of excellence both
34 for individual performance and school
performance on the assessments.
35 (d) Each school
in every district shall establish a school site council
36 composed of the principal and
representatives of teachers and other
37 school personnel, parents of pupils
attending the school, the business
38 community, and other community groups.
School site councils shall be
39 responsible for providing advice and
counsel in evaluating state, school
40 district, and school site performance goals
and objectives and in deter-
41 mining the methods that should be employed
at the school site to meet
42 these goals and objectives.
43 (e) On or before
January 1, 1997 in each school year, the
state board
1 of education shall prepare a public
education performance report card
2 consisting of statewide aggregated
data pertaining to performance on
3 statewide assessments and other
measurable performance indicators
4 specified by the state board as part
of the accreditation system. The report
5 card shall be designed to show
comparative data over multiple years, as
6 determined by the state board. In
addition to the public education per-
7 formance report card, the state board
shall prepare a school building
8 report card for each school building
operated by a district and shall pro-
9 vide the board of each district with
information showing the statewide
10 data and school building data, including
multiple year data. Each school
11 building report card shall include a
description of the academic back-
12 ground of and certificates and
endorsements held by each of the profes-
13 sional employees of the district who are
directly responsible for the in-
14 structional program offered and
maintained in the school building. The
15 board of each district shall distribute
the school building report card to
16 the parents of each pupil in attendance
at school in such school building.
17 The method for distributing the report
card shall be determined by the
18 board of each district and the
distribution shall be reported to the state
19 board of education.
20 (f) Under
the direction of Kansas, Inc., and subject to
21 therefor, a study evaluating
changes in pupil performance attributable to
22 the school accreditation system
shall be conducted between July 1 and
23 November 30, 1997. The main purpose
of the study shall be to ascertain,
24 through evaluation of the 48 school
districts that began implementation
25 of the school performance
accreditation process in the 1991-92 school
26 year, the extent of the change in
pupil academic performance under the
27 system and to provide an
explanation of the factors that have contributed
28 materially to the changes that have
occurred. The study shall be based
29 on data for the 1996-97 school
year. The results of the study shall be
30 reported to the legislature at the
commencement of the 1998 session.
31 Kansas, Inc. shall convene an
advisory committee for assistance in de-
32 signing the study, providing
direction for the conducting of research, an-
33 alyzing research findings, and
preparing the report of the results of the
34 study. The advisory committee shall
consist of not less than seven and
35 not more than 11 members and shall
be representative of the state board
36 of education, teachers, school
administrators, boards of education, busi-
37 ness, and the public. Members of
the advisory committee attending meet-
38 ings of the committee or
subcommittee meetings authorized by Kansas,
39 Inc. shall be paid amounts provided
for in subsection (e) of K.S.A. 75-
40 3223, and amendments
41 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
72-6439 is hereby repealed.
42 Sec. 3. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
43 publication in the statute book.