As Amended by House Committee
Session of 2000
Substitute for HOUSE BILL No. 2591
By Committee on Education
establishing the state education technology network.
13 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
14 Section 1.
(a) There is established the state education
15 network hereinafter referred to as KAN-ED.
KAN-ED shall provide In-
16 ternet connectivity and promote
technology integration The purpose of
17 KAN-ED shall be to provide internet
connectivity with a minimum
18 speed of 128 kilobits per second,
distance learning capability and
19 integration of technology into
curriculum for school districts, school
20 district interlocal cooperatives, school
district cooperatives, nonpublic
21 schools accredited by the state board of
education and public li-
22 braries in this state. KAN-ED shall be part
of the multi-service, high
23 speed backbone network provided for by the
division of information sys-
24 tems and communications under the
supervision of the secretary of
25 administration.
26 (b) KAN-ED shall not provide
two-way, voice grade commu-
27 nications except as an integral
component of a distance learning
28 activity. School districts, school
district interlocal cooperatives,
29 school district cooperatives, nonpublic
schools accredited by the
30 state board of education and public
libraries in this state shall not
31 use KAN-ED to provide internet access to
other persons.
32 (c) KAN-ED
shall not be limited to technology existing on the
33 effective date of this act and may
interconnect or reconfigure as
34 required to facilitate the use of future
technology for intercon-
35 nectivity with KAN-ED
36 (d) Nothing in
this section shall be construed to prevent serv-
37 ices described in subsection (a) from
being provided by any pro-
38 vider using a network other than
39 Sec. 2. (a)
The commissioner of education or the commissioner's
40 designee and the state librarian or the
state librarian's designee, after
41 consultation with the chief executive
officer of the state board of regents
42 or the chief executive officer's designee,
shall prepare an information
43 technology project plan for KAN-ED and
jointly shall submit the plan to
1 the executive chief information
technology officer as provided in K.S.A.
2 1999 Supp. 75-7209, and amendments
thereto, for preparation and sub-
3 mission of information technology
project plans by executive agencies.
4 (b) The
information technology project plan prepared and submitted
5 pursuant to this section shall be
subject to all provisions of K.S.A. 1999
6 Supp. 75-7201 et seq., and
amendments thereto, that are applicable to
7 information technology project plans
prepared and submitted by execu-
8 tive agencies.
9 (c) The information
technology project plan for KAN-ED shall
10 not provide for: (1) Impairment of any
existing contract for the
11 provision of telecommunications service
to any school district,
12 school district interlocal cooperative,
school district cooperative,
13 nonpublic schools accredited by the
state board of education or
14 public library; (2) state ownership or
construction of any network
15 circuits or network facilities other
than those owned by the state
16 on the effective date of this act; or
(3) use of KAN-ED for purposes
17 inconsistent with the purpose provided
by section 1, and amend-
18 ments thereto.
19 Sec. 3. (a)
There is established the KAN-ED school fund in the state
20 treasury. The KAN-ED school fund shall be
administered by the state
21 board of education. All moneys credited to
the KAN-ED school fund
22 shall be used for objectives of the
information technology project de-
23 scribed in the plan submitted to the
executive chief information technol-
24 ogy officer in accordance with the
provisions of subsection (a) of section
25 2, and amendments thereto, and approved by
the executive chief infor-
26 mation technology officer pursuant to
subsection (b)(1) of K.S.A. 1999
27 Supp. 75-7209, and amendments thereto.
28 (b) The KAN-ED
school fund shall consist of: (1) Moneys transferred
29 or credited to such fund by or pursuant to
acts of the legislature; and (2)
30 grants, gifts and donations of moneys
received by the state board of ed-
31 ucation from any public or private entity
for use in effectuating the pur-
32 poses of KAN-ED or any other purposes for
which expenditures may be
33 made from such fund. All such grants, gifts
and donations shall be de-
34 posited in the state treasury to the credit
of the KAN-ED school fund.
35 (c) All
expenditures from the KAN-ED school fund shall be made in
36 accordance with the provisions of this act
and the provisions of appro-
37 priations acts upon warrants of the
director of accounts and reports issued
38 pursuant to vouchers approved by the
commissioner of education or by
39 the commissioner's designee.
40 Sec. 4. (a)
There is established the KAN-ED library fund in the state
41 treasury. The KAN-ED library fund shall be
administered by the state
42 librarian. All moneys credited to the
KAN-ED library fund shall be used
43 for objectives of the information
technology project described in the plan
1 submitted to the executive chief
information technology officer in ac-
2 cordance with the provisions of
subsection (a) of section 2, and amend-
3 ments thereto, and approved by the
executive chief information technol-
4 ogy officer pursuant to subsection
(b)(1) of K.S.A. 1999 Supp. 75-7209,
5 and amendments thereto.
6 (b) The
KAN-ED library fund shall consist of: (1) Moneys transferred
7 or credited to such fund by or
pursuant to acts of the legislature; and (2)
8 grants, gifts and donations of moneys
received by the state library from
9 any public or private entity for use
in effectuating the purposes of KAN-
10 ED or any other purposes for which
expenditures may be made from
11 such fund. All such grants, gifts and
donations shall be deposited in the
12 state treasury to the credit of the KAN-ED
library fund.
13 (c) All
expenditures from the KAN-ED library fund shall be made in
14 accordance with the provisions of this act
and provisions of appropriations
15 acts upon warrants of the director of
accounts and reports issued pursuant
16 to vouchers approved by the state librarian
or by the state librarian's
17 designee.
18 Sec. 5. All
contracts for KAN-ED telecommunications services for
19 school districts, school district
interlocal cooperatives, school district co-
20 operatives, nonpublic schools accredited
by the state board of ed-
21 ucation and public libraries shall
be entered into pursuant to the provi-
22 sions of K.S.A. 75-4701 et seq., and
amendments thereto, that are
23 applicable to such contracts. Existing
telecommunications facilities
24 may be used in KAN-ED if such facilities
are sufficient for the
25 purpose provided by section 1, and
amendments thereto.
26 Sec.
6. On or before January 15 of each year the executive
27 chief information technology officer
shall prepare and submit a
28 report to the house and senate standing
committees on utilities
29 and the house and senate committees on
education. Such report
30 shall include a summary of the plan and
its implementation and a
31 report of moneys received and expended
for KAN-ED.
32 Sec.
7. For purposes of KAN-ED, school districts, school
33 trict interlocal cooperatives, school
district cooperatives, non-
34 public schools accredited by the state
board of education and pub-
35 lic libraries shall establish policies
regarding acceptable use of
36 internet access and filtering of content
accessible through the
37 internet.
38 Sec.
8. The Kansas technology enterprise corporation may
39 tablish one or more nonprofit
organizations to exempt from fed-
40 eral income taxation under section 501
(c)(3) of the federal internal
41 revenue code to accept grants, gifts or
donations of moneys for use
42 in effectuating the purposes of
43 Sec. 6.
9. This act shall take effect and be in force from and
after its
1 publication in the statute book.