Session of 2000
By Joint Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice
concerning crimes, criminal procedure and punishment; relat-
11 ing to field services;
prescribing certain duties on the supreme court.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section
1. (a) (1) On or before July 1, 2001, there shall be a
15 idation of the activities, funding and
administration of the following field
16 services: Probation, parole, postrelease
supervision and community cor-
17 rections services pursuant to this act. The
supreme court shall be the
18 central authority with responsibility and
oversight of all such field services.
19 (2) On January 1,
2001, under the authority of the supreme court,
20 there shall be established the office of
field services.
21 (b) The chief
justice of the supreme court shall form a task force on
22 consolidation of field services to develop
a plan for such consolidation.
23 Membership of such task force shall be
appointed by the chief justice and
24 shall represent the court system, the
department of corrections, the ju-
25 venile justice authority, court services,
the Kansas parole board, the Kan-
26 sas sentencing commission, community
corrections, community planning
27 teams and others as deemed appropriate by
the chief justice. Such task
28 force shall serve at the pleasure of the
chief justice.
29 (c) With the
recommendations of the task force appointed in subsec-
30 tion (b), the chief justice shall develop
and prepare recommendations
31 regarding such consolidation of field
services as provided in subsection
32 (a) and specifying organizational
structures, functions, duties, budgetary
33 and any other necessary plans to carry out
such consolidation. Such budg-
34 etary recommendations shall be submitted to
the division of budget and
35 such other recommendation regarding
organizational structure, func-
36 tions, duties and other necessary plans,
including specific statutory
37 changes necessary to effectuate such
consolidation, shall be submitted to
38 the joint committee on corrections and
juvenile justice oversight, on or
39 before December 1, 2000. Such plan shall
provide for the transition nec-
40 essary to effectuate such consolidation to
commence on January 1, 2001,
41 with final transfer of responsibilities to
be completed by July 1, 2001.
42 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
43 publication in the statute book.