Session of 2000
By Committee on Education
concerning school districts; relating to the provision of
11 tion on human
sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases; authorizing
12 the provision of
condoms to pupils under certain conditions.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. (a) Each school district shall provide pupils with
16 tion on human sexuality, HIV/AIDS and other
sexually transmitted dis-
17 eases. Such instruction shall be provided
by a school nurse or counselor
18 and shall include, but shall not be
restricted to:
19 (1) Teaching that
abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage
20 is the expected standard for all school age
children. All classes that teach
21 sex education and discuss sexual
intercourse shall emphasize that absti-
22 nence is the expected norm in that
abstinence from sexual intercourse is
23 the only protection that is 100% effective
against out-of-wedlock and un-
24 wanted teenage pregnancy, sexually
transmitted diseases, and acquired
25 immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) when
transmitted sexually;
26 (2) teaching that
the best way to avoid sexually transmitted diseases
27 and other associated health problems is to
establish a mutually faithful
28 monogamous relationship in the context of
29 (3) providing
that all curricula and materials that will be used for
30 instruction on human sexuality, HIV/AIDS
and other sexually transmitted
31 diseases shall be made available for
inspection and critique by parents
32 and guardians of pupils;
33 (4) designing the
curriculum for HIV/AIDS prevention education to
34 teach pupils which behaviors place a person
dangerously at risk of infec-
35 tion with the human immunodeficiency virus
and methods to avoid such
36 risk including, at least, the dangers of
drug abuse, especially that involving
37 the use of hypodermic needles and the
dangers of sexual intercourse with
38 or without condoms;
39 (5) providing
course material and instruction that is age appropriate,
40 teaches the benefits and value of
monogamous marriage, stresses that
41 pupils should abstain from sexual
intercourse until they are ready for
42 marriage, educates on strategies for
dealing with pressure situations, and
43 includes a discussion of the possible
emotional and psychological conse-
1 quences of preadolescent and
adolescent sexual intercourse outside of
2 marriage and the consequences of
unwanted adolescent pregnancy;
(6) stressing that sexually transmitted diseases are serious
4 hazards of sexual intercourse. Pupils
shall be provided with statistics based
5 on the latest medical information
citing the failure rates of condoms in
6 preventing AIDS and other sexually
transmitted diseases;
(7) advising pupils of the laws pertaining to their financial
8 bility to children born in and out of
wedlock; and
(8) emphasizing that pupils have the power to control
10 behavior.
11 (b) Each school
district shall provide for exemption of pupils from
12 participation in classes given for
instruction in human sexuality, HIV/
13 AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases. No pupil shall be required
14 to participate in classes given for
instruction in human sexuality, HIV/
15 AIDS and other sexually transmitted
diseases if the pupil's parent or
16 guardian objects in writing to
participation by the pupil in such classes.
17 Refusal by a pupil to participate in such
classes shall not be reason for
18 suspension or expulsion of, or imposition
of any other disciplinary penalty
19 on, any such pupil.
20 (c) Each school
district shall make condoms available to any pupil,
21 upon request and free of charge, if the
pupil has attained 13 years of age
22 and has attended and completed the course
of instruction required to be
23 provided under subsection (a). Condoms
shall be provided to pupils by a
24 school nurse or counselor.
25 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
26 publication in the statute book.