Session of 2000
By Representative Myers
(By Request)
concerning the disposition of tobacco litigation settlement
11 ceeds; creating the
Kansas senior health and in-home care fund; pre-
12 scribing certain
powers, duties and functions; amending K.S.A. 1999
13 Supp. 38-2101 and
repealing the existing section.
15 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
16 New Section
1. (a) There is hereby established in the state treasury
17 the Kansas senior health and in-home care
fund which shall be admin-
18 istered by the secretary of aging.
19 (b) Not less than
30% of all of the tobacco litigation settlement mon-
20 eys received during each fiscal year shall
be deposited in the state treasury
21 and credited to the Kansas senior health
and in-home care fund. The
22 specific percentage shall be specified
annually by appropriation act. All
23 moneys credited to the Kansas senior health
and in-home care fund shall
24 be used for additional funding for senior
health care programs, assistance
25 and services, in-home services under the
Kansas senior care act, assistance
26 and services under the home and
community-based services for the frail
27 elderly (HCBS-FE) program, and assistance
and services under the in-
28 come eligible state program of the
department on aging for persons not
29 yet certified as eligible for the HCBS-FE
program. Moneys allocated or
30 appropriated from the Kansas senior health
and in-home care fund shall
31 not be used to replace or substitute for
moneys appropriated from the
32 state general fund in the immediately
preceding fiscal year. All expendi-
33 tures from the Kansas senior health and
in-home care fund shall be made
34 in accordance with appropriation acts upon
warrants of the director of
35 accounts and reports issued pursuant to
vouchers approved by the sec-
36 retary of aging or by the secretary's
37 (c) On or before
the 10th day of each month, the director of accounts
38 and reports shall transfer from the state
general fund to the Kansas senior
39 health and in-home care fund interest
earnings based on (1) the average
40 daily balance of moneys in the Kansas
senior health and in-home care
41 fund and (2) the net earnings rate of the
pooled money investment port-
42 folio for the preceding month.
43 (d) As used in
this section, "tobacco litigation settlement moneys"
1 means all moneys received by the
state pursuant to the tobacco litigation
2 settlement agreements entered into by
the attorney general on behalf of
3 the state of Kansas, or pursuant to
any judgment rendered, regarding the
4 litigation against tobacco industry
companies and related entities.
5 Sec.
2. K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 38-2101 is hereby amended to read as
6 follows: 38-2101. (a) There is hereby
established in the state treasury the
7 Kansas endowment for youth fund which
shall constitute a trust fund and
8 shall be invested, managed and
administered in accordance with the pro-
9 visions of this act by the board of
trustees of the Kansas public employees
10 retirement system established by K.S.A.
74-4905 and amendments
11 thereto.
12 (b) All of the
moneys received during each fiscal year by the state
13 pursuant to the tobacco litigation
settlement agreements entered into by
14 the attorney general on behalf of the state
of Kansas, or pursuant to any
15 judgment rendered, regarding the litigation
against tobacco industry com-
16 panies and related entities, less the
portion of such moneys that are re-
17 quired to be credited to the Kansas
senior health and in-home care fund
18 pursuant to section 1 and amendments
thereto, shall be deposited in the
19 state treasury and credited to the Kansas
endowment for youth fund. All
20 such moneys credited to the Kansas
endowment for youth fund shall con-
21 stitute an endowment which shall remain
credited to the Kansas endow-
22 ment for youth fund except as provided in
this section or in K.S.A. 1999
23 Supp. 38-2102 and amendments thereto for
transfers to the children's
24 initiatives fund. Expenditures may be made
from the Kansas endowment
25 for youth fund for the payment of the
operating expenses of the Kansas
26 children's cabinet and the board of
trustees, including the expenses of
27 investing and managing the moneys, which
are attributable to the Kansas
28 endowment for youth fund. All moneys
credited to the Kansas endow-
29 ment for youth fund shall be invested to
provide an ongoing source of
30 investment earnings available for periodic
transfer to the children's ini-
31 tiatives fund in accordance with this act.
All expenditures from the Kansas
32 endowment for youth fund shall be made in
accordance with appropria-
33 tion acts upon warrants of the director of
accounts and reports issued
34 pursuant to vouchers approved by the
chairperson of the board of trustees
35 of the Kansas public employees retirement
system or by the chairperson's
36 designee.
37 (c) On the
effective date of this act, the director of accounts and
38 reports shall transfer all moneys credited
to the children's health care
39 programs fund to the Kansas endowment for
youth fund and the chil-
40 dren's health care programs fund is hereby
abolished. On and after July
41 1, 1999, whenever the children's health
care programs fund, or words of
42 like effect, is referred to or designated
by statute, contract or other doc-
43 ument, such reference or designation shall
be deemed to apply to the
1 Kansas endowment for youth
2 Sec. 3. K.S.A. 1999 Supp.
38-2101 is hereby repealed.
3 Sec. 4. This act
shall take effect and be in force from and after its
4 publication in the statute book.