Session of 2000
Effective: July 1, 2000


An Act transferring control of certain maps from the secretary of human resources to the
       state geologist; amending K.S.A. 49-201 and repealing the existing section.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

      Section  1. K.S.A. 49-201 is hereby amended to read as follows: 49-
201. (a) The owner, agent or operator of every coal or underground rock
or limestone mine shall make or cause to be made and shall maintain and
keep current an accurate map or plan of the workings of such mine, and
each and every vein thereof, on a scale not exceeding one hundred (100)
100 feet to the inch, and showing the bearings and distances. All such
maps and plans shall be kept in the office of such mine. The owner, agent
or operator of such mine shall furnish the secretary of human resources
state geologist with a true copy of said map or plan.

      (b) On or before the 10th day of July of each year, each such owner,
agent or operator shall amend such maps and plans to record the progress
of the workings of such mine during the preceding calendar year to be
marked on the original map or plan of the said such mine, and shall file
with the secretary of human resources state geologist a copy of the amend-
ments to the map or plan currently on file with the secretary of human

      (c) When any such mine is worked out or abandoned the fact shall
be reported to the secretary of human resources state geologist, and the
map or plan of such mine on file with the secretary state geologist shall
be carefully corrected and verified by the owner, agent or operator.

      (d) If the secretary of human resources state geologist finds or has
reason to believe that any map or plan of any such mine furnished in
pursuance of this act is materially inaccurate or imperfect, the secretary
state geologist is authorized to cause to be made a correct map or plan of
the actual workings of said such mine. The cost of making such correct
map or plan shall be borne by the owner, agent or operator of the mine
and shall be recovered by the secretary state geologist from said the
owner, agent or operator as other debts are recoverable by law unless the
map or plan which the secretary of human resources state geologist
claimed to be incorrect shall prove to have been correct, then the cost
shall be paid by the secretary of human resources.

      (e) On or before July 31, 2000, all maps and plans held by the sec-
retary of human resources pursuant to this section shall be transferred to
the state geologist.

     Sec.  2. K.S.A. 49-201 is hereby repealed.
     Sec.  3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its
publication in the statute book.