Session of 2000
By Committee on Education
establishing the state education technology network.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. (a) There is hereby established the state education
14 nology network which shall provide internet
connectivity and promote
15 technology integration for all school
districts, school district interlocal
16 cooperatives and school district
cooperatives in the state. KAN-ED shall
17 be part of the multiservice, high speed
backbone network provided for
18 by the division of information systems and
communications under the
19 supervision of the secretary of
administration. KAN-ED shall be confi-
20 gured to expand bandwidth as needed to meet
21 (b) KAN-ED shall
provide the following services: (1) Interactive
22 video services; (2) discounted long
distance services; and (3) access to the
23 internet and information and commercial
resources available through the
24 internet.
25 (c) KAN-ED shall
provide the following applications: (1) Statewide
26 access to electronic databases; (2)
aggregated licenses, contracts, and sub-
27 scriptions; (3) development of curricular
materials for local as well as
28 statewide use; (4) shared instructors,
especially in subject areas where
29 there is a shortage of certified personnel;
(5) access to a wide array of
30 enrichment materials available through
state and federal government
31 agencies; (6) access through museums to
education materials in science,
32 arts, and humanities; (7) access to teacher
inservice training and custom-
33 ized training and education for students of
all ages; and (8) implemen-
34 tation of pilot projects involving state of
the art, high bandwidth tech-
35 nology for schools.
36 (d) As used in
this act, the term "KAN-ED" means the state educa-
37 tion technology network established by this
38 Sec. 2. (a)
The commissioner of education or the commissioner's
39 designee, after consultation with the chief
executive officer of the state
40 board of regents or the chief executive
officer's designee, shall prepare
41 an information technology project plan for
KAN-ED and shall submit the
42 plan to the executive chief information
technology officer as provided in
43 K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-7209, and amendments
thereto, for preparation and
1 submission of information technology
project plans by executive agencies.
2 The project objectives shall include,
but not be limited to, the services
3 specified in subsection (b) of
section 1, and amendments thereto, and the
4 applications identified in subsection
(c) of section 1, and amendments
5 thereto, and shall specify any
technical support needed to make efficient
6 use of such services and
7 (b) The
information technology project plan prepared and submitted
8 pursuant to this section shall be
subject to all provisions of K.S.A. 1999
9 Supp. 75-7201 et seq., and
amendments thereto, that are applicable to
10 information technology project plans
prepared and submitted by execu-
11 tive agencies.
12 Sec. 3. The
commissioner of education or the commissioner's des-
13 ignee, and the chief executive officer of
the state board of regents or the
14 chief executive officer's designee shall
meet from time to time as needed
15 to discuss: (1) Preparation, amendment, or
revision of the information
16 technology project plan for KAN-ED; and (2)
any objectives not included
17 in the information technology project plan
that would promote collabo-
18 ration in technology-based curriculum
development and delivery of ed-
19 ucation and training services and the
acquisition of electronic databases,
20 on-line subscriptions and other on-line
21 Sec. 4. (a)
There is hereby established the KAN-ED fund in the state
22 treasury. The KAN-ED fund shall be
administered by the state board of
23 education. All moneys credited to the
KAN-ED fund shall be used for
24 objectives of the information technology
project described in the plan
25 submitted to the executive chief
information technology officer in ac-
26 cordance with the provisions of subsection
(a) of section 2, and amend-
27 ments thereto, and approved by the
executive chief information technol-
28 ogy officer pursuant to subsection (b)(1)
of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-7209,
29 and amendments thereto.
30 (b) The KAN-ED
fund shall consist of: (1) Moneys transferred or
31 credited to such fund by or pursuant to
acts of the legislature; and (2)
32 grants, gifts and donations of moneys
received by the state board of ed-
33 ucation from any public or private entity
for use in effectuating the pur-
34 poses of KAN-ED or any other purposes for
which expenditures may be
35 made from such fund. All such grants, gifts
and donations shall be de-
36 posited in the state treasury to the credit
of the KAN-ED fund.
37 (c) All
expenditures from the KAN-ED fund shall be made in ac-
38 cordance with the provisions of this act
and the provisions of appropria-
39 tions acts upon warrants of the director of
accounts and reports issued
40 pursuant to vouchers approved by the
commissioner of education or by
41 the commissioner's designee.
42 Sec.
5. Upon approval by the executive chief information
43 officer of the information technology
project plan for KAN-ED, the di-
1 rector of information systems and
communications, with the approval of
2 the executive chief information
technology officer, shall enter into a KAN-
3 ED service-level agreement with the
director of the Kansas research and
4 education network for services which
shall include, but shall not be lim-
5 ited to, providing staff inservice
training and technical support to school
6 districts, school district interlocal
cooperatives and school district coop-
7 eratives throughout the state.
8 Sec.
6. All contracts for KAN-ED telecommunications services
9 school districts, school district
interlocal cooperatives and school district
10 cooperatives shall be entered into pursuant
to the provisions of K.S.A.
11 75-4701 et seq., and amendments
thereto, that are applicable to such
12 contracts.
13 Sec. 7. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
14 publication in the statute book.