[As Amended by House Committee of the
As Amended by House Committee
Session of 2000
By Representative Sloan
11 AN ACT relating
to property taxation; concerning property valuation ap-
12 peals procedures;
amending K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-2433f[, 79-1448]
13 and 79-1606 and
repealing the existing sections.
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
16 Section
1. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-2433f is hereby amended to read as
17 follows: 74-2433f. On and after
January 1, 1999, (a) There shall be a
18 division of the state board of tax appeals
known as the small claims divi-
19 sion. Hearing officers appointed by the
executive director shall have au-
20 thority to hear and decide cases heard in
the small claims division.
21 (b) At the
election of the taxpayer, the small claims division shall have
22 jurisdiction over: (1) Any appeal of a
decision, finding, order or ruling of
23 the director of taxation, except an appeal,
finding, order or ruling relating
24 to an assessment issued pursuant to K.S.A.
79-5201 et seq., and amend-
25 ments thereto, in which the amount of tax
in controversy does not exceed
26 $15,000; (2) hearing and deciding
applications for the refund of protested
27 taxes under the provisions of K.S.A.
79-2005, and amendments thereto,
28 where the value of the property, other than
property devoted to agricul-
29 tural use, is less than $2,000,000 as
reflected on the valuation notice or
30 the property constitutes single family
residential property; or (3) hearing
31 and deciding appeals from decisions
rendered pursuant to the provisions
32 of K.S.A. 79-1448, and amendments thereto,
and of article 16 or 17 of
33 chapter 79 of the Kansas Statutes
Annotated, and acts amendatory thereof
34 or supplemental thereto, other than those
relating to land devoted to
35 agricultural use, wherein the value of the
property is less than $2,000,000
36 as reflected on the valuation notice or the
property constitutes single
37 family residental property.
38 (c) In accordance
with the provisions of K.S.A. 74-2438, and amend-
39 ments thereto, any party may elect to
appeal any application or decision
40 referenced in subsection (b) to the state
board of tax appeals. The filing
41 of an appeal with the small claims division
shall not be a prerequisite for
42 filing an appeal with the state board of
tax appeals under this section.
1 Final decisions of the small claims
division may be appealed to the state
2 board of tax appeals. An appeal of a
decision of the small claims division
3 to the state board of tax appeals
shall be de novo.
4 (d) A
taxpayer shall commence a proceeding in the small claims di-
5 vision by filing a notice of appeal
in the form prescribed by the rules of
6 the state board of tax appeals which
shall state the nature of the taxpayer's
7 claim. Notice of appeal shall be
provided to the appropriate unit of gov-
8 ernment named in the notice of appeal
by the taxpayer. In any valuation
9 appeal or tax protest commenced
pursuant to articles 14 and 20 of chapter
10 79 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated, and
amendments thereto, the hear-
11 ing shall be conducted in the county where
the property is located or a
12 county adjacent thereto. In any appeal from
a final determination by the
13 secretary of revenue, the hearing shall be
conducted in the county in
14 which the taxpayer resides or a county
adjacent thereto.
15 (e) The hearing
in the small claims division shall be informal. The
16 hearing officer may hear any testimony and
receive any evidence the
17 hearing officer deems necessary or
desirable for a just determination of
18 the case. A hearing officer shall have the
authority to administer oaths in
19 all matters before the hearing officer. All
testimony shall be given under
20 oath. A party may appear personally or may
be represented by an attorney,
21 a certified public accountant, a certified
general appraiser, a member of
22 the taxpayer's immediate family or an
authorized employee of the tax-
23 payer. No transcript of the proceedings
shall be kept.
24 (f) The hearing
in the small claims division shall be conducted within
25 60 days after the appeal is filed in the
small claims division. A decision
26 shall be rendered by the hearing officer
within 30 days after the hearing
27 is concluded and, in cases arising from
appeals described by subsections
28 (b)(2) and (3), shall be accompanied
by the findings of fact and law
29 written explanation of the reasoning
upon which such decision is
30 based. Documents provided by a
taxpayer or county or district appraiser
31 shall be returned to the taxpayer or the
county or district appraiser by
32 the hearing officer and shall not become a
part of the board's permanent
33 records. Documents provided to the hearing
officer shall be confidential
34 and may not be disclosed, except as
otherwise specifically provided.
35 (g) With regard
to any matter properly submitted to the division re-
36 lating to the determination of valuation of
property for taxation purposes,
37 it shall be the duty of the county
appraiser to initiate the production of
38 evidence to demonstrate, by a preponderance
of the evidence, the validity
39 and correctness of such determination. No
presumption shall exist in fa-
40 vor of the county appraiser with respect to
the validity and correctness of
41 such determination.
42 [Sec. 2. K.S.A. 1999
Supp. 79-1448 is hereby amended to read
43 as follows: 79-1448. Any taxpayer may
complain or appeal to the
1 county appraiser from the
classification or appraisal of the tax-
2 payer's property by giving notice
to the county appraiser within
3 30 days subsequent to the date of
mailing of the valuation notice
4 required by K.S.A. 79-1460, and
amendments thereto, for real
5 property, and on or before May 15
for personal property. The
6 county appraiser or the
appraiser's designee shall arrange to hold
7 an informal meeting with the
aggrieved taxpayer with reference
8 to the property in question. At
such meeting it shall be the duty of
9 the county appraiser or the county
appraiser's designee to initiate
10 production of evidence to substantiate
the valuation of such prop-
11 erty, including the affording to the
taxpayer of the opportunity to
12 review the data sheet of comparable
sales utilized in the deter-
13 mination of such valuation. The county
appraiser may extend the
14 time in which the taxpayer may
informally appeal from the clas-
15 sification or appraisal of the
taxpayer's property for just and ade-
16 quate reasons. Except as provided in
K.S.A. 79-1404, and amend-
17 ments thereto, no informal meeting
regarding real property shall
18 be scheduled to take place after May 15,
nor shall a final deter-
19 mination be given by the appraiser after
May 20. Any final deter-
20 mination shall be accompanied by a
written explanation of the reasoning
21 upon which such determination is based
when such determination is not
22 in favor of the taxpayer. Any
taxpayer who is aggrieved by the final
23 determination of the county appraiser
may appeal to the hearing
24 officer or panel appointed pursuant to
K.S.A. 79-1611, and amend-
25 ments thereto, and such hearing officer,
or panel, for just cause
26 shown and recorded, is authorized to
change the classification or
27 valuation of specific tracts or
individual items of real or personal
28 property in the same manner provided for
in K.S.A. 79-1606, and
29 amendments thereto. In lieu of appealing
to a hearing officer or
30 panel appointed pursuant to K.S.A.
79-1611, and amendments
31 thereto, any taxpayer aggrieved by the
final determination of the
32 county appraiser, except with regard to
land devoted to agricul-
33 tural use, wherein the value of the
property, is less than
34 $2,000,000, as reflected on the
valuation notice, or the property
35 constitutes single family residential
property, may appeal to the
36 small claims division of the state board
of tax appeals within the
37 time period prescribed by K.S.A.
79-1606, and amendments
38 thereto. Any taxpayer who is aggrieved
by the final determination
39 of a hearing officer or panel may appeal
to the state board of tax
40 appeals as provided in K.S.A. 79-1609,
and amendments thereto.
41 An informal meeting with the county
appraiser or the appraiser's
42 designee shall be a condition precedent
to an appeal to the county
43 or district hearing panel.]
1 Sec.
2. [3.] K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 79-1606 is
hereby amended to read
2 as follows: 79-1606. (a) The county
or district appraiser, hearing officer
3 or panel and arbitrator shall adopt,
use and maintain the following re-
4 cords, the form and method of use of
which shall be prescribed by the
5 director of property valuation: (1)
Appeal form, (2) hearing docket, and
6 (3) record of cases, including the
disposition thereof.
7 (b) The
county clerk shall furnish appeal forms to any taxpayer who
8 desires to appeal the final
determination of the county or district appraiser
9 as provided in K.S.A. 79-1448, and
amendments thereto. Any such appeal
10 shall be in writing and filed with the
county clerk within 18 days of the
11 date that the final determination of the
appraiser was mailed to the
12 taxpayer.
13 (c) The hearing
officer or panel shall hear and determine any appeal
14 made by any taxpayer or such taxpayer's
agent or attorney. All such hear-
15 ings shall be held in a suitable place in
the county or district. Sufficient
16 evening and Saturday hearings shall be
provided as shall be necessary to
17 hear all parties making requests for
hearings at such times.
18 (d) Every appeal
so filed shall be set for hearing by the hearing officer
19 or panel, which hearing shall be held on or
before July 1, and the hearing
20 officer or panel shall have no authority to
be in session thereafter, except
21 as provided in K.S.A. 79-1404, and
amendments thereto. The county clerk
22 shall notify each appellant and the county
or district appraiser of the date
23 for hearing of the taxpayer's appeal at
least 10 days in advance of such
24 hearing. It shall be the duty of the county
or district appraiser to initiate
25 the production of evidence to demonstrate,
by a preponderance of the
26 evidence, the validity and correctness of
the classification or appraisal of
27 residential property or real property used
for commercial and industrial
28 purposes, except that no such duty shall
accrue with regard to leased
29 commercial and industrial property unless
the property owner has fur-
30 nished to the county or district appraiser
a complete income and expense
31 statement for the property for the three
years next proceeding the year
32 of appeal. No presumption shall exist in
favor of the county or district
33 appraiser with respect to the validity or
correctness of any such classifi-
34 cation or valuation. Every such appeal
shall be determined by order of
35 the hearing officer or panel, and
such which shall be accompanied by
36 findings of fact and
law a written explanation of the reasoning
37 which such order is based. Such
order shall be recorded in the minutes
38 of such hearing officer or panel on or
before July 5. Such recorded orders
39 and minutes shall be open to public
inspection. Notice as to disposition
40 of the appeal shall be mailed by the county
clerk to the taxpayer and the
41 county or district appraiser within five
days after the determination.
42 Sec. 3.
[4.] K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 74-2433f[, 79-1448] and
79-1606 are
43 hereby repealed.
1 Sec. 4.
[5.] This act shall take effect and be in force from
and after
2 its publication in the statute