Session of 2000
By Kansas 2000 Select Committee
concerning retirement; relating to deferred compensation and
11 tax sheltered
annuities; amending K.S.A. 72-8603, 75-5523, 75-5524
12 and 75-5529a and
repealing the existing sections.
14 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
15 Section
1. K.S.A. 72-8603 is hereby amended to read as follows:
16 8603. (a) The board of education of
any school district or the board of
17 trustees of any community
junior college shall contract with any of its
18 employees so requesting,
who request for reductions in compensation and
19 the contribution thereof for tax sheltered
annuities as permitted under
20 the United States internal revenue code,
for the benefit of such employ-
21 ees. Any employee desiring to contract
under the provisions of this section
22 shall express his or her wishes in
writing to his or her send written notice
23 of such employee's desire to contract
under the provisions of this act to
24 such employee's employer within
semiannual thirty-day periods in ac-
25 cordance with rules and regulations of such
26 (b) The board
of education of any school district or the board of trus-
27 tees of any community college may
contribute to such employee's tax shel-
28 tered annuity an amount to match the
employee's contribution as pro-
29 vided in subsection (a), except that any
such contribution by such board
30 shall not exceed an amount equal to 1%
of the employee's compensation.
31 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 75-5523 is hereby amended to read as follows:
32 5523. (a) The director is authorized to
establish a deferred compensation
33 plan in accordance with the federal revenue
act of 1978, Public Law No.
34 95-600, subject to the approval of the
secretary of administration. Such
35 plan shall be the Kansas public employees
deferred compensation plan.
36 All powers and duties heretofore conferred
by such plan upon the advi-
37 sory committee on deferred compensation are
hereby transferred to the
38 director of personnel services or the
director's designees.
39 (b) The director
may enter into an agreement or agreements with
40 approved insurers or other contracting
parties whereby benefits under
41 the Kansas public employees deferred
compensation plan would be made
42 available to those participants who
contract with the director for deferred
43 compensation under K.S.A. 75-5524, and
amendments thereto. In addi-
1 tion, the director may enter into an
agreement with one or more qualified
2 private firms for consolidated
billing services, participant enrollment serv-
3 ices, participant accounts and other
services related to the administration
4 of the Kansas public employees
deferred compensation plan.
(c) Except as provided by K.S.A. 75-5524 and amendments
6 no significant costs shall be
incurred by the state as a result of the ad-
7 ministration of this act unless such
costs are recovered by charging and
8 collecting a service charge from all
participants and in addition thereto
9 or in lieu thereof, where the
director has entered into agreements with
10 one or more qualified private firms under
subsection (b), are recovered
11 from such firms. The amount of any such
significant costs incurred and
12 to be recovered by the state shall be
determined by the director.
13 (d) Subject to
the approval of the secretary of administration, the
14 director is authorized to negotiate and
enter into contracts with qualified
15 insurers and other contracting parties for
the purposes of establishing a
16 deferred compensation plan, including
acquisition of actuarial and other
17 services necessary therefor. The director
shall advertise for deferred com-
18 pensation proposals, shall negotiate with
not less than three firms or other
19 contracting parties submitting such
proposals, and shall select from
20 among those submitting such proposals the
firm or firms or other con-
21 tracting party or parties to contract with
for purposes of establishing a
22 deferred compensation plan. Contracts
entered into under this act shall
23 not be subject to K.S.A. 75-3739 and
amendments thereto.
24 Sec.
3. K.S.A. 75-5524 is hereby amended to read as follows:
25 5524. (a) The director is authorized to
enter into a voluntary agreement
26 with any employee whereby the director
agrees to defer and deduct each
27 payroll period a portion of the employee's
salary or compensation from
28 the state in accordance with the Kansas
public employees deferred com-
29 pensation plan. Such agreement may require
each participant to pay a
30 service charge to defray all or part of any
significant costs incurred and
31 to be recovered by the state pursuant to
subsection (c) of K.S.A. 75-5523,
32 as a result of the administration of this
act. Pursuant to this act and such
33 agreements the director is authorized to
deduct amounts authorized in
34 such agreements from the salary or
compensation of such employee each
35 payroll period, as part of the system of
regular payroll deduction.
36 (b) The minimum
amount and the maximum amount which may be
37 deferred in any one payroll period shall be
established by rules and reg-
38 ulations adopted under K.S.A. 75-5529.
39 (c) The state
of Kansas shall contribute to the Kansas public employ-
40 ees deferred compensation plan on behalf
of any employee who has en-
41 tered into an employee participation
agreement as provided in this section
42 an amount to match the employee's
contribution as provided in this sec-
43 tion, except that any such contribution
by the state of Kansas shall not
1 exceed an amount equal to 1% of
the employee's compensation. The Kan-
2 sas public employees deferred
compensation plan shall exist and be in
3 addition to, and shall not be a part
of any retirement or pension system
4 for employees. The state shall not be
responsible for any loss incurred by
5 an employee under the Kansas public
employees deferred compensation
6 plan established and approved
pursuant to this act.
7 (d) Any
amount of the employee's salary or compensation that is de-
8 ferred under such authorized
agreement shall continue to be included as
9 regular compensation for all purposes
of computing retirement and pen-
10 sion benefits earned by any such employee,
but any sum deferred or
11 deducted shall not be subject to any state
or local income taxes for the
12 year in which such sum is earned but shall
be subject to applicable state
13 and local income taxes for the year in
which such sum is received by the
14 employee.
15 (e) The director
is hereby authorized to establish a deferred com-
16 pensation clearing fund in the state
treasury in which shall be placed
17 temporarily all compensation deferred and
deducted in accordance with
18 this act, as provided for in any agreement
between an employee and the
19 director.
20 Sec.
4. K.S.A. 75-5529a is hereby amended to read as follows:
21 5529a. Subject to the approval of the
secretary of administration, the
22 director of accounts and reports may enter
into agreements for the par-
23 ticipation of local governments of the
state of Kansas, which are defined
24 as eligible employers by subsection (13) of
K.S.A. 74-4902 and amend-
25 ments thereto, and their employees, as
defined by subsection (14) of
26 K.S.A. 74-4902 and amendments thereto
except that such employees
27 need not be employed by a participating
employer under the Kansas
28 public employees retirement system, within
the deferred compensation
29 plan for state employees established under
K.S.A. 75-5523 and amend-
30 ments thereto. Such participation may
include any such eligible employer
31 and employees when authorized by the
governing body of the eligible
32 employer by ordinance or resolution.
Such participation may include a
33 contribution by any such local
government of the state of Kansas on behalf
34 of any employee who has entered into an
employee participation agree-
35 ment pursuant to this section in an
amount to match the employee's con-
36 tribution as provided in this section,
except that any such contribution by
37 any such local government of the state
of Kansas shall not exceed an
38 amount equal to 1% of the employee's
compensation. Except for such
39 participation agreements, the director of
accounts and reports or any
40 other state officer or employee shall not
be involved nor incur any expense
41 in the administration of such plan as it
applies to local governments or
42 their employees.
43 Sec. 5. K.S.A. 72-8603, 75-5523,
75-5524 and 75-5529a are hereby
1 repealed.
2 Sec. 6. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after July
3 1, 2001, and its publication in the
statute book.