Session of 2000
By Committee on Federal and State Affairs
enacting the Kansas polygraph protection act.
11 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
12 Section
1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the Kansas
13 polygraph protection act.
14 Sec. 2. As
used in this act, "polygraph" means any device or proce-
15 dure that measures or charts a subject's
various physiological reactions to
16 inquiries about past events or intentions,
and is used for the purpose of
17 evaluation the subject's veracity or
deception, also know as "lie detection."
18 "Polygraph" includes, but is not limited
to, devices and procedures that
19 measure or chart a subject's blood
pressure, pulse rate, respiration rate
20 and galvanic skin response.
21 Sec. 3. (a)
It is unlawful for any person, unless authorized by law, to
22 use or to employ a polygraph, or to ask
another to take a polygraph, or
23 to offer to give another a polygraph
24 (b) It is
unlawful for any person in public or private sector, unless
25 authorized by law, to penalize a person who
declines to take a polygraph.
26 (c) Violation of
this act is a severity level 10 nonperson felony.
27 (d) Any polygraph
examiner convicted under this section is banned
28 from further polygraph administration or
examination practice.
29 Sec. 4. Law
enforcement officers investigating a felony, and any sub-
30 ject being investigated by law enforcement
officers for such felony, may
31 request that the subject of the
investigation take, or be allowed to take,
32 a polygraph. Any polygraph administered
under this exception, regardless
33 of who requests the polygraph, who
administers the polygraph and
34 whether the polygraph is intended to remain
confidential, shall follow
35 these procedures:
36 (a) The subject
of the polygraph's attorney may be present, and no
37 polygraph may be conducted without the
subject's attorney being present
38 if the subject wants the subject's attorney
to be present. The subject's
39 participation in the polygraph is voluntary
on the part of the subject. The
40 subject may stop the polygraph procedure at
any time. The polygraph
41 videotape, questions and answers are
admissible in court against the sub-
42 ject. Any polygraph examiner's opinion and
interpretation of the poly-
43 graph results are not admissible against
the subject in criminal or admin-
1 istrative proceedings. The polygraph
examiner's opinion and
2 interpretation or the polygraph
results are admissible as evidence against
3 the polygraph examiner, and against
the examiner's superiors, in criminal
4 or civil proceedings, for violation
of this act. The subject of the polygraph
5 must be informed of all the
provisions of this act.
6 (b) The
entire polygraph procedure must be audio-videotaped by the
7 state, and a copy of the videotape
and a copy of the polygraph chart must
8 be provided to the subject or
subject's attorney. The audio-videotape
9 must include at least two views, a
view of a chart, and a view of the subject
10 and polygraph administrator. The subject
also may record the polygraph
11 session.
12 (c) The entire
polygraph procedure, including any questioning, ex-
13 planations and interviews conducted before
and after the polygraph ex-
14 amination, must not exceed 90 minutes in
length. No more than one
15 polygraph procedure may be administered to
a subject in a 24-hour
16 period.
17 (d) The recorded
evidence of any polygraphs administered under this
18 exception, including all charts, records
and the videotape thereof, are
19 admissible in criminal and civil
20 (e) Any polygraph
examiner's opinions or interpretations of the re-
21 sults, including opinions and
interpretations of the subject's responses
22 with respect to the subject's veracity or
deception, including any expla-
23 nations of the theory of the administration
of the polygraph, are not ad-
24 missible and are excluded from
administrative, private or criminal pro-
25 ceedings, except on behalf of the plaintiff
in civil proceedings for violation
26 of this act, or in criminal proceedings for
violation of this act.
27 Sec.
5. Polygraph use maybe demonstrated in educational forums
28 educational purposes. No recordings or
interpretations of such demon-
29 strations are admissible in administrative,
civil or criminal proceedings,
30 or in private proceedings that are
consequential with regard to employ-
31 ment, contracts, insurance or therapy.
32 Sec.
6. Subjects may file a civil cause of action against any
33 examiner, the examiner's superiors and
employers, and any other who
34 may be in violation of this act and for
malpractice against a polygraph
35 examiner. The prevailing plaintiff may be
awarded economic, nonecon-
36 omic and punitive damages.
37 Sec. 7. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
38 publication in the statute book.