Session of 2000
By Representatives Carmody, Aurand, Phill Kline, Myers,
Powell, Sloan
and Wilk
concerning retirement; relating to defined contribution plan
13 for employees who are
members of the Kansas public employees re-
14 tirement system or who
become employed after the effective date of
15 the act.
17 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
18 Section
1. (a) The board of trustees of the Kansas public
19 retirement system shall offer a defined
contribution retirement plan for
20 officers and employees who are members of
the Kansas public employees
21 retirement plan for officers and employees
who are members of the Kan-
22 sas public employees retirement system. The
retirement plan shall qualify
23 as a defined contribution plan under
section 401(a) of the federal internal
24 revenue code of 1986, as amended. The
retirement plan shall provide
25 retirement and death benefits for
participants through the purchase of
26 financial retirement products for their
individual accounts, including fixed
27 or variable annuities and mutual funds, and
shall be implemented upon
28 the effective date of this act.
Participation in the retirement plan offered
29 pursuant to this section shall be in lieu
of the Kansas public employees
30 retirement system as in effect prior to the
effective date of this act.
31 (b) Each such
officer or employee who is a member prior to the
32 effective date of this act shall elect to
be a member of the Kansas public
33 employees retirement system or to
participate in the retirement plan of-
34 fered pursuant to this section. The
election must be filed by October 1,
35 2001. Such election is irrevocable. If such
election is not filed by the
36 member, such member shall be a member of
the Kansas public employ-
37 ees retirement system as in effect prior to
the effective date of this act.
38 Each officer or employee who elects to
participate in the defined contri-
39 bution retirement plan as provided in this
section who has accrued service
40 credit in the Kansas public employees
retirement system prior to the
41 effective date of this act shall have the
actuarial present value thereof
42 determined as of the effective date of this
act. No participating service
43 after the effective date of this act shall
affect such determination. The
1 actuarial present value of the
accrued service credit of each officer or
2 employee who elects to participate in
the defined contribution plan shall
3 be transferred directly to the
designated provider in the plan and credited
4 to the participant's individual
account. Such amount shall be taxed upon
5 distribution to such officer or
employee in the same manner as a distri-
6 bution from the system as in effect
prior to the effective date of this act.
7 (c) Each
officer or employee becoming employed on or after the
8 effective date of this act shall
participate in the retirement plan offered
9 pursuant to this section.
10 (d) Members who
elect to participate in the defined contribution re-
11 tirement plan as provided in this section
and officers and employees be-
12 coming employed on or after the effective
date of this act shall contribute
13 an amount for each payroll period equal to
4% of such member's or
14 officer's or employee's compensation. The
state of Kansas shall contribute
15 to each member's or officer's or employee's
account for each payroll pe-
16 riod the amount that would have been
contributed to the Kansas public
17 retirement system on behalf of such member,
officer or employee, re-
18 duced by the amount necessary to mitigate
the negative financial impact,
19 if any, on the system resulting from the
establishment of this defined
20 contribution retirement plan. The negative
financial impact on the sys-
21 tem, if any, shall be actuarially
determined as of July 1, 2002, and any
22 reduction in contributions resulting
therefrom shall become effective on
23 January 1, 2003. Contributions to plan
shall be made through payroll
24 deductions on a pre-tax basis and shall not
be subject to taxation until
25 distribution is actually made to or on
behalf of the member or officer or
26 employee. If a member, officer or employee
has the opportunity, through
27 such person's employer, to participate in a
tax sheltered annuity plan
28 authorized under section 403(b), a deferred
compensation plan author-
29 ized under section 457, or a cash or
deferred arrangement available pur-
30 suant to section 401(k) of the federal
internal revenue code, as amended,
31 such person, through salary reduction or
deduction, may make additional
32 contributions on a pre-tax basis to such
other plan, subject to federal
33 limitations.
34 (e) Members who
elect to participate in the defined contribution re-
35 tirement plan offered pursuant to this
section and officers or employees
36 becoming employed after the effective date
of this act shall be granted a
37 fully vested retirement benefit in such
retirement plan upon establish-
38 ment of their individual accounts with an
approved provider.
39 (f) Any member
who elects to participate in the defined contribution
40 retirement plan offered pursuant to this
section or any officer or em-
41 ployee becoming employed after the
effective date of this act shall be
42 eligible for the death and disability
benefit provided in K.S.A. 74-4916,
43 and amendments thereto, and the death
benefit, optional death benefit
1 and long-term disability benefit as
provided in K.S.A. 74-4927, and
2 amendments thereto. The cost of such
member's or officer's or em-
3 ployee's participation shall be paid
by such member's or officer's or em-
4 ployee's participating employer as
provided in K.S.A. 74-4927, and
5 amendments thereto.
6 (g) The
board shall administer the defined contribution retirement
7 plan offered pursuant to this section
and shall establish rules and regu-
8 lations for the administration of the
plan. The board shall select four but
9 not more than eight provider
companies, at least one of which shall be
10 incorporated in Kansas and all of which
shall be fully licensed or qualified
11 to conduct business in Kansas, from which
retirement products for the
12 defined contribution plan will be
purchased. Potential provider compa-
13 nies may elect to submit competitive bids
or proposals to serve only a
14 specific segment of the plan participants,
if such segment is easily distin-
15 guishable from other plan participants such
as participants in school em-
16 ployment, and the board may select one or
more of the provider com-
17 panies to serve such segment if such
segment also includes at least
18 one-third of all plan participants. In
selecting the provider companies for
19 all or any segment of the plan
participants, the board shall consider:
20 (1) The
experience and demonstrated abilities of the provider com-
21 panies to provide the retirement products
and related financial services
22 offered by them;
23 (2) the financial
capabilities and ratings of the provider companies to
24 provide the rights and benefits under the
retirement products offered by
25 them;
26 (3) the nature
and extent of the rights and benefits to be provided to
27 participants and their beneficiaries under
the retirement products of-
28 fered, including the level of risk borne by
the provider companies;
29 (4) the diversity
of the products offered and the suitability of the
30 rights and benefits under the retirement
products offered to the needs
31 and interests of participants;
32 (5) the
intrastate and interstate portability of the retirement
33 offered, including the number of states in
which the provider companies
34 provide such products under primary public
employee defined contri-
35 bution pension plans;
36 (6) the
experience and demonstrated abilities of the provider com-
37 panies to provide participant education,
including plan transfer education
38 and analysis, continuing investment
counseling and retirement decision
39 counseling, and enrollment, timely reports,
retirement options and other
40 services to participants in the defined
contribution retirement plan;
41 (7) the scope,
convenience and expense of a participant's interaction
42 with a provider company, including the
timing of and self-direction of
43 investments, access to account information,
and changes to or transfers
1 between the products offered by such
company, as well as a provider
2 company's policies and procedures
regarding external transfers to other
3 provider companies; and
4 (8) the
cost-effectiveness of the products and services offered taking
5 into account the criteria set forth
in subsections (3), (6) and (7).
6 (h) The
joint committee on pensions, investments and benefits shall
7 periodically review the companies
selected to offer retirement products
8 under the defined contribution plan
and the services provided and results
9 achieved by them to assure that the
purposes of the plan are being met.
10 (i) The
provisions of this section shall not apply to members of the
11 Kansas police and firemen's retirement
system and the retirement system
12 for judges.
13 (j) The provision
of this section shall be part of and supplemental to
14 the provisions of K.S.A. 74-4901 et
seq., and amendments thereto.
15 Sec. 2. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after July
16 1, 2001, and its publication in the statute