Session of 2000
By Committee on Governmental Organization and
relating to vehicles; concerning the registration thereof;
10 ing K.S.A. 8-129 and
repealing the existing section.
12 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
13 Section
1. K.S.A. 8-129 is hereby amended to read as follows:
14 (a) Applications for the registration of a
vehicle required to be registered
15 shall be made by the owner, by mail or
otherwise, in the office of the
16 county treasurer of:
17 (1) The county in
which such owner resides; or
18 (2) the county in
which the owner has a bona fide place of business,
19 if such vehicle is garaged in such county
for a period exceeding 90 days.
20 Such place of business shall not be an
office or facility established or
21 maintained solely for the purpose of
obtaining registration.
22 Such applications for
registration shall be made upon appropriate forms
23 furnished by the department and every
application shall contain the name
24 of the owner, such owner's residence
address or bona fide place of busi-
25 ness, a brief description of the vehicle to
be registered and such other
26 information as may be required by the
department. If the owner is not a
27 resident of or does not have a bona fide
place of business in this state,
28 the owner may make application for
registration in any county which the
29 department shall designate, except that in
the case of members of the
30 armed forces of the United States, the
application may be signed by the
31 owner's spouse, parent, eldest brother or
sister, in the order named. If
32 the application is made by mail it
shall be accompanied by a fee, the
33 county treasurer may require the payment
of a fee in the amount of $.50
34 for postage and other expenses incidental
to mailing the license plates,
35 which such fee
shall be in addition to the registration fee, and the county
36 treasurer shall deposit the sum in the
special fund provided by K.S.A. 8-
37 145, and amendments thereto, to be used for
the purpose of paying the
38 postage, necessary help and expenses. With
reference to every foreign
39 vehicle which has been registered outside
of this state, the owner shall
40 exhibit to the department the certificate
of title and registration card, or
41 other evidence of such former registration
as may be in the applicant's
42 possession or control, or such other
evidence as will satisfy the depart-
43 ment that the applicant is the lawful owner
or possessor of the vehicle.
1 (b) The
applicant for the registration of a vehicle required to be reg-
2 istered, upon the filing of the
application, shall submit a statement cer-
3 tifying that such person has a
certificate of title for the motor vehicle,
4 showing the date and identification
thereof, or file an application therefor,
5 as provided in this act.
6 Sec. 2. K.S.A. 8-129 is
hereby repealed.
7 Sec. 3. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
8 publication in the statute book.