[As Amended by Senate on Final
Session of 1999
SENATE Substitute for
By Committee on Ways and Means
concerning the disposition of certain moneys for the benefit of
12 children; disposition
of tobacco litigation settlement proceeds; creating
13 the Kansas endowment
for youth fund, the children's initiatives fund
14 and the children's
initiatives accountability fund; establishing the Kan-
15 sas children's
cabinet; prescribing certain powers, duties and functions;
16 providing for the
investment and management of such funds; abolish-
17 ing the children's
health care programs fund; amending K.S.A. 75-7021
18 and K.S.A. 1998 Supp.
20-367, 38-1808 and 38-1901 and repealing the
19 existing sections;
also repealing K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 38-2008.
21 Be it enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Kansas:
22 New Section
1. (a) There is hereby established in the state treasury
23 the Kansas endowment for youth fund which
shall constitute a trust fund
24 and shall be invested, managed and
administered in accordance with the
25 provisions of this act by the board of
trustees of the Kansas public em-
26 ployees retirement system established by
K.S.A. 74-4905 and amend-
27 ments thereto.
28 (b) All of the
moneys received by the state pursuant to the tobacco
29 litigation settlement agreements entered
into by the attorney general on
30 behalf of the state of Kansas, or pursuant
to any judgment rendered,
31 regarding the litigation against tobacco
industry companies and related
32 entities, shall be deposited in the state
treasury and credited to the Kansas
33 endowment for youth fund. All such moneys
shall constitute an endow-
34 ment which shall remain credited to the
Kansas endowment for youth
35 fund except as provided in this section or
in section 2 and amendments
36 thereto for transfers to the children's
initiatives fund. Expenditures may
37 be made from the Kansas endowment for youth
fund for the payment of
38 the operating expenses of the Kansas
children's cabinet and the board of
39 trustees, including the expenses of
investing and managing the moneys,
40 which are attributable to the Kansas
endowment for youth fund. All mon-
41 eys credited to the Kansas endowment for
youth fund shall be invested
42 to provide an ongoing source of investment
earnings available for periodic
43 transfer to the children's initiatives fund
in accordance with this act. All
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 expenditures from the Kansas
endowment for youth fund shall be made
2 in accordance with appropriation acts
upon warrants of the director of
3 accounts and reports issued pursuant
to vouchers approved by the chair-
4 person of the board of trustees of
the Kansas public employees retirement
5 system or by the chairperson's
6 (c) On the
effective date of this act, the director of accounts and
7 reports shall transfer all moneys
credited to the children's health care
8 programs fund to the Kansas endowment
for youth fund and the chil-
9 dren's health care programs fund is
hereby abolished. On and after July
10 1, 1999, whenever the children's health
care programs fund, or words of
11 like effect, is referred to or designated
by statute, contract or other doc-
12 ument, such reference or designation shall
be deemed to apply to the
13 Kansas endowment for youth fund.
14 New Sec.
2. (a) There is hereby established in the state treasury
15 children's initiatives fund which shall be
administered in accordance with
16 this section and the provisions of
appropriation acts.
17 (b) All moneys
credited to the children's initiatives fund shall be used
18 for the purposes of providing additional
funding for programs, projects,
19 improvements, services and other purposes
directly or indirectly benefi-
20 cial to the physical and mental health,
welfare, safety and overall well-
21 being of children in Kansas as provided by
appropriation or other acts of
22 the legislature. In allocating or
appropriating moneys in the children's
23 initiatives fund, the legislature shall
emphasize programs and services that
24 are data-driven and outcomes-based and may
emphasize programs and
25 services that are generally directed toward
improving the lives of children
26 and youth by combating community-identified
risk factors associated with
27 children and youth becoming involved in
[tobacco, alcohol, drugs or]
28 juvenile delinquency. Programs funded must
have a clearly articulated
29 objective to be achieved with any funds
received. As a condition prece-
30 dent to funding, every program must
demonstrate that the program's
31 design is supported by credible research,
that the program as imple-
32 mented will constitute best practices in
the field, that data is available to
33 benchmark the program's desired outcomes
and that an evaluation and
34 assessment component is part of the program
design and that such eval-
35 uation is capable of determining program
performance, needed program
36 modifications to enhance performance, ways
in which the program could
37 be modified for transfer to other venues,
and when performance no
38 longer justifies funding. Community-based
programs must demonstrate
39 the availability of sufficient community
leadership and the capacity to
40 appropriately implement and administer the
program that is funded. Pro-
41 grams which require community mobilization
to successfully achieve pro-
42 gram objectives must demonstrate a specific
strategy to obtain the req-
43 uisite levels of community mobilization.
Moneys allocated or appropriated
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 from the children's initiatives fund
shall not be used to replace or sub-
2 stitute for moneys appropriated from
the state general fund in the im-
3 mediately preceding fiscal year.
4 (c) All
expenditures from the children's initiatives fund shall be made
5 in accordance with appropriation acts
upon warrants of the director of
6 accounts and reports issued pursuant
to vouchers approved in the manner
7 prescribed by law.
8 (d)
(1) On July 1, 1999
[2000], or as soon thereafter as moneys are
9 available, the director of accounts
and reports shall transfer, in the fol-
10 lowing order of priority, (A) first,
$70,740,000 from the Kansas endow-
11 ment for youth fund to the state general
fund and (B) second, $30,000,000
12 from the Kansas endowment for youth fund to
the children's initiatives
13 fund.
14 (2) On July 1,
2001, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available,
15 the director of accounts and reports shall
transfer $40,000,000 from the
16 Kansas endowment for youth fund to the
children's initiatives fund and
17 shall transfer $10,000,000 from the Kansas
endowment for youth fund to
18 the state general fund.
19 (3) On July 1,
2002, or as soon thereafter as moneys are available,
20 the director of accounts and reports shall
transfer $45,000,000 from the
21 Kansas endowment for youth fund to the
children's initiatives fund.
22 (4) On July 1 of
each fiscal year thereafter, or as soon thereafter as
23 moneys are available, the director of
accounts and reports shall transfer
24 from the Kansas endowment for youth fund to
the children's initiatives
25 fund the amount equal to 102.5% of the
amount transferred from the
26 Kansas endowment for youth fund to the
children's initiatives fund pur-
27 suant to this section during the
immediately preceding fiscal year.
28 (5) If the
amounts to be received during any fiscal year under the
29 tobacco litigation settlement agreements
entered into by the attorney
30 general on behalf of the state of Kansas,
or pursuant to any judgment
31 rendered, regarding the litigation against
tobacco industry companies and
32 related entities, are reduced or increased
from the amount that was an-
33 ticipated to be received for such fiscal
year, as of the time the settlement
34 agreements were entered into, then the
legislature may adjust the amount
35 otherwise provided by this subsection to be
transferred from the Kansas
36 endowment for youth fund to the children's
initiatives fund for such fiscal
37 year by including provisions in
appropriation acts for such fiscal year that
38 proportionally reduce or increase, as
appropriate, the amount otherwise
39 provided by this subsection to be
transferred from the Kansas endowment
40 for youth fund to the children's
initiatives fund for such fiscal year. In
41 addition, for purposes of circumstances
related to the investment of mon-
42 eys in the Kansas endowment for youth fund
or other circumstances or
43 matters deemed sufficient by the
legislature, the legislature may adjust
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 the amount otherwise provided by this
subsection to be transferred from
2 the Kansas endowment for youth fund
to the children's initiatives fund
3 for any fiscal year by including
provisions in appropriation acts for such
4 fiscal year that proportionally
reduce or increase, as appropriate, the
5 amount otherwise provided by this
subsection to be transferred from the
6 Kansas endowment for youth fund to
the children's initiatives fund for
7 such fiscal year.
8 (e) It is
the intent of the legislature that, except as provided by this
9 section, no amounts shall be
transferred from the Kansas endowment for
10 youth fund to the children's initiatives
fund or to any other fund during
11 any state fiscal year.
12 (f) On or before
the 10th day of each month, the director of accounts
13 and reports shall transfer from the state
general fund to the Kansas en-
14 dowment for youth fund interest earnings
based on (1) the average daily
15 balance of moneys in the children's
initiatives fund for the preceding
16 month and (2) the net earnings rate of the
pooled money investment
17 portfolio for the preceding month.
18 New Sec.
3. (a) The Kansas children's cabinet established by K.S.A.
19 1998 Supp. 38-1901 and amendments thereto
shall advise the governor
20 and the legislature regarding the uses of
the moneys credited to the chil-
21 dren's initiatives fund.
22 (b) The Kansas
children's cabinet shall review, assess and evaluate all
23 uses of the moneys in the children's
initiatives fund. The Kansas children's
24 cabinet shall study and shall initiate
studies, assessments and evaluations,
25 by contract or otherwise, through
institutions of higher education and
26 other appropriate research entities to
identify best practices and to mea-
27 sure and otherwise determine the efficiency
and efficacy of practices that
28 are utilized in programs, projects,
improvements, services and other pur-
29 poses for which moneys are allocated or
appropriated from the children's
30 initiatives fund. The costs of such
reviews, assessments and evaluations
31 shall be paid from the children's
initiatives accountability fund.
32 (c) There shall
be conducted performance audits and other audit
33 work by the legislative post auditor upon
request by the Kansas children's
34 cabinet and as directed by the legislative
post audit committee in accord-
35 ance with the provisions of the legislative
post audit act. The purpose of
36 such performance audits and other audit
work shall be to provide inter-
37 ested parties with the program evaluation
and research needed to make
38 informed decisions for the uses of moneys
credited to the children's ini-
39 tiatives fund. The auditor to conduct such
performance audit or other
40 audit work shall be specified in accordance
with K.S.A. 46-1122 and
41 amendments thereto and if the legislative
post audit committee specifies
42 under such statute that a firm, as defined
by K.S.A. 46-1112 and amend-
43 ments thereto, is to perform all or part of
the audit work of such audit,
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 such firm shall be selected and shall
perform such audit work as provided
2 in K.S.A. 46-1123 and amendments
thereto and K.S.A. 46-1125 through
3 46-1127 and amendments thereto. The
audit work required pursuant to
4 this subsection shall be conducted in
accordance with generally accepted
5 governmental auditing standards. The
post auditor shall compute the rea-
6 sonably anticipated cost of the audit
work performed by a firm for such
7 performance audit or other audit work
pursuant to this subsection, subject
8 to review and approval by the
contract audit committee established by
9 K.S.A. 46-1120 and amendments
thereto, and the Kansas children's cab-
10 inet shall pay such cost from the
children's initiatives accountability fund.
11 If all or part of the audit work for such
performance audit or other audit
12 work is performed by the division of post
audit and the division of post
13 audit incurs costs in addition to those
attributable to the operations of
14 the division of post audit in the
performance of other duties and respon-
15 sibilities, the post auditor shall charge
the Kansas children's cabinet for
16 such additional costs and the Kansas
children's cabinet shall pay such
17 charges from the children's initiatives
accountability fund. The payment
18 of any such costs and any such charges
shall be a transaction between the
19 division of post audit and the Kansas
children's cabinet and such trans-
20 action shall be settled in accordance with
the provisions of K.S.A. 75-5516
21 and amendments thereto. All moneys received
by the division of post
22 audit for such costs and charges shall be
credited to the audit services
23 fund.
24 (d) There is
hereby established in the state treasury the children's
25 initiatives accountability fund which shall
be administered in accordance
26 with this section and the provisions of
appropriation acts. The governor
27 shall recommend and the legislature shall
provide for moneys to be cred-
28 ited annually to the children's initiatives
accountability fund by transfers
29 or other provisions of appropriation
30 (e) All moneys
credited to the children's initiatives accountability
31 fund shall be used for the purposes of
providing funding for assessment
32 and evaluation of programs, projects,
improvements, services and other
33 purposes for which moneys are allocated or
appropriated from the chil-
34 dren's initiatives fund. All expenditures
from the children's initiatives ac-
35 countability fund shall be made in
accordance with appropriation acts
36 upon warrants of the director of accounts
and reports issued pursuant to
37 vouchers approved in the manner prescribed
by law.
38 (f) On or before
the 10th day of each month, the director of accounts
39 and reports shall transfer from the state
general fund to the Kansas en-
40 dowment for youth fund interest earnings
based on (1) the average daily
41 balance of moneys in the children's
initiatives accountability fund for the
42 preceding month and (2) the net earnings
rate of the pooled money in-
43 vestment portfolio for the preceding
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 New Sec.
4. (a) The board of trustees is responsible for the
2 ment and investment of the fund and
shall discharge the board's duties
3 with respect to the fund solely in
the interests of the beneficiaries of the
4 fund for the exclusive purpose of
providing investment revenue for the
5 purposes for which the moneys may be
used and defraying reasonable
6 expenses of administering the fund
and shall invest and reinvest moneys
7 in the fund and acquire, retain,
manage, including the exercise of any
8 voting rights and disposal of
investments of the fund within the limitations
9 and according to the powers, duties
and purposes as prescribed by this
10 section.
11 (b) Moneys in the
fund shall be invested and reinvested to achieve
12 the investment objective which is
preservation of the fund to provide
13 benefits to the beneficiaries of the fund
and accordingly providing that
14 the moneys are as productive as possible,
subject to the standards set
15 forth in this act. No moneys in the fund
shall be invested or reinvested
16 if the sole or primary investment objective
is for economic development
17 or social purposes or objectives.
18 (c) In investing
and reinvesting moneys in the fund and in acquiring,
19 retaining, managing and disposing of
investments of the fund, the board
20 of trustees shall exercise the judgment,
care, skill, prudence and diligence
21 under the circumstances then prevailing,
which persons of prudence, dis-
22 cretion and intelligence acting in a like
capacity and familiar with such
23 matters would use in the conduct of an
enterprise of like character and
24 with like aims by diversifying the
investments of the fund so as to mini-
25 mize the risk of large losses, unless under
the circumstances it is clearly
26 prudent not to do so, and not in regard to
speculation but in regard to
27 the permanent disposition of similar funds,
considering the probable in-
28 come as well as the probable safety of
their capital.
29 (d) In the
discharge of such management and investment responsi-
30 bilities the board of trustees may contract
for the services of one or more
31 professional investment advisors or other
consultants in the management
32 and investment of moneys in the fund and
otherwise in the performance
33 of the duties of the board of trustees
under this act.
34 (e) The board of
trustees shall require that each person contracted
35 with under subsection (d) to provide
services shall obtain commercial
36 insurance which provides for errors and
omissions coverage for such per-
37 son in an amount to be specified by the
board of trustees. The amount
38 of such coverage specified by the board of
trustees shall be at least the
39 greater of $500,000 or 1% of the funds
entrusted to such person up to a
40 maximum of $10,000,000. The board of
trustees shall require a person
41 contracted with under subsection (d) to
provide services give a fidelity
42 bond in a penal sum as may be fixed by law
or, if not so fixed, as may be
43 fixed by the board of trustees, with
corporate surety authorized to do
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 business in this state. Such persons
contracted with the board of trustees
2 pursuant to subsection (d) and any
persons contracted with such persons
3 to perform the functions specified in
subsection (b) shall be deemed to
4 be fiduciary agents of the board of
trustees in the performance of con-
5 tractual obligations.
6 (f)
(1) Subject to the objective set forth in subsection (b) and
7 standards set forth in subsection
(c), the board of trustees shall formulate
8 and adopt policies and objectives for
the investment and reinvestment of
9 moneys in the fund and the
acquisition, retention, management and dis-
10 position of investments of the fund. Such
policies and objectives shall be
11 in writing and shall include:
12 (A) Specific
asset allocation standards and objectives;
13 (B) establishment
of criteria for evaluating the risk versus the poten-
14 tial return on a particular investment;
15 (C) a requirement
that all investment advisors, and any managers or
16 others with similar duties and
responsibilities as investment advisors, shall
17 immediately report all instances of default
on investments to the board
18 of trustees and provide such board of
trustees with recommendations and
19 options, including, but not limited to,
curing the default or withdrawal
20 from the investment.
21 (2) The board of
trustees shall review such policies and objectives,
22 make changes considered necessary or
desirable and readopt such policies
23 and objectives on an annual basis.
24 (g)
(1) Except as provided in subsection (d) and this subsection,
25 custody of money and securities of the fund
shall remain in the custody
26 of the state treasurer, except that the
board of trustees may arrange for
27 the custody of such money and securities as
it considers advisable with
28 one or more member banks or trust companies
of the federal reserve
29 system or with one or more banks in the
state of Kansas, or both, to be
30 held in safekeeping by the banks or trust
companies for the collection of
31 the principal and interest or other income
or of the proceeds of sale.
32 (2) The state
treasurer and the board of trustees shall collect the
33 principal and interest or other income of
investments or the proceeds of
34 sale of securities in the custody of the
state treasurer and shall pay such
35 moneys when so collected into the state
treasury to the credit of the fund.
36 (3) The principal
and interest or other income or the proceeds of sale
37 of securities as provided in paragraph (1)
of this subsection shall be re-
38 ported to the state treasurer and the board
of trustees and credited to
39 the fund.
40 (h) All interest
or other income of the investments of the moneys in
41 the fund, after payment of any management
fees, shall be considered
42 income of the fund and shall be deposited
in the state treasury to the
43 credit of the fund.
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 (i) As used
in this section:
2 (1) "Board
of trustees" means the board of trustees of the Kansas
3 public employees retirement system
established by K.S.A. 74-4905 and
4 amendments thereto.
(2) "Fiduciary" means a person who, with respect to the fund,
is a
6 person who:
(A) Exercises any discretionary authority with respect to
8 tion of the fund;
(B) exercises any authority to invest or manage assets of the
fund or
10 has any authority or responsibility to do
11 (C) provides
investment advise for a fee or other direct or indirect
12 compensation with respect to the assets of
the fund or has any authority
13 or responsibility to do so;
14 (D) provides
actuarial, accounting, auditing, consulting, legal or other
15 professional services for a fee or other
direct or indirect compensation
16 with respect to the fund or has any
authority or responsibility to do so;
17 or
18 (E) is a member
of the board of trustees or of the staff of the board
19 of trustees.
20 (3) "Fund" means
the Kansas endowment for youth fund and the
21 family and the children endowment account
of the family and children
22 investment fund.
23 (4) With respect
to the investment of moneys in the Kansas endow-
24 ment for youth fund, "purposes for which
the moneys may be used"
25 means the purposes for which the moneys in
the children's initiatives
26 fund may be used, as provided in section 2
and amendments thereto, and
27 "beneficiaries of the fund" means the
beneficiaries of the children's ini-
28 tiatives fund, as provided by section 2 and
amendments thereto.
29 (5) With respect
to the investment of moneys in the family and chil-
30 dren endowment account of the family and
children investment fund,
31 "purposes for which the moneys may be used"
means the purposes for
32 which the moneys in the family and children
trust account of the family
33 and children investment fund may be used,
as provided in subsection (c)
34 of K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 38-1808, and
amendments thereto, and "benefici-
35 aries of the fund" means the beneficiaries
of the family and children trust
36 account of the family and children
investment fund may be used, as pro-
37 vided in subsection (c) of K.S.A. 1998
Supp. 38-1808, and amendments
38 thereto.
39 New Sec.
5. The board of trustees of the Kansas public employees
40 retirement system shall report to the
governor and to the legislature on
41 the moneys credited to the Kansas endowment
for youth fund and in-
42 vestment earnings thereon at least once
each calendar quarter and on a
43 monthly basis upon request of the governor,
the president of the senate
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 or the speaker of the house of
representatives. In addition, the board of
2 trustees shall submit a report on or
before October 1 of each year to the
3 director of the budget, the director
of the legislative research department
4 and the chairpersons of the senate
committee on ways and means and
5 the house of representatives
committee on appropriations detailing the
6 board's estimates as to the amounts
of moneys that would be available
7 for transfer from the Kansas
endowment for youth fund to the children's
8 initiatives fund during the ensuing
fiscal year. The director of the budget
9 and the governor shall use the
information in such report in the prepa-
10 ration of the governor's budget report
under K.S.A. 75-3721 and amend-
11 ments thereto.
12 Sec.
6. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 20-367 is hereby amended to read as
13 lows: 20-367. Of the remittance of the
balance of docket fees received
14 monthly by the state treasurer from clerks
of the district court pursuant
15 to subsection (f) of K.S.A. 20-362, and
amendments thereto, the state
16 treasurer shall deposit and credit to the
access to justice fund, a sum
17 equal to 6.94% of the remittances of docket
fees; to the juvenile detention
18 facilities fund, a sum equal to 4.45% of
the remittances of docket fees;
19 to the judicial branch education fund, the
state treasurer shall deposit
20 and credit a sum equal to 3.42% of the
remittances of docket fees; to the
21 crime victims assistance fund, the state
treasurer shall deposit and credit
22 a sum equal to .92% of the remittances of
the docket fees; to the protec-
23 tion from abuse fund, the state treasurer
shall deposit and credit a sum
24 equal to 2.75% of the remittances of the
docket fees; to the judiciary
25 technology fund, the state treasurer shall
deposit and credit a sum equal
26 to 6.93% of the remittances of docket fees;
to the dispute resolution fund,
27 the state treasurer shall deposit and
credit a sum equal to .57% of the
28 remittances of docket fees; to the Kansas
endowment for youth juvenile
29 delinquency prevention trust fund,
the state treasurer shall deposit and
30 credit a sum equal to 2.03% of the
remittances of docket fees; and to the
31 permanent families account in the family
and children investment fund,
32 the state treasurer shall deposit and
credit a sum equal to .33% of the
33 remittances of docket fees. The balance
remaining of the remittances of
34 docket fees shall be deposited and credited
to the state general fund.
35 Sec.
7. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 38-1808 is hereby amended to read as
36 follows: 38-1808. (a) There is hereby
established in the state treasury the
37 family and children investment fund.
On and after July 1, 1997, such The
38 family and children investment fund
shall be administered as provided in
39 this section.
40 (b) There shall
be credited to the family and children investment
41 fund appropriations, gifts, grants,
contributions, matching funds and par-
42 ticipant payments.
43 (c)
(1) There is hereby created the family and children trust
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 in the family and children investment
fund. The secretary of social and
2 rehabilitation services shall
administer this the family and children
3 account.
4 (2) Moneys
credited to the family and children trust account shall be
5 used for the following purposes: (A)
Matching federal moneys to purchase
6 services relating to community-based
programs for the broad range of
7 child abuse and neglect prevention
activities; (B) providing start-up or
8 expansion grants for community-based
prevention projects for the broad
9 range of child abuse and neglect
prevention activities; (C) studying and
10 evaluating community-based prevention
projects for the broad range of
11 child abuse and neglect prevention
activities; (D) preparing, publishing,
12 purchasing and disseminating educational
material dealing with the broad
13 range of child abuse and neglect prevention
activities; and (E) payment
14 of the administrative costs of the
family and children trust account and
15 of that portion of the
advisory committee on children and families
16 children's cabinet, established
pursuant to K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 38-1901,
17 and amendments thereto, which are
attributable to the family and chil-
18 dren trust account, and that portion of
the administrative costs of the
19 board of trustees, of the Kansas public
employees retirement system es-
20 tablished by K.S.A. 74-4905, and
amendments thereto, which are attrib-
21 utable to the family and children
endowment account of the family and
22 children investment fund. No moneys
in the family and children trust
23 account shall be used for the purpose of
providing services for the vol-
24 untary termination of pregnancy.
25 (3) Expenditures
from the family and children trust account shall be
26 subject to the approval of the
advisory committee on children and families
27 Kansas children's cabinet
established pursuant to K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 38-
28 1901, and amendments thereto. All
expenditures from the family and
29 children trust account shall be made
in accordance with appropriation
30 acts upon warrants of the director of
accounts and reports issued pursuant
31 to vouchers approved by the secretary of
social and rehabilitation services
32 or a person designated by the
33 (d)
(1) There is hereby created the permanent families account
34 the family and children investment fund.
The judicial administrator of
35 the courts shall administer this
36 (2) Moneys
credited to the permanent families account shall be used
37 for the following purposes: (A) Not more
than 12% of the amount cred-
38 ited to the permanent families
account during the fiscal year may be used
39 to provide technical assistance to district
courts or local groups wanting
40 to establish a local citizen review board
or a court-appointed special ad-
41 vocate program, including but not limited
to such staff as necessary to
42 provide such assistance, and to provide
services necessary for the admin-
43 istration of such board or program,
including but not limited to grants
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 administration, accounting, data
collection, report writing and training of
2 local citizen review board staff; (B)
grants to court-appointed special ad-
3 vocate programs, upon application
approved by the administrative judge
4 of the judicial district where the
program is located; and (C) grants to
5 district courts, upon application of
the administrative judge of the judicial
6 district, for expenses of
establishment, operation and evaluation of local
7 citizen review boards in the judicial
district, including costs of: (i) Em-
8 ploying local citizen review board
coordinators and clerical staff; (ii) tel-
9 ephone, photocopying and office
equipment and supplies for which there
10 are shown to be no local funds available;
(iii) mileage of staff and board
11 members; and (iv) training staff and board
12 (3) In addition
to the other duties and powers provided by law, in
13 administering the permanent families
account, the judicial administrator
14 shall:
15 (A) Accept and
receive grants, loans, gifts or donations from any pub-
16 lic or private entity in support of
programs administered by the judicial
17 administrator and assist in the development
of supplemental funding
18 sources for local and state programs;
19 (B) consider
applications for and make such grants from the perma-
20 nent families account as authorized by law;
21 (C) receive
reports from local citizen review boards established pur-
22 suant to K.S.A. 38-1812, and amendments
thereto, regarding the status
23 of children under the supervision of the
district courts and regarding
24 systemic barriers to permanence for
children, assure that appropriate data
25 is maintained regularly and compiled at
least once a year by such boards
26 on all cases reviewed and assure that the
effectiveness of such boards is
27 evaluated on an ongoing basis, using, where
possible, random selection
28 of local citizen review boards and cases
for the evaluation and including
29 client outcome data to determine
30 (4) All
expenditures from the permanent families account shall
31 made in accordance with appropriation acts
upon warrants of the director
32 of accounts and reports issued pursuant to
vouchers approved by the
33 judicial administrator or a person
designated by the judicial administrator.
34 (e) The family
and children endowment account of the family and
35 children investment fund shall
constitute and shall be administered as an
36 endowment for the purposes for which
expenditures may be made from
37 the family and children trust account of
the family and children invest-
38 ment fund. The family and children
endowment account of the family and
39 children investment fund shall be
invested by the board of trustees of the
40 Kansas public employees retirement
system established by K.S.A. 74-4905,
41 and amendments thereto. All interest or
other income of the investments
42 of the moneys in the family and children
trust account of the family and
43 children investment fund, after payment
of any management and admin-
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 istrative fees, shall be
considered income of the family and children trust
2 account of the family and children
investment fund and shall be deposited
3 in the state treasury to the
credit of the family and children trust account
4 of the family and children
investment fund.
(f) On or before the 10th of each month, the director of
accounts and
6 reports shall transfer from the state
general fund to the family and chil-
7 dren investment fund interest
earnings based on:
8 (1) The
average daily balance of moneys in the family and children
9 investment fund for the preceding
month, excluding all amounts credited
10 to the family and children endowment
account of the family and children
11 investment fund; and
12 (2) the net
earnings rate of the pooled money investment portfolio
13 for the preceding month.
14 Sec.
8. K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 38-1901 is hereby amended to read as
15 follows: 38-1901. On and after July
1, 1997 the effective date of this act:
16 (a) The advisory
committee on children and families is hereby
17 redesignated and shall be known and
referred to as the Kansas children's
18 cabinet.
19 (b) The
advisory committee on children and families
Kansas chil-
20 dren's cabinet shall consist of
nine 15 members as follows: (1) The
21 retary of health and environment, or the
secretary's designee; (2) the
22 secretary of social and rehabilitation
services, or the secretary's designee;
23 (3) the secretary of human
resources a member of the state board of
24 regents selected by the state board of
regents, or such member's designee;
25 (4) the commissioner of education, or
the commissioner's designee; (5)
26 the commissioner of juvenile justice, or
the commissioner's designee; (6)
27 a member of the Kansas supreme court
selected by the Kansas supreme
28 court, or such member's designee;
and (7) three five members
of the
29 public who are interested in and
knowledgeable about the needs of chil-
30 dren and families shall be appointed by the
governor, except that the
31 members appointed by the governor
to the advisory committee on chil-
32 dren and families created by
executive order 97-1 on January 9, 1997,
33 shall be deemed members appointed
by the governor of the advisory
34 committee on children and families
established by this section which,
35 subject to the provisions of subsection
(e), may include persons who are
36 children's advocates, members of
organizations with experience in pro-
37 grams that benefit children or other
individuals who have experience with
38 children's programs and services;
(7) [(8)] one
person appointed by the
39 speaker of the house of
representatives; (8)
[(9)] one person appointed
40 by the minority leader of the house of
representatives; (9)
[(10)] one
41 person appointed by the president of the
senate; and (10)
[(11)] one
42 person appointed by the minority leader
of the senate. The members des-
43 ignated by clauses (1), (2), (3), (4),
(5) and (6) of this subsection shall be
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 nonvoting members of the Kansas
children's cabinet. All other members
2 shall be voting members.
3 (c)
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this
subsection, the
4 members of the advisory
committee on children and families Kansas chil-
5 dren's cabinet appointed by
the governor, speaker, president and minority
6 leaders shall serve at
the pleasure of the governor for terms of four
7 and until their successors are
appointed and qualified. The governor shall
8 appoint a chairperson of the
committee and from among the members
9 appointed by the governor. The
chairperson shall serve in such office
10 throughout such member's current term of
office and until a successor is
11 appointed and qualified. The members
of the committee Kansas chil-
12 dren's cabinet may elect any
additional officers from among its members
13 necessary to carry out the duties and
functions of the committee Kansas
14 children's cabinet.
15 (2) Of the
members first appointed by the governor, two shall be
16 appointed for terms of two years, two
shall be appointed for terms of three
17 years and the member selected by the
governor to be the chairperson shall
18 be appointed for a term of four years.
The member first appointed by the
19 speaker of the house of representatives
shall be appointed for a term of
20 one year, the member first appointed by
the minority leader of the house
21 of representatives shall be appointed
for a term of two years, the member
22 first appointed by the president of the
senate shall be appointed for a term
23 of three years and the member first
appointed by the minority leader of
24 the senate shall be appointed for a term
of four years. The governor shall
25 designate the term for which each of the
members first appointed by the
26 governor shall serve.
27 (3) All
members appointed to fill vacancies in the membership of
28 Kansas children's cabinet and all
members appointed to succeed members
29 appointed to membership on the Kansas
children's cabinet shall be ap-
30 pointed in like manner as that provided
for the original appointment of
31 the member succeeded. All members
appointed to fill vacancies of a mem-
32 ber of the Kansas children's cabinet
appointed by the governor, the
33 speaker of the house of representatives,
the minority leader of the house
34 of representatives, the president of the
senate or the minority leader of
35 the senate shall be appointed to fill
the unexpired term of such member.
36 (d) Not more
than three members of the Kansas children's cabinet
37 appointed by the governor under
subsection (b)(7) shall be members of
38 the same political party.
No member of the Kansas children's cabinet
39 be a member of the Kansas
40 (e)
(1) No person shall serve on the Kansas children's cabinet if
41 person has knowingly acquired a
substantial interest in any business. Any
42 such person who knowingly acquires such
an interest shall vacate such
43 member's position on the Kansas
children's cabinet.
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 (2) For
purposes of this subsection, "substantial interest" means
2 of the following:
3 (A) If
an individual or an individual's spouse, either individually
4 collectively, has owned within the
preceding 12 months a legal or equi-
5 table interest exceeding $5,000 or
5% of any business, whichever is less,
6 the individual has a substantial
interest in that business.
7 (B) If
an individual or an individual's spouse, either individually
8 collectively, has received during
the preceding calendar year compensa-
9 tion which is or will be required
to be included as taxable income on
10 federal income tax returns of the
individual and spouse in an aggregate
11 amount of $2,000 from any business or
combination of businesses, the
12 individual has a substantial interest in
that business or combination of
13 businesses.
14 (C) If an
individual or an individual's spouse holds the position of
15 officer, director, associate, partner or
proprietor of any business, the in-
16 dividual has a substantial interest in
that business, irrespective of that
17 amount of compensation received by the
individual or the individual's
18 spouse.
19 (D) If an
individual or an individual's spouse receives compensation
20 which is a portion or percentage of each
separate fee or commission paid
21 to a business or combination of
businesses, the individual has a substantial
22 interest in any client or customer who
pays fees or commissions to the
23 business or combination of businesses
from which fees or commissions the
24 individual or the individual's spouse,
either individually or collectively,
25 received an aggregate of $2,000 or more
in the preceding calendar year.
26 (3) As used in
this subsection, "client or customer" means a business
27 or combination of businesses.
28 (4) As used in
this subsection, "business" means any entity which is
29 eligible to receive funds from the
children's initiatives fund, as provided
30 in section 2 and amendments thereto,
from the children's initiatives ac-
31 countability fund, established by
section 3 and amendments thereto, or
32 from the family and children trust
account of the family and children
33 investment fund, as provided in K.S.A.
38-1808 and amendments thereto.
34 (d)
(f) The advisory committee on children and
families Kansas chil-
35 dren's cabinet shall meet upon the
call of the chairperson as necessary to
36 carry out the duties and functions of the
committee Kansas children's
37 cabinet. A quorum of the Kansas
children's cabinet shall be five voting
38 members.
39 (e)
(g) The advisory committee on children and
families Kansas chil-
40 dren's cabinet shall have and
perform the following functions:
41 (1) Assist the
governor in developing and implementing a coordi-
42 nated, comprehensive service delivery
system to serve the children and
43 families of Kansas;
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
(2) identify barriers to service and gaps in service due to
strict defi-
2 nitions of boundaries between
departments and agencies;
(3) facilitate interagency and interdepartmental cooperation
4 the common goal of serving children
and families;
(4) investigate and identify methodologies for the combining
of funds
6 across departmental boundaries to
better serve children and families;
7 (5) propose
actions needed to achieve coordination of funding and
8 services across departmental lines;
(6) encourage and facilitate joint planning and coordination
10 the public and private sectors to better
serve the needs of children and
11 families; and
12 (7) perform
the duties and functions prescribed by section 3, and
13 amendments thereto.
14 (f)
(h) Members of the advisory committee on
children and families
15 Kansas children's cabinet shall not
be paid compensation, but shall receive
16 subsistence allowances, mileage and other
expenses as provided by K.S.A.
17 75-3223, and amendments thereto. The
subsistence allowances, mileage
18 and other expenses as provided in K.S.A.
75-3223 and amendments
19 thereto shall be paid from available
appropriations of the department of
20 social and rehabilitation services except
that expenses of members who
21 are employed by a state agency shall be
reimbursed by that state agency.
22 (i) On the
effective date of this act, the advisory committee on
23 and families is hereby abolished and all
powers, duties, functions, records
24 and other property of the advisory
committee on children and families
25 are hereby transferred to the Kansas
children's cabinet created by this
26 section. Except as otherwise
specifically provided by this act, the Kansas
27 children's cabinet shall be a
continuation of the advisory committee on
28 children and families as it existed
prior to the effective date of this act.
29 Sec.
9. K.S.A. 75-7021 is hereby amended to read as follows:
30 7021. (a) There is hereby created in the
state treasury the Kansas endow-
31 ment for youth juvenile
delinquency prevention trust fund. Money cred-
32 ited to the Kansas juvenile delinquency
prevention trust fund pursuant to
33 K.S.A. 20-367 and amendments thereto or by
any other lawful means
34 shall be used solely for the purpose of
making grants to further the pur-
35 pose of juvenile justice reform, including
rational prevention programs
36 and programs for treatment and
rehabilitation of juveniles and to further
37 the partnership between state and local
communities. Such treatment and
38 rehabilitation programs should aim to
combine accountability and sanc-
39 tions with increasingly intensive treatment
and rehabilitation services with
40 an aim to provide greater public safety and
provide intervention that will
41 be uniform and consistent.
42 (b) All
expenditures from the Kansas endowment for youth
43 delinquency prevention trust fund
shall be made in accordance with ap-
S Sub. for HB 2558--Am. by S on FA
1 propriations acts upon warrants of
the director of accounts and reports
2 issued pursuant to vouchers approved
by the commissioner of juvenile
3 justice or by a person or persons
designated by the commissioner.
4 (c) The
commissioner of juvenile justice may apply for, receive and
5 accept money from any source for the
purposes for which money in the
6 Kansas endowment for
youth juvenile delinquency prevention trust
7 may be expended. Upon receipt of any
such money, the commissioner
8 shall remit the entire amount at
least monthly to the state treasurer, who
9 shall deposit it in the state
treasury and credit it to the Kansas endowment
10 for youth juvenile
delinquency prevention trust fund.
11 (d) Grants made
to programs pursuant to this section shall be based
12 on the number of persons to be served and
such other requirements as
13 may be established by the Kansas youth
authority in guidelines estab-
14 lished and promulgated to regulate grants
made under authority of this
15 section. The guidelines may include
requirements for grant applications,
16 organizational characteristics, reporting
and auditing criteria and such
17 other standards for eligibility and
accountability as are deemed advisable
18 by the Kansas youth authority.
19 (e) On or before
the 10th of each month, the director of accounts
20 and reports shall transfer from the state
general fund to the Kansas en-
21 dowment for youth
juvenile delinquency prevention trust fund interest
22 earnings based on:
23 (1) The average
daily balance of moneys in the Kansas
24 for youth juvenile
delinquency prevention trust fund for the preceding
25 month; and
26 (2) the net
earnings rate of the pooled money investment portfolio
27 for the preceding month.
28 (f) On and
after the effective date of this act, the Kansas endowment
29 for youth trust fund created by this
section prior to amendment by this
30 act is hereby redesignated as the Kansas
juvenile delinquency prevention
31 trust fund. On and after the effective
date of this act, whenever the Kansas
32 endowment for youth trust fund created
by this section prior to amend-
33 ment by this act, or words of like
effect, is referred to or designated by a
34 statute, contract or other document such
reference or designation shall be
35 deemed to apply to the Kansas juvenile
delinquency prevention trust fund.
36 Sec. 10. K.S.A. 75-7021 and
K.S.A. 1998 Supp. 20-367, 38-1808, 38-
37 1901 and 38-2008 are hereby repealed.
38 Sec. 11. This act shall
take effect and be in force from and after its
39 publication in the statute book.