Session of 2000
Effective: May 18, 2000
An Act concerning long-term care; establishing a task force on
long-term care services to
study services provided by the public and
private sector to citizens of the state and laws
and rules and regulations relating to such
services; concerning long-term care staff.
WHEREAS, The legislature is
vitally interested in the welfare of the
citizens of this state who are consumers of long-term care
services; and
WHEREAS, Services provided for citizens
who are consumers of long-
term care by state agencies and private vendors should be provided
ficiently, economically and sensitively in a supportive state
regulatory en-
vironment that partners with long-term care providers to
continuous quality improvement; and
WHEREAS, Over the past several
legislative sessions major statutory
changes have been enacted relating to adult care homes and the
sibility for the administration of long-term care
programs: Now, there-
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
Section 1. (a) A task force on
long-term care services is hereby es-
tablished to study state and federal laws and rules and regulations
impact on the services provided by government and the private
sector to
citizens who are consumers of long-term care services, the
financing of
these services, both public and private, the effectiveness of
activities between state agencies and long-term care providers and
other matters relating thereto as the task force deems
(b) The task force shall consist of 20
members appointed as follows:
(1) Seven members appointed by the
legislative coordinating council,
three of whom shall be consumers of long-term care services, three
whom shall be providers of long-term care services and one of whom
be a trustee or board member of a long-term care facility;
(2) two members appointed by the
president of the senate and the
speaker of the house of representatives, one of whom shall be a
of the senate committee on ways and means and one of whom shall be
member of the house committee on appropriations and both of
shall be from different political parties;
(3) two members appointed by the
president of the senate, one of
whom shall be a member of the senate committee on public health
welfare and one of whom shall be a member of the senate committee
financial institutions and insurance;
(4) two members appointed by the minority
leader of the senate,
one of whom shall be a member of the senate committee on public
and welfare and one of whom shall be a member of the senate
on financial institutions and insurance;
(5) two members appointed by the speaker
of the house of repre-
sentatives, one of whom shall be a member of the house committee
health and human services and one of whom shall be a member of
house committee on insurance;
(6) two members appointed by the minority
leader of the house of
representatives, one of whom shall be a member of the house
on health and human services and one of whom shall be a member of
house committee on insurance. Of the seven members appointed by
legislative coordinating council, no more than two members shall
in any one congressional district;
(7) one member shall be the secretary of
social and rehabilitation
services or the secretary's designee;
(8) one member shall be the secretary of
health and environment or
the secretary's designee; and
(9) one member shall be the secretary of
aging or the secretary's
(c) The legislative coordinating council
shall appoint the chairperson
and vice-chairperson from among the membership of the task force,
chairperson to be appointed from among the legislator members of
task force. Staffing for the task force shall be available from the
research department, the revisor of statutes office and the
division of
legislative administrative services if authorized by the
legislative coordi-
nating council.
(d) The members of the task force shall
receive reimbursement for
attending meetings of the task force as authorized by the
legislative co-
ordinating council consistent with the provisions of K.S.A. 46-1209
amendments thereto.
(e) The task force shall prepare and
submit a report and recommen-
dations to the governor and to the legislature on or before the
Monday of January each year through 2005. In developing such
mendations the task force shall give consideration to creative,
sense solutions and approaches to problems which do not
require additional expenditures of money.
(f) As used in this section, the term
"long-term care" includes a broad
spectrum of supports, ranging from skilled nursing services to
with activities of daily living or help with instrumental
activities of daily
(g) The provisions of this section shall
expire on July 1, 2005.
Sec. 2. Notwithstanding the
provisions of 2000 Senate Concurrent
Resolution No. 1606 to the contrary, the governor shall make the
on the findings of the examination of the various secretaries of
the ex-
ecutive branch concerning statutes and rules and regulations and
identification of funds available for training, retraining and
education of long-term care staff of adult care homes as provided
in such
resolution to the board of adult care home administrators, the
of health and environment and the legislature during the 2001
session rather than the 2000 legislative session.
Sec. 3. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the Kansas register.