Session of 2000
Effective: July 1, 2000
An Act relating to the state corporation
commission; concerning the regulation of motor
carriers; amending
K.S.A. 66-143, 66-144, 66-1,117 and 66-1,119 and K.S.A. 1999
66-123, 66-138,
66-1,114, 66-1,115a, 66-1,118 and 66-1,119a and repealing the
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:
New Section 1. (a) Except as
hereinafter provided, it shall be unlaw-
ful for any public motor carrier to operate as a carrier of
property other
than household goods or passengers in intrastate commerce within
state without first having obtained from the corporation commission
certificate of public service to transport property other than
goods or passengers.
(b) The corporation commission, upon the
filing of an application for
a certificate of public service to transport property other than
goods, shall ascertain that the motor carrier is fit, knowledgeable
and in
compliance with the commission's safety rules and regulations,
and cargo insurance requirements and other applicable state laws. A
of applications received shall be published bimonthly in the first
and third
issues of the Kansas register, but in no case shall notice of the
receipt of
an application be published no more than 30 days after the
application is
filed. If the commission finds that the public motor carrier is
fit, knowl-
edgeable and in compliance with the commission's safety rules and
ulations, liability and cargo insurance requirements and other
state laws, the commission shall issue the certificate, signed and
by the commission's executive director, authorizing the public
motor car-
rier to transport such property statewide. If the commission finds
that the
public motor carrier is not fit, knowledgeable, or in compliance
with the
commission's safety rules and regulations, liability and cargo
requirements and other applicable state laws, an order shall be
denying the application.
(c) Motor carriers holding a certificate
of convenience and necessity
to transport property other than household goods or a local wrecker
mit shall be considered as holding a certificate of public service
to trans-
port that property originally granted by the commission as a public
carrier of property. Pursuant to federal law those motor carriers
transport that property originally granted by the commission
(d) Within 12 months of the issuance to a
public motor carrier of a
certificate of public service to transport property other than
goods or passengers, the commission shall verify that such public
carrier continues to be fit, knowledgeable and in compliance with
commission's safety rules and regulations, liability and cargo
requirements and other applicable state laws.
Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 66-123 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 66-123. Every public utility and common carrier governed by
provisions of this act when, and as required by the corporation
sion, shall file with the corporation commission an annual report
and such
monthly or other regular reports, or special reports, and such
other in-
formation as the corporation commission may require. The
forms of such
report shall follow as nearly as possible the forms
prescribed by the in-
terstate commerce commission. When required by the
corporation com-
mission such reports and information shall be certified under oath
by a
duly authorized officer having knowledge of the matters therein
tained. The corporation commission may at any time require from
public utility or common carrier specific answers to any questions
which it may desire information in connection with matters pending
fore them.
The corporation commission may, in its
discretion, grant extensions of
the time within which reports and information are required to be
Annual reports shall be filed on or before May 1 for the preceding
endar year unless otherwise specified by commission order or rule
regulation. The forms of reports of the common carriers and
the public
utilities which report to the interstate commerce
commission shall, as
nearly as possible, follow the form prescribed by the
interstate commerce
Any public utility or common carrier, except
motor carriers as defined
in K.S.A. 66-196, et seq., and amendments thereto, governed
by this act
which fails, neglects or refuses to file with the corporation
any annual reports, statements, monthly or regular reports or
special re-
ports required by the commission pursuant to statute or rules and
lations shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than
Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 66-138 is
hereby amended to read as fol-
lows: 66-138. If any common carrier, motor carrier holding a
permit or license or public utility governed by the provisions of
this act
violates any of the provisions of this act, or shall do any act
herein pro-
hibited, or fails or refuses to perform any duty enjoined upon it
in this
act, or fails, neglects or refuses to obey any lawful requirement
or order
made by the commission, or any final judgment or decree made by
court upon appeal from any order of the commission, it shall, for
such violation, failure or refusal, forfeit and pay to the state
treasurer a
sum not less than $100 and not more than $1,000 for such offense.
receipt of any such sum, the state treasurer shall credit the
entire amount
thereof to the public service regulation fund or the motor carrier
fee fund, as the case requires.
Such forfeiture shall be enforced and
collected by the attorney general
in any court of competent jurisdiction. The attorney general may
a corporation commission attorney as a special assistant
attorney general
for the purposes of enforcing and collecting any forfeiture
herein. In construing and enforcing the provisions of this
act, any act,
omission or failure of any officer, agent or other person acting
for or
employed by any such public utility, common carrier or motor
holding a certificate, permit or license, while acting within the
scope of
such person's employment, shall in every case be deemed to be the
omission or failure of such public utility, common carrier or motor
holding a certificate, permit or license, and every day during
which any
such public utility, common carrier or motor carrier holding a
permit or license, or officer, agent or employee thereof, fails to
with any order or direction of the commission, or to perform any
required or enjoined by this act, shall constitute a separate and
violation of the provisions of this act.
Sec. 4. K.S.A. 66-143 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 66-143.
The corporation commission shall have power to intervene in any
pending before the interstate commerce commission
federal agency in
which interstate rates affecting the interest of Kansas shippers
are in-
volved, and said the commission is hereby
empowered and directed to
pay all expenses of investigation and prosecution of litigation
under this section out of the contingent fund of
said the commission.
Sec. 5. K.S.A. 66-144 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 66-144.
If any interstate rate, joint rate, fare, toll, charge, rule or
regulation, clas-
sification or schedule of rates, joint rates, fares or tolls is
found to be
unjust, unreasonable, excessive, unjustly discriminatory, or unduly
erential, or in violation of, the interstate commerce law, or in
conflict with
the rules, orders or regulations of the interstate commerce
commission a
federal agency, the corporation commission may apply by
petition or other
proper method to the interstate commerce
commission relevant federal
agency for relief.
Sec. 6. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 66-1,114
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 66-1,114. (a) Except as hereinafter provided, it
shall be unlawful
for any public motor carrier to operate as a carrier of
household goods or
passengers in intrastate commerce within this state without
first having
obtained from the corporation commission a certificate of
and necessity to transport household goods or passengers or
a certificate
of public service to transport property other than
household goods or
passengers. The corporation commission, upon the filing of
an application
for a certificate, shall fix a time and place for hearing
thereon, which shall
be not less than 20 and not more than 60 days after the
filing and shall
be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the
Kansas adminis-
trative procedure act. Notices of hearings shall be
published bimonthly
in the first and third issues of the Kansas register. Any
person may offer
testimony at such hearing. The corporation
commission, upon the filing
of an application for a certificate, shall fix a time and place
for hearing
thereon, which shall be not less than 20 and not more than 60
days after
the filing and shall be conducted in accordance with the
provisions of the
Kansas administrative procedure act. Notices of hearings shall
be pub-
lished bimonthly in the first and third issues of the Kansas
register. Any
person may offer testimony at such hearing.
(b) If the commission finds that
the proposed service or any part
thereof is proposed to be performed by the applicant
and, that the ap-
plicant is fit, willing and able to perform such service, and
that the ap-
plicant is in compliance with the commission's safety rules and
tions, liability and cargo insurance requirements and other
state laws, the commission shall issue the certificate of
convenience and
necessity to transport household goods and passengers, except that
if the
commission finds that the proposed service is inconsistent with the
convenience and necessity, the commission shall not issue the
(c) Within 12 months of the issuance
to a public motor carrier of a
certificate of convenience and necessity to transport household
goods or
passengers, the commission shall verify that such public motor
continues to be fit, knowledgeable and in compliance with the
sion's safety rules and regulations, liability and cargo
insurance require-
ments and other applicable state laws.
Prior to a formal hearing for a
certificate of convenience and necessity
to transport household goods or passengers, and upon the
filing of an
application and showing of an immediate and urgent need for
service to
afford relief, temporary authority to a point or points
within a territory
having no carrier service capable of meeting such immediate
need, may
be granted on the basis of an emergency proceeding, in the
discretion of
the commission. The temporary authority, unless suspended
or revoked,
shall be valid for such time as the commission shall
specify but for not
more than 60 days. The temporary authority may be extended
or renewed
for such time as the commission shall specify, but shall
not be extended
or renewed for a period of time which exceeds the date on
which an order
granting or denying permanent authority shall become
effective. The
granting of temporary authority shall create no presumption
that corre-
sponding permanent authority will be granted thereafter.
The service
rendered under the temporary authority shall be subject to
all applicable
provisions of law and the rules and regulations of the
commission per-
taining to such motor carrier operations.
The corporation commission, upon the
filing of an application for a
certificate of public service to transport property other
than household
goods or passengers shall ascertain that the motor carrier
is fit, knowl-
edgeable and in compliance with the commission's safety
rules and reg-
ulations, liability and cargo insurance requirements and
other applicable
state laws. If the commission finds that the motor carrier
is fit, knowl-
edgeable and in compliance with the commission's safety
rules and reg-
ulations, liability and cargo insurance requirements and
other applicable
state laws, the commission shall issue the certificate
authorizing the public
motor carrier of property to transport such property
statewide. If the
commission finds the motor carrier is not fit,
knowledgeable or in com-
pliance with the commission's safety rules and regulations,
liability and
cargo insurance requirements and other applicable state
laws, an order
shall be issued denying the application.
Motor carriers holding a certificate
of convenience and necessity to
transport property other than household goods or a local
wrecker permit
shall be considered as holding a certificate of public
service to transport
that property originally granted by the commission as a
public motor
carrier of property. Pursuant to federal law those motor
carriers may
transport that property originally granted by the
commission statewide.
Sec. 7. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 66-1,115a
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 66-1,115a. Notwithstanding the provisions of K.S.A.
and 66-1,114, and amendments thereto, the commission may issue
grant contract carrier permits and common carrier certificates or
donments thereof without a formal hearing when the request for
issuance, grant or abandonment is made by verified application,
proper notice has been given in accordance with K.S.A. 66-1,112b
66-1,114, and amendments thereto, if no protests are lodged against
granting of the application and if the application is
supported by verified
prefiled testimony of the applicant
that demonstrates the applicant is
either fit, willing and able to perform such
service or the applicant is fit,
knowledgeable and is in compliance with the
commission's safety rules
and regulations. For applications of public motor carriers
household goods or passengers, if the commission finds that
shows that the proposed service is inconsistent with the public
ience and necessity, the commission shall not grant the
Sec. 8. K.S.A. 66-1,117 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 66-
1,117. The corporation commission shall prescribe forms of
for certificates, permits, and licenses for the
use of prospective applicants
and shall make regulations for the filing thereof. The commission
designate one of its attorneys as a presiding officer for
the hearing of any
hearing that may be required concerning any application for
a certificate
or license and the presiding officer shall make written findings
and rec-
ommendations to the commission.
Sec. 9. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 66-1,118
is hereby amended to read as
follows: 66-1,118. (a) A certificate of public convenience and
necessity or
a certificate of public service issued under the provisions of the
carrier act or any portion of the authority conferred thereby may
not be
assigned or transferred without the consent of the commission.
(b) Applications for transfer of any
certificate of public convenience
and necessity or any portion of the authority conferred thereby
shall be
filed jointly by the assignor and the assignee, and shall
be subject to the
same provisions as to public hearings and notices as the
original appli-
cations for certificates of public convenience and
necessity. The commis-
sion may issue the transfer, as prayed for, or issue the transfer
for the
partial exercise only of the privilege sought, and may attach to
the exercise
of the rights granted such terms and conditions as in the
judgment the public convenience and necessity may require. Approval
the proposed transfer application, either in whole or in part,
shall be given
after notice and hearing only upon a
finding by the commission that the
applicant is fit, willing and able to perform such service, except
that if the
commission finds that evidence shows that the proposed service is
sistent with the public convenience and necessity, the commission
not approve the transfer.
(c) Application for the transfer of any
certificate of public service shall
be filed jointly by the transferor and the transferee and shall be
to the same provisions as the original application for a
certificate of public
Sec. 10. K.S.A. 66-1,119 is hereby
amended to read as follows: 66-
1,119. No public motor carrier authorized by this act to operate
change, abandon or discontinue any service established by this act
operations under any certificate of convenience and necessity
issued for
carriers of household goods or passengers without consent of
the com-
mission after written application, and notice and hearing
in accordance
with the provisions of the Kansas administrative procedure
act. No hear-
ing shall be required if such abandonment is made in
accordance with
the provisions of K.S.A. 66-1,115a and amendments
Sec. 11. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
66-1,119a is hereby amended to read as
follows: 66-1,119a. No public motor carrier authorized under the
sions of the motor carrier act to operate shall by contract, lease,
ment or any other means made with any person, partnership,
or corporation, lease or assign any authority or operating rights
to perform
any transportation service or operations authorized or assign any
granted by any certificate of convenience and necessity or
certificate of
public service issued to such motor carrier. When the
interstate com-
merce commission relevant federal agency
has issued an order approving
and authorizing a pooling agreement between two or more motor
covering points and places in this state, nothing herein shall be
as prohibiting, invalidating or otherwise affecting any agreement
such motor carriers insofar as it relates to service or operations
the same points and places in intrastate commerce within this
state. Any
such order shall be filed with the corporation commission, and
agreement shall not be effective unless the commission
finds, after notice
and hearing in accordance with the provisions of the Kansas
tive procedure act, that the proposed service or
any part thereof is pro-
posed to be performed by the applicants and that the applicants are
willing and able to perform such service or fit, knowledgeable and
compliance with the commission's safety rules and regulations and
and cargo insurance requirements. If the commission makes such
ings, the commission shall approve such agreement, except that if
commission finds that the proposed service is inconsistent with the
convenience and necessity, the commission shall not approve the
Sec. 12. K.S.A. 66-143, 66-144,
66-1,117 and 66-1,119 and K.S.A.
1999 Supp. 66-123, 66-138, 66-1,114, 66-1,115a, 66-1,118 and
are hereby repealed.
Sec. 13. This act shall take effect
and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.